What are your biggest pet peeves?



  • I love to talk... Ut if I have to "pull teeth" to carry on a conversation? Oh ufda.... Pisses the living **** out of me!

    Maybe those people love to listen :)
  • I cant stand it when you tell a joke and everyone is joking then theres always that one person who says louder than anyone else, "You are funny". NO CRAP! EVERYONE IS LAUGHING!
    Also, as a student growing up teachers would erase off the chalkboard stuff they wrote but would forget just a little lil something....it would drive me crazy...almost make me itch.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    People who won't help themselves first before demanding everyone else help them. See them daily on MFP, unfortunately.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Kind of a silly one, but when cabinet doors are left open, it drives me crazy!
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    People who use the starving children in Africa fallacy. Ie: "You think you have problems? What about the starving African children!? THEY have problems."

    Yes, they do have problems. Yes, their problems are far greater than mine. No, that does not fix my problem. No, it doesn't mean that my problem is not a "legit" problem simply because someone has it worse.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    narrow-minded people. making chewing noises as well
  • AlliecoreXX
    AlliecoreXX Posts: 78 Member
    In the dating world....men who say, "I'm not like other guys. I'm different." Uhhhhh thanks, you just lost your shot dude. Why not spend some time just being who you ARE, instead of trying to convince me of who you AREN'T. On the other hand, maybe insecurity is my biggest pet peeve.
  • Mscastillo85
    Mscastillo85 Posts: 66 Member
    *I can't stand one uppers! Ugh they are the
    *Parents who don't watch their kids & let them do whatever they want with no consequences.
    *People who say yes or yeah after every other word you say when you're talking or explaining something.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    It's a toss-up between people who mess up there homonyms or that 4/3's of the population don't use fractions correctly.

    eye sea what ewe did they're.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    when people indirectly ask me what my pet peeve is... >.<
  • rwhawkes
    rwhawkes Posts: 117 Member
    1) People who drive in the passing lane.
    2) Bad punctuation, improper capitalization, multiple exclamation / question marks, improper use of homonyms / apostrophe

    Not so much a pet peeve but SMH:
    a) People who use heavy weights (esp bicep) and use arm as a pendulum to lift it (bad form)
    b) People who put treadmill on max incline and then hold on for dear life.

    I know the above two are really none of my business, but they tend to get my attention.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    tailgaters. i slow down when people tailgate me. sometimes they figure it out, sometimes they don't.
  • Colexlovely
    Colexlovely Posts: 133 Member
    Trying to talk to me while Yawning. It is pointless because I can't understand you and you will have to repeat yourself. So you might as well wait till you stop yawning to continue talking.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I don't have pet peeves. I have entire kennels of irritation.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
  • When the toilet paper comes from the bottom and not the top

    When people don't use their blinkers
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I have two:

    1. People who talk on their cellphone/text/have their earbuds in while at the cash register. So rude to the cashier and it always makes them take 10x longer because they aren't paying attention to the person ringing them up.

    2. People who talk while chewing food. Gross, I do not want to see what you are eating! I have a co-worker who does this (and worse she eats a lot of tuna/egg salad type foods) and it drives me batty.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    slang... CANT.STAND.IT .. or too much abbreviations, yeah some are ok when u are using your phone, cause you know, too much to write something , but when u are in a laptop and you have a conventional keyboard its NOT nice.

    I agree with other post, people use your blinkers for God´s sake!!!!!

    People that keep asking stupid stuff when I say I HATE summer and LOVE winter, I always get these
    -are u a vampire?
    -are u depressed?
    -are u an emo?
    gtfo out of my face and just accept the fact that not all the people like summer, period.
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    Double standards
    Willful ignorance
    Closed Mindedness
    Being Lied To
    Game Playing (i.e. mind games)
    Being "One Way"
    Not Listening
    Improper Driving Habits
    Not Cleaning Up After Oneself
    Loud Music (i.e. it rattles the windows in the car next to you or can be heard over the tv)
    Slamming Doors
    Not Doing What One Says One Will Do
    Not Following Your Own Rules
    Expecting Everyone Else to Follow Your Rules When You Don’t
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    When people my age or younger call me "hun".