SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo Jan. 25, 2010

Good morning, SBFers! I made it to my spin class this morning and had my Jenny Craig breakfast. Today I will eat my Jenny Craig food and drink more water. Tomorrow morning is the fitness room at the gym - weights, elliptical, etc. I hope you all have a great day!



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning! Today is either weights or an evening bikram class.

    I also have to make a slog up to campus through the cold, cold rain. My money errand last Friday couldn't get completed because the offices were closed by the time I finished my first errand.

    financial red tape boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    oh, hey, bobbie, I don't know if you saw, but we do a weekly post now. Makes it easier to find the thread.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning,
    One of my goals was to start over on the 30 Day Shred today but I don't know if I am going to be able to do it. I am dizzy and have a cold or sinus infection, again or still. I also have to go to the store, unpack, clean and do laundry. I just want to lay around and do nothing. Getting some good rest at night is helping with getting through the day though. May take a nap later if needed.
    Got all my stuff posted on FB, so make sure you check it out. I know we don't all have the same beliefs but I encourage you to read my notes so you can see how everything is coming together. :smile:
    I wish I had better prepared food before my trip so I wouldn't have to go to the store today. I just want to stay home. At least it's warmer and the sun is out. That helps. I'll be thinking about you today V as you slosh through the cold rain. :flowerforyou:
    Bobbie, if I didn't say it in my post last night, it is good to see you again. :happy:
    Catching up boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    quote from V -"So I don't have to tuck my tailbone, Mary? That's the best news I've heard in forever. I have a, well, highly angled booty and I've always worried that it sticks out too much, that the base of my spine is curved excessively. For example, in tree pose, I spend all my energy trying to bring my tailbone under so that I have a completely straight spine. Am I understanding that I can relax that? Because, that would be great. "

    Yes. Stop tucking. Your spine isn't naturally straight, don't force it. You should have seen all the flat bottoms in that teacher training. 30 degrees is the angle of the sacrum. - This advice is for standing poses or other poses, where your spine is neutral. Forward bends and back bends, then back rounds or bends. Oh, and if the teacher comes by and tells you to tuck, say "oh, I'm trying this out and seeing how my body feels." If you don't believe it, check out "Light on Yoga" - look at his sacrum angle, not tucked under.

    I did something radical yesterday. I only got on the computer once. It was so hard. But you know what? I didn't miss anything. I kept thinking: oh, I need to check ____. You know what happened when I didn't go check on it? Nothing. So, for the next month, I'm going to only get on the computer a maximum of two times a day.

    So today - more walking and yoga. I didn't get my walk in yesterday (even with not getting on the computer). I'm taking it easy this week because the allergens are so high.

    Stick out that booty, boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi Bobbie! Nice to see you around - and thanks for starting the thread for the week.
    Welcome back, MM and Mary. I have a tendency to stick out my booty in belly dance class - the traditional posture is more tucked unless you're doing specific moves. Oh well.

    I think I should probably start limiting my computer time, too - it's sort of like food for me, I think. A way to veg out, or procrastinate, or just distract myself from what I should be doing/thinking/focusing on. Then again, "should" isn't exactly the way I want to think about it - more like "what I really want to". I don't know - it's hard. I am actually trying to start using more tools on the computer, though - like my calendar, notebook, to-do lists, etc. - so I would have to think about how often and how long it is reasonable for me to be on the computer.

    I did do my pushups over the weekend, and went for a walk with my husband while it was sunny. Tonight is belly dance, and maybe pushups (I'm debating whether I like a MWF schedule or TThS schedule better - I like having the weekend off, and having time to make it up if I miss a day, but I find that I usually forget to do them on Fridays, because I work all day and go straight into weekend mode). Still anxious.

    Keep on keeping on, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Just checking in to say that my house is a mess, but I'm going to do the Shred anyway. Right now. If I have energy leftover then I'll clean my house. :tongue: I didn't get a chance to work out in Russia so I feel like I am spreading from all the sitting. I need to move. Hope I make it through the work out!
    Pushing through boogaloo!
  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Headng off to bed but thought I'd share that this evening I REALLY, REALLY didn't want to exercise... I'm tired! I 'made' myself do my scheduled Wii Ea Active Sports workout though & although I'm still tired, I feel accomplished. Now I can go to bed & hopefully sleep soundly knowing I didn't leave it undone.

    Nighty, night boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Good morning, Boogaloo! So good to be back! Great to see all of you, too! I have my yearly doctor's appointment this morning. My weight will be up from last year, but at least I've got it headed back down. It has been quite a year. Lost one career as a prosecutor and went right ino another in private practice. I was very fortunate. Turns out most of the people in my former office are not very happy. I also have come to realize that I didn't get released from MY office; I got released from the new office. Still not sure why there wasn't room for me with the new administration, but things seem to have worked out for the best.

    Went to the gym this morning. Treadmill, weights, stretching. Spin tomorrow.

    For today: DRINK MORE WATER {less coffee ;) }, stick to my Jenny Craig and calories.

    Have a great day, Boogaloo (I like saying that!) :drinker:

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    Sounds like a lot of us had a "push through" day yesterday. When it was time for Bikram yesterday, all I wanted to do was curl up on the sofa and lick my wounds. The financial junk took about five hours to get resolved, and I had to threaten my bank with moving my accounts before they would accept my perfectly legitimate student loan cheques (they come two-party, but had been signed over to me, and my bank didn't like this). It was maddening, because I live a block away from my bank, and know the people that work there by name, but the manager was essentially still accusing me of an elaborate scam involving the comptroller for a major university as an accomplice. It was hard not to feel victimized by it. Then, after much rigamaroll, the bank finally found a solution which is the exact same one I originally proposed nearly three hours, six phone calls to the university treasurer and two faxes later (take the cheques and hold the funds until they actually clear). I had to put on my assertive pants, and that tires me right out. I did get to utter the words "these cheques are not from a "Nigerian Prince", they're from a major American financial institution", so that was fun.:tongue:

    But, I dug into my non-lazy pocket and went to yoga. Much better for me than curling up on the sofa and pouting.

    Today it's Zumba. I love Zumba.

    Zumba boogaloo!:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Bobbie, Glad you job situation worked out for you!
    V, sorry to hear about the financial mess. Having to put on my assertive pants wears me out too. I'm glad it was resolved for you and you were able to find mojo for a work out.
    Niccole good for you getting your work out in! I hope you slept good!
    I am so ready to be feeling well again. It stinks to be sick for a month. I imagine I will start feeling better over the next couple of days. At least I am beginning to get some energy back and I am sleeping better.
    Today I may try to log my food just to help with self control. I didn't eat really badly yesterday but I ate too much. I assume that's from not eating last week. I got most of the cleaning and laundry done last night. I need to finish up today. We have tumbling class this morning and I may go to the library. Shred day 2 with weights, and I may even try to start getting back into push ups. I've lost some fat so I'd like to start getting toned again.
    Have a great day everyone!
    Self-control and discipline boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    ugh, allergies. Luckily I'm not allergic to most of what my town throws at me - but the cedar (actually red-berried juniper) is awful. To make matters worse, it's beautiful outside - and I want it to rain and get cold (rain knocks it off the trees and the cold makes the heater run more, thus more filtration). So one side of my head is messed up (throat & ear). Felt good in yoga though. I just need to stand on my head every few hours and I'll be fine.

    So, more of the same today - yoga and walking.

    Someday, I might worry about weight loss again.

    Outside is noxious, boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hello all. Bobbie, I had been wondering how things worked out with the new job - glad it's going well. Good job to everyone pushing through yesterday. I pushed through my dance class with the bad teacher (honestly! I am so glad I just have one more week with her :indifferent: ), and did my pushups, too. So, that's something! Tonight is dance class, and maybe some strength training (or even Shred). I ate a chocolate bar today :embarassed: , so I could probably do with a little extra workout.

    Mary, I hope your allergies improve. How's the "computer time" diet going?:wink:

    Focusing on STRONGER, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Weird, stress-y day today. Trying to be as positive as possible, but I'm a bit mopey. Zumba was harder today, I felt pretty low energy going in. It's still way fun, though. I need to get some dance shoes for it, though, as the turns are tricky with my running shoes.

    At least I'm not allergic to the world. At least not currently. I hope you get some rainy relief soon, Mary. It's just the worst when the world is gently poisoning you.
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Good morning, all! Just got back from my morning spin class. Time to jump in a nice, hot shower! I have two appointments at the office today and two new cases out at Juvenile Court this afternoon.

    Goals for today: Spin (check this off!), drink more water, stick to food plan.

    I hope everyone has a good day. Viviakay, I hope your day is less stressful today than yesterday. CP, glad the "bad teacher" will be gone soon! Mary, so sorry about your allergies. I hope you get some relief soon!! MM, I hope you start feeling better, too. It sounds like you have had some adventures since I last checked in. Russia?

    Gotta get going, Boogaloo!

  • kittypuff
    kittypuff Posts: 7 Member
    The gym I have has a kiddie room adn a jsi jitzu studio upstairs it makes it a lot easier to find time to work out ....I only have one 10 year have your hands full ....stick to it ....I am trying to just dwatch my calories and eat healthy...hope to make it a permanent lifestyle change rather than another diet.....hope you do well...kittypuff
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning!
    Mary, I hope you start feeling better soon! My sister and step dad (in SA) are really struggling with allergies too. :frown: Not fun.
    V, hope today goes better for you and you feel more energetic!
    CP, you just rock. :wink:
    Bobbie, good for you getting to your spin class this morning. Yes, we went to Russia last week. We are in the middle of adopting a 6 year old girl from there! We hope to have her home by April!
    Hello kittypuff!
    I am finally starting to feel better today. Or at least I didn't get up and have to blow my nose first thing. It seems to be moving downward to a cough. I'm so ready to be over all this!
    Well it only took three days and I am back up 5 pounds. I am not surprised, but was hoping I wouldn't gain that much. It's just from eating and working out again, so I am going to try not to be discouraged. I'll be frustrated if, by the end of the week, I've gained all 8 back. I've been careful, but I have been really hungry too. It's maddening to think that the only way to lose weight is to not eat! If I can stay where I am at now until the weight starts coming off again then that will be okay. I just don't want to go up any more!
    Today is horseback riding (for Alex), meeting with my friend, making a grocery list, hopefully Shred day 3, and church tonight. I am feeling more motivation and determination to get this weight off now so I need to take advantage of it.
    We're suppose to leave in an hour so I'd better move. Have a great Wednesday!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I just got a call from my new gym, and they are officially open! Hooray! I have an appointment at 1, and I can go get a workout in and get my key. I am excited!

    I appear to be having my first red-tape free day in what feels like weeks, so that's good.

    I'm proud of all of us for pushing through, and making workouts our priority! I feel a bit less cranky today, but I think PMS has set in. The fact that it feels colder than it has and it's grayer is a contributing factor that I'm trying to push through/ignore. I guess if it was sunny all the time, that would be boring.

    Take care boogaloo!:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    It's maddening to think that the only way to lose weight is to not eat!

    :laugh: :laugh:

    So, it wasn't allergies. I have strep and was trying to push through it. I'm at home now and can waste as much time in front of the tv and computer as I like. I even tried to do yoga last night. I did dog pose and though, dang this is tough. Supported bridge was ok though. I mostly was just resting. Then I looked at my throat and took my temp. Now I'm on antibiotics. They had to cancel the two yoga classes I was supposed to teach today, because I couldn't find a sub.

    Right now, I feel like that kid from the commercials - "but it will hurt if I swallow." Don't think I will lose any weight though - it's a rarity when I can't eat. My grandfather used to say, "I can always eat, and I can always sleep." I take after him.

    Finally taking a few rest days, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Boo, Mary (as in the opposite of "yay". . .not as in "I scared you!")

    Feel better.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Or, I could just get my key for my new gym. When they say "open" they mean "still under construction, but desperate to give out keys". But, I can go to spin tomorrow, so that's good!

    Today, I think I'll do my "workout w/ Jackie" weights full body thing. In a while, when my husband is finished practicing/leaves the house (recording session tomorrow + tiny apartment = he wins).

    Le sigh.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Oh man, this day just keeps getting worse. I really just want to go home and start drinking. Maybe I can convince myself to do some DDR first.

    At least it's all work-related horribleness. That's a silver lining, right? :wink:

    P.S. Feel better, Mary.