What are your biggest pet peeves?



  • Nwalters113
    When people my age or younger call me "hun".

    When someone who is just shy of my age calls me ma'am. I'm 25 for God's sakes, don't ma'am me.
  • Natadance11
    I love this subject :P

    Here are a few of mine:

    1) When people are extremely judgemental :/

    2) When people constantly say they have it better than someone else...in any situation.
    Like c'mon, we are all people, with different experiences and journeys, be a little more sensitive and not a conceited freak.

    3) When people slap, poke, or even pretend to do something with my butt. Like I understand for guys its a must, but it irritates me soooo badly, i dont even know why.

    4) When I really want to talk to someone and get to know them but they are kinda shy so you have these little *what's up* conversations and thats it.

    Enjoy :p
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    People that dont have table manners.....I wanna slap the *kitten* out of them
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    When people my age or younger call me "hun".

    When someone who is just shy of my age calls me ma'am. I'm 25 for God's sakes, don't ma'am me.

    Yes, ma'am!!

  • Nwalters113
    When people my age or younger call me "hun".

    When someone who is just shy of my age calls me ma'am. I'm 25 for God's sakes, don't ma'am me.

    Yes, ma'am!!


    I will find you...
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    Kind of a silly one, but when cabinet doors are left open, it drives me crazy!

    This^^^^ drives me up the wall. Also people who also say "Whatchamacallit" WTH. Just tell me what you call it for crying out loud!!!
  • smwright20
    smwright20 Posts: 18 Member
    People who chew with their mouths open, and people who interrupt me when I'm talking!!

    OMG!!! That annoys the crap out of me.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    My biggest couple are as follows:

    Dont chew ****ing gum and make the sound of a cow at a feeding bucket! WTF?! I dont make that sound with my gum! How big are your teeth that they make that CHOMP SLURP CHOMP SLURP CHOMP SLURP.....

    Next, if I hold out my hand for money because you are buying something please for the love of god dont stick it on the counter in front of my hand. If it wasnt a childrens store i'd throw your change at you.

    Next, in the middle of summer when your 300lb self comes into my work, dont pull your sweaty *kitten* smelling money out of your boobs. Thats nasty! I dont want your nasty boob money!

    Final one, please stop naming your children ****ed up names. Denim? Really? Asia? Malaysia? Those are countries! Go for something like Sade or harris or Billy (boys and girls) or Susan! T-a? C-mon! there should be a person sitting in the room while you name your child saying "Nope! Guess again!"

    ^^ All of these!
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Glitched trophies
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I hate everyone equally
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    People who talk about others, stab you in the back and then lie when confronted about it:explode:
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Ice chewers
  • Nwalters113
    Ice chewers

    This! And stubbing my toe.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    My biggest couple are as follows:

    Dont chew ****ing gum and make the sound of a cow at a feeding bucket! WTF?! I dont make that sound with my gum! How big are your teeth that they make that CHOMP SLURP CHOMP SLURP CHOMP SLURP.....

    Next, if I hold out my hand for money because you are buying something please for the love of god dont stick it on the counter in front of my hand. If it wasnt a childrens store i'd throw your change at you.

    Next, in the middle of summer when your 300lb self comes into my work, dont pull your sweaty *kitten* smelling money out of your boobs. Thats nasty! I dont want your nasty boob money!

    Final one, please stop naming your children ****ed up names. Denim? Really? Asia? Malaysia? Those are countries! Go for something like Sade or harris or Billy (boys and girls) or Susan! T-a? C-mon! there should be a person sitting in the room while you name your child saying "Nope! Guess again!"

    lmao! yours are hilarious!! And Um, I agree with the boob money..gross.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    Nothing makes me more angry than when people tell me I'm wrong when I KNOW I'm right! I am the type of person who will admit when I'm wrong... I'm ok with it, I know I don't know everything. But don't tell me I'm wrong when I absolutely know 100% that I'm right!! Bah.

    I dislike when people brush their teeth near me. The sound gives me goosies and grosses me out.

    Slow drivers who don't know how to drive the speed limit. Drivers who don't use blinkers. Drivers who cut me off. Ok, other drivers...period. Ugh! I have major road rage! Lol

    Skinny girls who KNOW they're skinny and complain that they're fat just for attention (NOT talking about people who have mental/health issue and legit think they're fat.. you KNOW when someone is looking for attention).

    People who complain about how broke they are but blow their money on useless crap.

    People who don't know how to use the self checkout yet choose to go through it with 2 weeks worth of groceries anyway.

  • currierand
    currierand Posts: 155 Member
    Biggest Pet Peeve? Dogs in Sweaters.
  • foodcallsme
    Lol, here are my pet peeves:

    1. People who don't listen and then ask me to repeat myself... lol

    2. People who put their feet up on my couch

    3. Strangers who call me "hon", "baby", "sweetheart", "shortie" or "dear" like I'm their girlfriend or they treat me like I'm their child - just because I look young or they're trying to be cute. (Omg, I once had a boss who thought it was ok to call me, "little one" ... Oh hell no, I put that lady in her place real quick, lol.)

    4. If you finish the toilet paper then replace it with a fresh roll... lol

    5. People who butcher my name (as in they pronouce it wrong after years of working with me and (or) knowing me). It's pronouced "Juliann" not Julian (as in the boy version of the name, lol). I've corrected them so many times, hahaha.

    6. People who like to kiss "Hello" and I don't really know them like that, lol. They always catch me off guard, lol.

    7. Liars or people who stretch the truth, lol. I always call them "story boxes" because they always have a story to tell that probably isn't true, hahaha.

    8. People who spell my nickname, "Julie" like the month "July..." Seriously, my grandmother still does this, hahaha....It's pretty funny!

    9. People who show up at my house - unannounced.

    10. People who ask for something to drink and then, they don't finish it...Such a waste. Lol.

    ...The list is endless, lol. I could go on and on but, I'll spare you, lol.
  • robin4u
    robin4u Posts: 16 Member
    lol, i know this is a weight loss site BUT I HATE when someone grabs food off of my plate, If you wanted some you should have gotten your own!!
  • miketheman79
    I would say my biggest pet peeve is when people ware pj to the store