SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo Jan. 25, 2010



  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    And, no - I promise I'm not a drunk. It's just been a really bad day. :tongue:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Mary, here's an article for you: "When Chocolate and Chakras Collide" -

    I haven't had a chance to read it yet - apparently some people are doing yoga classes that involve food? I also saw that it contained the phrase "yogier than thou," which made me laugh.

    I did some DDR last night, and did my pushups - so then I didn't feel so guilty about the Guinness with dinner, and the mousse dessert that my sweetheart brought me. Today is another day! I hope to make it to Zumba - otherwise maybe running or elliptical.

    Pushing through, boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Good morning! No gym this morning. Decided to sleep in. The State of the Union Address was on, and I stayed up later than usual last night.

    MM: Exciting news about adopting! That is wonderful. I am so happy for you. I also hope you continue to feel better.

    CP: I hope you have a much better day today. Sorry yesterday wasn't great.

    Mary: My 8 year old just had strep. I hope you recover very quickly now that you know it is strep.

    Viviakay: Did you get your keys?

    Let's see, no court today. One appointment in my office this afternoon, so I can spend the time until then getting my desk back under control. I will drink more water, less coffee! Gym in the morning.

    Have a great day!

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning lady pebbs,

    That's awesome you pushed through, CP. . .I'm always glad when I do that, but somedays it's easy to want to let the sofa and (for me) the red wine to win. I promise I'm not a drunk, either.:wink:

    Bobbie, I'm a firm believer that sleeping in sometimes is as valuable as a workout. I like sleep. I just recently read a weight-loss article that touted it as the mystery element in why some people can't lose weight. . .they're sleep deprived.

    Mary, hope the throat is better today. I remember that "it will hurt if I swallow" commercial, as it pops into my head whenever I have a sore throat.

    Aigh. . .I wanted to have something specific to say for all my pebbs. Niccole, I'm so glad you're back, I can use some of your contagious positive thoughts. MM, how's the jet lag? (that seems accurate).

    Yesterday I got my electronic key to my new gym (it's just this little black doo-dad you put on your key chain and you wave it in front of an electronic lock.) I also was warned that if anyone is caught on video letting someone in behind them, they get banned immediately from the gym (this was a security concern I expressed, because the gym won't be staffed 24/7). So, today, I get to go to my first spin class in over a month! Light a candle for me (or at least my rear-end):laugh:

    Happy flappy boogaloo!:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning!
    V, I always want to say something to each pebb too and I feel bad when I can't think of anything. I'm glad you get to go to the new gym today! That sounds exciting! Hope spinning goes well!
    Mary, I hope your throat is feeling better today! Alex had strep a year ago and it turned into scarlet fever. Poor kid. He was really sick. I hope you caught yours early enough so it gets better faster!
    CP, sorry you had a rough day yesterday! I hope today is fantastic!
    Bobbie, good to see you so motivated and devoted and back on the boards!
    Niccole, as always I am glad to see you. You spread a lot of cheer. :happy:

    I am starting to feel better and feeling less jet lagged! I was able to sleep all night and didn't need to put Vick's on for coughing or sniffling! I did do Shred yesterday too. I also found out we still have a rat getting in our kitchen and eating our potatoes. :explode: I thought I plugged the hole but I guess there's another one. I want to move so bad! I love the area, but if we could just bulldoze the house and front yard and start over, that would work!

    Today is grocery shopping (trying new and rare, old recipes this week), cleaning, and Shred day 4. I have only gained 5 pounds back from last week, which was all I wanted to gain and it was about the amount I knew would come back on once I started eating again. So I'm happy with that for now. I'm still in the 140's! Eating has been a bit of a challenge though because I've been so hungry, mostly for carbs.
    You all have a good day!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    "One man’s woo-woo, of course, is another’s deeply held belief system." - from the NYT article CP posted. I would go to that class - food and yoga - oh yeah - sounds like a retreat to me. I would prefer to eat at a table though - soup on the floor sounds weird. I don't drink or eat meat, but that was long before I ever practiced yoga. The yogier than thou people need to shut it. Most people take yoga at a gym, ok?

    I'm better this morning, thanks. Still going to take it easy today, but we have Flaming Idiots tickets tonight. They are comedic jugglers - lots of fun.

    Oh, I was down 3 lbs this morning. That was a fluke. Not something that normally happens to this body - weight fluctuations.

    Hope all is going well for everyone.

    Idiots, boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Well, heck. Today was a bit better, but just a bit. I was at work until 7 (missing Zumba), and the weather is pretty bad so I just came home instead of trying to hit the gym. I actually still have a lot of work left to do, so I don't think a workout is in the cards this evening. Doh. It's probably just as well that I didn't try the treadmill, though - my toes are still a bit beat up. I pledge to go running this weekend, though. A co-worker (the one I sometimes went trail running with) is planning on training for a half-marathon in September, and I am toying with the idea of joining him. It seems like a very tough, but probably achievable goal. I had been thinking of maybe just trying a 10K this year, though, so we'll see. First I need to stop my toes from blistering.

    Mary, glad you're feeling better and liked the article. Have fun at the show. V, hooray that your gym is finally open! MM, sorry about the rats. :frown: But I'm glad you are feeling better. Bobbie, it's nice having you back. Niccole, I know you're busy but I hope you are doing well!

    Reminding myself that it's just work - not the end of the world. :tongue: Still grateful, boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Good morning! Just got back from my spin class. I was going to Atlanta this weekend to visit a friend, but we have had to reschedule for a third time because of the weather. Down here, a "wintery mix" is not good for driving since we really don't know how to drive in wintery stuff. So, I'm staying put! We will try again next month when I won't be puttng myself and others at risk.:noway:
    My husband and I are going to Vegas next Wednesday. The kids are staying with friends. I can't wait. Time alone with hubby is a rarity. :bigsmile:

    I hope everyone has a great day and all are feeling better!:flowerforyou:

    Half school day for kids, Boogaloo.

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs!

    Up bright and early due to weird insomnia. Woke up at 5 am, and couldn't get back to sleep.

    Spinning was sort of hard last night, but got through it. Had to quit looking at my HRM, because I was in a pretty high zone (which worries me) almost the entire time. I'm looking forward to becoming more efficient at spinning again. Also, I am saddle sore like a newbie, which I hate. Teacher was good (which is crucial for me, so I'm very relieved. They seem to be taking their trainer hiring very seriously. I'm told by my trainer and her partner that they've been holding "auditions" for instructors. . .which I think is really cool)

    Today, after teaching, I'm going to try the "arc trainer". (which during my tour I heard as the "aarrrgh trainer", which I think is hilarious.) Have any of you used one? It looks like a cross between an elliptical, a stairstepper and a souped up gazelle. (cybex makes it) The rumour is the calorie burn is very high if you use even a moderate incline, and that it's more ergonomically correct than an elliptical. I'll report back.

    Wishing you all a smoothly running and efficient day with minimal stress (and hoping for one for myself.:wink: )

    aarrrgh trainer boogaloo:flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    p.s. As of yesterday, I exceeded my "workout 25 times this month" goal. 26 and counting. I actually have to talk myself into a day off lately, so I'm on a roll.

    Also, CP: go for it! Why not? I'm trying to figure out a fitness goal to work towards. I think I'm going back to my goal of getting certified to teach spin. Not even necessarily to do it right away, but just to have the cert and know that I did it.
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Viviakay: The arc trainer sounds like a piece of equipment my gym has. I have used it and like it. It does burn a higher number of calories and doesn't seem to put added stress on any joints, etc. Hope you like it!

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning!
    CP, I say go for the half marathon! I know you could do it! :bigsmile:
    Bobbie, sorry your trip was postponed again. Hope next month works out for you!
    V, I don't think I could do the spin class. You mentioned "saddle sore" and my tailbone ached. lol. I broke my tailbone 6 years ago and it still hurts at times (especially when I start losing weight and my padding is gone). But spinning sounds kind of fun. So does the arc trainer. Let us know how it goes!

    We were suppose to go to Bible Study this morning but the wintry mix is here. It may not get icy but we Texans don't know how to drive in it either. Besides I'd rather stay in the warmth!
    Today is spending time with Alex, cleaning (not getting caught up at all), and Shred day 5. I'm not sore doing the shred so I am wondering if I should move up to the next level already. I also need to be careful with my eating. I've been eating healthier but it's stopping that is a problem.
    Pulling out all the stops boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    No one can drive on ice, so better to be safe (unless you have chains or a special vehicle or they salt the roads - none of which occur here). What is so important that it's worth risking your health/life or at the very least your car? We aren't getting the ice here, but I'm always amazed when people say Texans can't drive on ice - dude, I can't walk on ice - I don't think anyone can drive on the stuff.

    I love the arc trainer. I usually don't go more than 30 minutes though.

    Go for the 1/2 marathon, CP - only if your feet are better.

    So, I'm ranting. I'm still not better :grumble: The Idiots were great last night, but I'm exhausted. I might try a slow walk today, we'll see. We are supposed to go out to a nice restaurant with my parents tonight for my birthday, but I don't want to waste good food on a sick palate. I'm waiting until lunch to make my final decision. Oh, and someone volunteered to cover my yoga class today - I'm very grateful.

    Slip, slide, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yep, no one can drive on ice. You can pray and point in a direction, but that's about it. :laugh:

    Argh trainer report: heart rate went up much quicker than on elliptical (I find on the elliptical I really have to work hard at high resistance to get it up).

    Balance point feels weird, and the momentum is harder to keep going. If you stop, it stops. You can shorten/lengthen your stride naturally and it turns from a stairstepper motion to an elliptical motion to a pretty natural feeling running motion.

    Calorie burn in 45 minutes: 684 calories.:noway: Holy moley. More than my spin class last night.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Mary, strep throat is about the worst birthday present ever.

    I agree with saving the dinner for when your palate has recovered. (that always comes back last for me.)

    happy birthday (anyways) boogaloo.:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    I got to sleep in! That was nice! Today I think I am going to start spring cleaning. I am feeling the need to get rid of stuff, even baby stuff. I didn't know it would be four years and I'd still not have a baby in the house. :noway: After M comes home I may not want to have another child right away. We need more room for her because our church is already planning a shower. I know we will be getting lots of stuff! I may even do Shred day 6 today. I did level 2 yesterday. Felt good to be physically up to doing that.
    It's already 9:30 so I'd better get busy.
    Have a great weekend!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hello friends. Happy birthday, Mary - I hope you're feeling better today. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Glad you are doing well again, MM. The "arrrgh trainer" :laugh: sounds tough, V! Ice is bad... though I actually think driving on it (very very slowly!) is a little easier than walking - you just can't brake, or turn. :tongue: Of course, I get a lot of practice, and I drive a stick shift, which helps. And they do salt the roads here, of course, but the salt doesn't work as well when it's under 20 degrees. But I never want to go on the highway in bad weather - even if you can keep control of your own car, you can't get out of the way of someone else if they start sliding. So, yeah, it's better to postpone - hope you can reschedule, Bobbie.

    Believe it or not, yesterday was the worst day of the week yet. They laid off 140 people in my company rather suddenly, including 13 (I think) in my department, and one on my team. So, I'm more grateful than ever to still be employed, I guess - but it was a very bad day. Thanks for the encouragement, everybody - I'll go running tomorrow!

    Recovering today, boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    That's awful CP. I'm glad you're still employed. I would say you could always move here, but Dell just cut 20%. I wish there was no such thing as the stock market. I believe it hurts so many people and companies.

    V- the arc trainer I'm used to is this one:
    is this the one you used? I know there are a couple of different ones.

    Spring cleaning is what I've started too, MM. I love to throw stuff away. You can have tons of memories, but only so much stuff.

    We went to the restaurant after all last night. I was feeling better after my walk and didn't want to reschedule on everyone. It was just ok. The bread was fantastic, the waiter was less than great. Today we are going to dinner with a group of friends and gelato afterward.

    Getting back into yoga today and a short walk.

    Building up slowly, boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    I would say "good morning", but it is already after 1:00! So, "good afternoon" to everyone! I have 4 boys running around my house and yard. I love boys and I love weekends! We are all going to go bowling this afternoon.

    More and more of my clothes are fitting again. I am so excited!:bigsmile: I was planning on hitting the exercise room at Caesar's Palace in Vegas next week, but I went on line and it is $25.00 a day to use it. I am taking my laptop, so maybe I'll just take a pilates DVD to work out to. That would work. I'm also going to stop by Jenny Craig before we leave and get some dry breakfast and lunch items. Not only will that help with my calories, it will also help keep our expenses down.

    CP: So sorry to hear about the layoffs. That is so sad and scary. Whenever I think about my cut in income from last year, I am very grateful to have a job. I actually love my new job and the freedom that came with it, so I'm just considering it a tradeoff.

    Mary: Glad you felt well enough to go to dinner last night. I hope you continue to feel better.

    MM: Good luck with that spring cleaning!

    V: That's an awesome calorie burn. Hope you enjoyed the machine as well.

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:

    Bowling boogaloo!

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Oh no, CP. How scary, and stressful. I hope things even out quickly, but how terrible for anybody to lose their job.

    Mary, I'm glad you're rallying.

    Today is a day off (I resisted the urge to go to a spin class this a.m., telling myself "recovery days are important, too." It's become hard.)

    My husband and I are spending the whole day together (a rare treat!). It will probably involve dinner out.

    Date day, boogaloo.:flowerforyou: