Deflated Fat Rolls



  • hkry3250
    hkry3250 Posts: 140
    There is no such thing as "toning." However, muscle-building exercises, like lifting weights, are always a great idea at any size.
    As far as your skin appearance goes, just keeping it hydrated helps a lot in its appearance. I like True Blue Spa - Bring up the rear firming lotion. Obviously, it does nothing with fat, but it helps with circulation and makes the skin texture more even, in my experience.

    I disagree with there is no such thing as toning. Toning exercises are physical exercises that are used with the aim of developing a physique with a large emphasis on musculature. In this context, the term toned implies leanness in the body (low levels of body fat), noticeable muscle definition and shape, but not significant muscle size ("bulk"). Not sure why this person believes in lotion but says there is no toning. If you start toning now it will definitely help!
    Well, women can't get "bulky" muscles because they have estrogen, NOT testosterone. She's right, however, there is no such thing as toning. To say there is, means you can spot lose fat anywhere, which is certainly not true. THere's a simple equation, for easy, effective wieght loss. Eat like you're losing, lift like you're gaining, and do cardio for your health. If you eat like you're trying to lose weight, and lift like you're trying to bulk up, you'll gain lean muscle, and burn fat at the same time, therefore the two meet in the middle and actually takes less time to get in shape. All the while doing about 30mins of HITT cardio a day. The cardio allows more blood, oxygen and nutrients to get to the muslces allowing for more fat to be released.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    It's a skin elasticity thing. Could take years to shrink, might not fully depending on your skin. One or one thousand crunches will make no difference.
  • callherbeautyxo
    callherbeautyxo Posts: 124 Member
    is it better to get that extra skin removed surgically? or will toning just get rid of it all? i think i'm going to have that problem once i get rid of my belly once and for all. All of my weight was in my thighs and belly. I really hope it doesn't, i think i would have a sexy stomach if it were smaller :( i just don't want to lose all of this weight and still have extra left over skin bleh!
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    Really important to keep up your water intake--18-20 glasses a day.

    Whoa! That's a lot of water for some people. Experts suggest taking half your body weight to give the number (in ounces) what you should consume. For example: A 150 lb person should take in about 75 ounces...or 9 glasses (8 ounce glasses). So, unless someone is 300 lbs, that's too much water. Too much water can be just as hazardous as not enough. That's the only reason I throw all this out there. I've seen people (and myself) get sick from water's kinda scary.
  • Rogue_Minx
    Rogue_Minx Posts: 71 Member
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Whatever you want to call it, my advice from experience would be to start lifting weights or doing body weight exercises now. I got to my goal weight and was very disappointed with how l looked. Imagine busting your butt day in and day out and losing tons of weight... and then not liking what you see in the mirror. I know that everyone is different, but this happened to me and several other people I know. Regarding fat, I had a lot of weird stuff going on there, too. It felt like I had marbles and BB's under my skin. Look up what a fat "woosh" is to help you understand what your body is doing. It's pretty cool, actually. Lastly, keep in mind that your skin is an organ. It will recover eventually, but it needs time. I've read in a few different places that if you maintain your weight without any yo-yo gains/losses, it can take up to ten years for skin to return to a "normal" state. Mine seems to be recovering well. I've also had 3 children, the middle child being a c-section, so I know I need to be patient. Patience is the most important thing in weight loss and shaping our bodies, in my opinion. So often when people don't see results as quickly as they think they should be happening, they give up. Those of us that have lost weight haven't done anything differently, we just never quit.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I think it's best to start building muscle now. Muscle improves your metabolism, leading to better fat loss. You may not be able to see those muscles until you get rid of a significant percentage of the fat, of course, but they will give you better posture and an overall more streamlined appearance.
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    At your age? I wouldn't worry about it too much. Yes, do some strength training and muscle building exercises, but unless you have really poor skin elasticity you shouldn't have a big problem. I'm 41 years old, had four pregnancies (with ENORMOUS babies) and have recently lost about 30 pounds of fat (and put on 10 pounds of muscle) and I don't have a real problem with saggy skin. A little around the belly, but not much.
    You should realize that muscle building will slow your weight loss, because muscle is heavier than fat. But it takes up an heck of a lot less space and you burn fat faster when you have more muscle. So watch your other stats like body fat% or measurements if you don't see the scale move as rapidly as you would like.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Toning NOW, from what I understand, will help reduce baggy skin during loss. So... I would start toning NOW.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    There is no such thing as "toning." However, muscle-building exercises, like lifting weights, are always a great idea at any size.
    As far as your skin appearance goes, just keeping it hydrated helps a lot in its appearance. I like True Blue Spa - Bring up the rear firming lotion. Obviously, it does nothing with fat, but it helps with circulation and makes the skin texture more even, in my experience.

    I disagree with there is no such thing as toning. Toning exercises are physical exercises that are used with the aim of developing a physique with a large emphasis on musculature. In this context, the term toned implies leanness in the body (low levels of body fat), noticeable muscle definition and shape, but not significant muscle size ("bulk"). Not sure why this person believes in lotion but says there is no toning. If you start toning now it will definitely help!
    Well, women can't get "bulky" muscles because they have estrogen, NOT testosterone. She's right, however, there is no such thing as toning. To say there is, means you can spot lose fat anywhere, which is certainly not true. THere's a simple equation, for easy, effective wieght loss. Eat like you're losing, lift like you're gaining, and do cardio for your health. If you eat like you're trying to lose weight, and lift like you're trying to bulk up, you'll gain lean muscle, and burn fat at the same time, therefore the two meet in the middle and actually takes less time to get in shape. All the while doing about 30mins of HITT cardio a day. The cardio allows more blood, oxygen and nutrients to get to the muslces allowing for more fat to be released.

    False -- both men and women have both testosterone and estrogen. It's just that men have a much higher amount of testosterone than estrogen, and women have a much higher amount of estrogen than testosterone ('though around menopause the more "potent", if you will, estrogens start to decrease. Hence why some "old ladies" sometimes get whiskers :)

    But for practical purposes, yes, women don't tend to have enough testosterone to naturally get "bulky"
  • TiaraP11
    I agree, strength training is already starting to tone me up, I'm on my 4th week now and just started planks, although it is pretty hard for me to do, my instructor told me to do it in increments of 10 seconds until I started getting use to it. So if anybody is also having that issue of completing planks just start small and work your way up!! Good luck!
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    I really think genetics regarding skin elasticity and how quickly you lose the weight has a lot to do with how much extra skin you will end up with. A friend and I started at pretty much the same weight, are the same height, did the same exercise (bootcamp) and lost about the same amount of weight (80 lbs). She is 30 and I'm 43. She has a lot of excess skin on her arms and abdomen. I didn't end up with any excess skin. Really the only difference between our situations is genetics. Just my experience ............
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    There is no such thing as "toning." However, muscle-building exercises, like lifting weights, are always a great idea at any size.
    As far as your skin appearance goes, just keeping it hydrated helps a lot in its appearance. I like True Blue Spa - Bring up the rear firming lotion. Obviously, it does nothing with fat, but it helps with circulation and makes the skin texture more even, in my experience.

    I disagree with there is no such thing as toning. Toning exercises are physical exercises that are used with the aim of developing a physique with a large emphasis on musculature. In this context, the term toned implies leanness in the body (low levels of body fat), noticeable muscle definition and shape, but not significant muscle size ("bulk"). Not sure why this person believes in lotion but says there is no toning. If you start toning now it will definitely help!

    You're both partially correct in your descriptions. There is NO such thing as toning. Muscles already have tone, otherwise they wouldn't work. "Toning" is the incorrect way to describe "seeing" the muscles. Which would mean having less fat on them. You can have bigger muscles or smaller muscles but neither are more or less visible ("toned") unless you have the "right" amount of fat over them (meaning not much fat.) Building muscle will always help a weightloss endeavor, but until the level of fat goes down enough to see the smaller/larger (whatever size you want) muscles, they're still toned, you just can't see them as easily. If you took an obese person, waved a magic wand and had all their bodyfat disappear down to the appropriate amount, they would be "toned" without any additional work. They already really were, you just couldn't see it. The muscle work just builds bigger muscles, doesn't make them MORE compact, ie: "toned".
    Great way of explaining it!
    Less weight, more reps.
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    Really important to keep up your water intake--18-20 glasses a day.

    Whoa! That's a lot of water for some people. Experts suggest taking half your body weight to give the number (in ounces) what you should consume. For example: A 150 lb person should take in about 75 ounces...or 9 glasses (8 ounce glasses). So, unless someone is 300 lbs, that's too much water. Too much water can be just as hazardous as not enough. That's the only reason I throw all this out there. I've seen people (and myself) get sick from water's kinda scary.

    As long as it's spread out through out the day it's virtually impossible to get water intoxication. I drink 4 two liters of water a day which comes to about 32 cups and I'm perfectly healthy. I hate when people throw out water intoxication as a way to discourage drinking water. In reality too much of anything in a short about of time could harm you: water, milk, salt, anything.... But spread out is perfectly fine.
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    Really important to keep up your water intake--18-20 glasses a day.

    Whoa! That's a lot of water for some people. Experts suggest taking half your body weight to give the number (in ounces) what you should consume. For example: A 150 lb person should take in about 75 ounces...or 9 glasses (8 ounce glasses). So, unless someone is 300 lbs, that's too much water. Too much water can be just as hazardous as not enough. That's the only reason I throw all this out there. I've seen people (and myself) get sick from water's kinda scary.

    As long as it's spread out through out the day it's virtually impossible to get water intoxication. I drink 4 two liters of water a day which comes to about 32 cups and I'm perfectly healthy. I hate when people throw out water intoxication as a way to discourage drinking water. In reality too much of anything in a short about of time could harm you: water, milk, salt, anything.... But spread out is perfectly fine.

    I just say it because I've gotten really sick myself from too much water....and yes, it was spread out all through the day. So it's not virtually impossible just because one person is fine and another isn't. It's just a precaution....and again, weight has a lot to do with it. I was 100 pounds, taking in a ton of water. It's not safe. I wasn't trying to discourage anyone from drinking water....and I wasn't trying to make someone hate a comment that was made.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    its NEVER too early to start exercising!!! building muscle with help you lose even more fat and look better while doing it! skin might shrink up a bit, but not always, it can take a looong time, my belly is like that, i hate it, but not much i can do about it :( boo!
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    After I lost the first 40lbs, My tummy looked soft and squishy, adding Zumba and some weights to retrain my core muscles to be strong, has helped a lot. My arms are starting to look saggy, so getting some hand weights to do some stuff at home as well. I have nothing against lifting heavy, I just have to finish out a membership at a gym where its not feasible, after that I will be looking for a gym where I feel comfortable doing weights, I refuse to do it without having the $$ for a trainer to get me started. I don't want an injury from bad form slowing me down at this point.
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member

    You're both partially correct in your descriptions. There is NO such thing as toning. Muscles already have tone, otherwise they wouldn't work. "Toning" is the incorrect way to describe "seeing" the muscles. Which would mean having less fat on them. You can have bigger muscles or smaller muscles but neither are more or less visible ("toned") unless you have the "right" amount of fat over them (meaning not much fat.) Building muscle will always help a weightloss endeavor, but until the level of fat goes down enough to see the smaller/larger (whatever size you want) muscles, they're still toned, you just can't see them as easily. If you took an obese person, waved a magic wand and had all their bodyfat disappear down to the appropriate amount, they would be "toned" without any additional work. They already really were, you just couldn't see it. The muscle work just builds bigger muscles, doesn't make them MORE compact, ie: "toned".

    This is basically what I was saying. OP can lose fat and build muscle. The concept of toning just annoys me, sort of like little pink baby weights annoy me. :) No one "accidentally" gets bulky from lifting weights. I wish it were that easy!
  • DorkothyParker
    DorkothyParker Posts: 618 Member
    Not sure why this person believes in lotion but says there is no toning. If you start toning now it will definitely help!

    This person? Name's Dorkothy. I said lotion improves the appearance and elasticity of skin. I specifically said it has no relation to fat.

    I still say you can build muscle and lose fat. This magical "non bulking" toning women do, does not exist. Women need to stop being afraid of lifting real weight. Put some weight on the bar, get in the rack, and do some real lifting! (Well, start light and get your form down first, of course!)