I am so horribly embarrassed!



  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Sadly, the roller coaster story is one of the most common ones I've seen on this site. I didn't know larger people other than me even rode roller coasters until I came here, because I never see bigger people on them. Now I know why.

    It's a good AHA moment... just follow the plan and you'll be riding in no time!
  • biscuitwelsh
    biscuitwelsh Posts: 86 Member
    Yep-- for me it was not fitting in a roller coaster. I know how bad that feels and I don't wish it on anyone.

    The important question to ask yourself is: are you going to do something about it, or are you going to give in to it?
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    been there done that... but it felt so great when i could once again ride a roller coaster this summer.

    set yourself a goal say by xxx date i will be able to take my daughter on that ride...

    This. Hugs.
  • DixieStarr76
    Then you must live right by me! Honey, don't worry. This time next year, we will be FABULOUS! Take the way you felt and turn it into motivation for those moments when you feel weak. Feel free to message me any time..

    We CAN do this!!
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    Been there. When my husband and I were dating, we were at the Colorado River in Havasu and wanted to rent some mini jet boats. I wasn't even that big yet and they guy wouldn't rent to us because he said I was too big. I was probably about 195. I eventually got up to 285. I couldn't sit in a booth at restaurants because the edge of the table pressed into my stomach and my boobs were in my plate. We always had to ask for a table. I couldn't lower the tray table on an airplane. It only came 1/3 of the way down and the seatbelt was excruciating. I wouldn't even attempt an amusement park ride. About 10 years ago, my back spasmed in K-Mart and I went down and couldn't get up. They had to bring me one of the motorized carts and I had to climb on to get to my mom's car so she could take me home. She left me on my couch and I had to crawl down the hall to the bathroom. I got stuck on the bathroom floor and that's where my husband and daughter found me. They couldn't get me up. They had to call the paramedics, who couldn't get me up either. They shot me up with morphine and finally were able to get me on a stretcher. It was the spasm from Hell, brought on by the weight of my stomach when I leaned over, causing my low back to tighten to counter balance the weight. After 8 days on the couch in agony, I was finally able to walk again. I decided once I could walk normally again, that was never going to happen to me again. I started exercising and watching my diet and never looked back. Now I bicycle long distances, run 5Ks, hike, ballroom dance, race my 5 year old grandson home from school every day, and am the example of fitness for my entire family. I've gotten my grandchildren and great nieces (all ages 5 and under) into running. We have a 5K this weekend. The littles ones are doing a junior half mile. But I digress.....Now, while the hurt is fresh, is the time to take a good look at your life and decide what you want from it and who you want to be. You CAN make changes. And the younger you do it, the easier it is. I wish I had started much much sooner. But you have to be ready to commit and I just wasn't ready before then, even though many times I thought I was. YOU CAN DO IT.
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    Thank you everybody for the kind words. I'm feeling a bit better today. This will never happen to me again because I will lose this weight. I know it's going to take hard work but I feel up to the task. Thanks again. :)