what do you do when...



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Are you skipping the burger because it didn't "fit" today or because you think it's an unhealthy(bad) option? I sometimes don't eat what I'm craving the day it hits, because it was a day I didn't get enough activity to have that choice. Then the next time I have the extra calories available and plan better, I do have it. If I want it, and I'm craving it I will usually have it the next day if I can work it into my plan..Today for example, I got plenty of activity so I have calories available for a treat. Burger King's seasonal offering is Gingerbread sundaes and shakes. I have the room to have a small one later tonight, and I probably will. I couldn't have it yesterday or the day before, but today I can.

    honestly I am trying to cut down on sodium so trying to avoid things with salt. I put on a lot of water weight over the last few days and trying to get rid of it

    right... but if you don't add any extra salt to the ingredients, you can avoid it. and you can even enter the ingredients in the meals portion of MFP, and it'll give you more accurate macros of your meal.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    good for you, I had a grilled chicken sandwich wrapped in lettuce today no mayo and it was yummy.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Since you're talking about a home cooked burger, make a half sized one and still have the salad. Calories, sodium and all that are kept reasonable. You get the taste of the burger but the nutrients and healthy, stomach filling bulk of the salad. It's a compromise, but lets you enjoy what you want.
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    Are you skipping the burger because it didn't "fit" today or because you think it's an unhealthy(bad) option? I sometimes don't eat what I'm craving the day it hits, because it was a day I didn't get enough activity to have that choice. Then the next time I have the extra calories available and plan better, I do have it. If I want it, and I'm craving it I will usually have it the next day if I can work it into my plan..Today for example, I got plenty of activity so I have calories available for a treat. Burger King's seasonal offering is Gingerbread sundaes and shakes. I have the room to have a small one later tonight, and I probably will. I couldn't have it yesterday or the day before, but today I can.

    honestly I am trying to cut down on sodium so trying to avoid things with salt. I put on a lot of water weight over the last few days and trying to get rid of it

    That's sensible, the burger would probably be OK without the cheese, but cheese has considerable sodium, and I want cheese on my burger. Eat plenty of potassium rich foods for a few days and up your water intake a bit. The water weight will come off, then have that burger.:tongue:
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    Lean ground beef thin patty, thin sliced colby jack cheese (sargento), Orowheat crustini sandwich rolls, grilled onions, 3 slices tomato, lettuce, avocado slice, with catsup and mustard or BBQ sauce, oh, and BBQ pop chips for a total diet meal :) You can always use a half bun and top with a lettuce leaf and it tastes just as good. Your salad is also delicious if you can't fit the burger into your daily calories, but I love a good cheeseburger.
  • 9JANE
    9JANE Posts: 21 Member
    You can have a cheeseburger just don't eat one every day if you stop having the foods you love then you won't stick with the plan you have chosen aand you will be defeated but if you allow yourself a treat every now and then you are most likely to succeed with your chosen plan. I have lost 85 lbs. and on the weekends I will have something that is really bad and not on my regular food plan.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Just have the dang burger if you want it. Plan for it into your day. Depriving yourself is not the way to live your life.
  • nbeth901
    nbeth901 Posts: 35 Member
    Eat the burger!!!

    There I said it.

    I can not lie...
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    HAVE A BURGER! It won't kill you... especially one you make yourself.
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    What you are really asking is do I always have to make the healthy choice in the new lifestyle you are changing to. The answer is that you already are - you aren't going to drive down to mc greasy and order one, you are going to make it yourself. That being said, sticking with lean meats and low fat/low sodium cheeses makes loads of HEALTHY sense. Roll wise you have gotten lots of good ideas.
    For every food you want, with maybe the exception being Twinkies - which aren't even a real food, there is usually a healthy alternative. Many of which are on this site. Yesterday I made a recipe for General Tsao's Chinese chicken - which was about a third of the calories of what you would get from your local chinese take out. And the recipe is on this site!
    My personal opinion is that if you deny yourself the foods you like you will binge, or things won't be as much fun. Allow yourself the tastes you crave - just keep them healthy - investigate the alternatives - they are available! Good Luck!
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,082 Member
    If you can get a turkey burger "starter" (like from william sonoma) and mix it with lean turkey meat, it is really good! Sometimes I will wrap it in lettuce leaves with a bit of cheese, mustard, onion and it eat like a taco. No bread.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    What do I do ?

    I eat the burger ...... no roll ...... a little bit of cheese ...... and a salad as well :drinker:
  • berntom71
    berntom71 Posts: 6 Member
    i would go for the burger.of course i cant eat green vegies so that takes care of the salad option.i have made salads with things like onions green and red peppers peeled cukes and salad dressing
  • victorious27
    victorious27 Posts: 250 Member
    I just eat the burger, lol.

    I'm not a fan of salads. :)