Should I forget cardio?



  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    Not sure what people consider "fit", but it's all pretty relative. Maybe a lot of body builders can lift a car, but maybe they can't hike for four hours. Maybe someone can run a marathon, but can't do a single pull-up. I think cardio is a good idea to be all around healthy. Aside from the argument of it helping you lose weight or not, it's's about your heart health. You want....or should want your heart to be healthy. Especially when we're talking about being people overweight, they're hearts aren't in the best shape they can be. So yes, cardio is necessary.

    This is tired. The OP did NOT ask about tips for her heart. She asked about losing weight. If you want to promote things you believe to be true about heart health, start your own thread or respond to posts that ask about tips for heart health. You'll still be wrong there if you think her current routine isn't good for her heart, but at least you'll be relevant to the question asked.

    Hey OP, you should be flossing, because flossing is good for hygiene. I know that wasn't your question, but some of us want to throw in helpful tips no matter how irrelevant they are to your progress, so I thought I'd offer my .02

    Ok, I didn't know people were coming on here to be completely rude. OP asked for advice on losing weight. I don't know how you fight that "cardio" doesn't help you lose weight, when there are so many facts that prove otherwise. I never said her current routine wasn't good for her heart. Maybe you should go back and read my posts. I simply said that she IS doing cardio and her adding more can't hurt...only help. How is that "promoting" heart health? The post about heart health was in response to people saying you don't need cardio at all. So go be rude somewhere else. NOW, to be very plain language: OP, instead of sitting here listening to the "experts", go do some research on your own and find out if you feel you should up your cardio to help you lose weight. Get it from the real experts. And that's not me being rude or condescending to you.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Not sure what people consider "fit", but it's all pretty relative. Maybe a lot of body builders can lift a car, but maybe they can't hike for four hours. Maybe someone can run a marathon, but can't do a single pull-up. I think cardio is a good idea to be all around healthy. Aside from the argument of it helping you lose weight or not, it's's about your heart health. You want....or should want your heart to be healthy. Especially when we're talking about being people overweight, they're hearts aren't in the best shape they can be. So yes, cardio is necessary.

    This is tired. The OP did NOT ask about tips for her heart. She asked about losing weight. If you want to promote things you believe to be true about heart health, start your own thread or respond to posts that ask about tips for heart health. You'll still be wrong there if you think her current routine isn't good for her heart, but at least you'll be relevant to the question asked.

    Hey OP, you should be flossing, because flossing is good for hygiene. I know that wasn't your question, but some of us want to throw in helpful tips no matter how irrelevant they are to your progress, so I thought I'd offer my .02

    Ok, I didn't know people were coming on here to be completely rude. OP asked for advice on losing weight. I don't know how you fight that "cardio" doesn't help you lose weight, when there are so many facts that prove otherwise. I never said her current routine wasn't good for her heart. Maybe you should go back and read my posts. I simply said that she IS doing cardio and her adding more can't hurt...only help. How is that "promoting" heart health? The post about heart health was in response to people saying you don't need cardio at all. So go be rude somewhere else. NOW, to be very plain language: OP, instead of sitting here listening to the "experts", go do some research on your own and find out if you feel you should up your cardio to help you lose weight. Get it from the real experts. And that's not me being rude or condescending to you.

    I just re-read your post and came to the conclusion that DavPul was correct.
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    I just re-read your post and came to the conclusion that DavPul was correct.

    Correct about what?
  • weloveourboys
    weloveourboys Posts: 133 Member
    I think cardio is very important. Weight loss aside, it is very important for your heart. I ONLY do cardio, unless you count my twice a week 10 min core routine. But I blend long, slow runs with hgh intensity interval workouts. However, if you hate, cardio, then it may be best to stick with what you love. Any exercise is better than no exercise.
  • KayLgee
    KayLgee Posts: 139
    At 500-1300 calories per day, the last thing I'd do is add more activity.

    You looking at my diary? I haven't been tracking 100% and the higher days are my average. Im never taking less than 1300cal. I didn't ask anyone to check my diary, my diet is fine im asking about the exercise side of things.


    Thanks everyone for your responses, im sorry it has turned into some sort of debate but hey ho this is MFP.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    I just re-read your post and came to the conclusion that DavPul was correct.

    Correct about what?

    Everything he said
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    I just re-read your post and came to the conclusion that DavPul was correct.

    Correct about what?

    Everything he said

  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I always feel like balance is best. Some cardio... Some weights... Some flexibility. I do the first two and not so good on the latter. Balance in all things. Cardio will help endurance and stamina while weights help strength and can aid in weight loss. Remember this is a fitness journey more than a weight loss journey.... Weight loss is part of the equation. Not everything we do has to be for that purpose (though I personally think cardio does help in that as well though some disagree.)
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    You say you use kettlebells, which weight do you use?
    I like them more the more I read about it and the more I use them, they give me great workouts and when I increase the weight I use I also build muscle. In addition to getting my heart rate up. From what I've learned, the kettlebell is perfect for fat burning!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Not sure what people consider "fit", but it's all pretty relative. Maybe a lot of body builders can lift a car, but maybe they can't hike for four hours. Maybe someone can run a marathon, but can't do a single pull-up. I think cardio is a good idea to be all around healthy. Aside from the argument of it helping you lose weight or not, it's's about your heart health. You want....or should want your heart to be healthy. Especially when we're talking about being people overweight, they're hearts aren't in the best shape they can be. So yes, cardio is necessary.

    This is tired. The OP did NOT ask about tips for her heart. She asked about losing weight. If you want to promote things you believe to be true about heart health, start your own thread or respond to posts that ask about tips for heart health. You'll still be wrong there if you think her current routine isn't good for her heart, but at least you'll be relevant to the question asked.

    Hey OP, you should be flossing, because flossing is good for hygiene. I know that wasn't your question, but some of us want to throw in helpful tips no matter how irrelevant they are to your progress, so I thought I'd offer my .02

    Ok, I didn't know people were coming on here to be completely rude. OP asked for advice on losing weight. I don't know how you fight that "cardio" doesn't help you lose weight, when there are so many facts that prove otherwise. I never said her current routine wasn't good for her heart. Maybe you should go back and read my posts. I simply said that she IS doing cardio and her adding more can't hurt...only help. How is that "promoting" heart health? The post about heart health was in response to people saying you don't need cardio at all. So go be rude somewhere else. NOW, to be very plain language: OP, instead of sitting here listening to the "experts", go do some research on your own and find out if you feel you should up your cardio to help you lose weight. Get it from the real experts. And that's not me being rude or condescending to you.

    I'm not trying to be rude. Please read the OP again. Is your serious advice that she needs to do MORE work? If I was training her I would recommend she cut back. Way back. I don't know how she is fitting all that in each week. You really believe adding 2-3 dreadmill sessions to her routine is optimal for either weight loss or heart health??

    You're way off base here whether you choose to believe it or not.
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    I'm not trying to be rude. Please read the OP again. Is your serious advice that she needs to do MORE work? If I was training her I would recommend she cut back. Way back. I don't know how she is fitting all that in each week. You really believe adding 2-3 dreadmill sessions to her routine is optimal for either weight loss or heart health??

    You're way off base here whether you choose to believe it or not.

    Where did I say she needs to do more? Did you read some other post and just thought it was me? I said she IS doing cardio. It won't hurt her to add in more....which she mentioned throwing in about 15 minutes of treadmill for example. Should she skip cardio all together? No, I don't believe so. Again, she IS already doing cardio. As for the question of whether cardio is NECESSARY for weight loss....I don't know. Does it aid in weight loss....I still think so. I think so, considering so many people I know have lost weight by upping their activity. You even mentioned yourself that walking helped you lose weight initially. Yes, walking is considered cardio by most people. Did I say cardio is the only thing that is good for your heart....strength training is not? No. Does it all help? Again, I believe so. Simple enough, she asked if cardio should be taken out of her routine (as someone had told her) or if cardio would help her weight loss go a bit quicker. To me, it can only help. No more arguments....that's not what my intention was. I'm not an internet troll, so if I'm so far off, I apologize and I hope the OP skips right past anything I said.
  • vickij2
    vickij2 Posts: 66
    Never!! For the first 20 min., cardio burns carbs. After that stored fat is burned. Not to mention the help with blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease....etc.
  • greatdanebabies
    Thanks people, I might add in 15mins on the bike a few times a week but if what im doing is good enough i'll stick to it.

    You can get a great "quickie" cardio session in 15-30min by doing HIIT.

    I think this is similar to the cardio I love the most. I set the treadmill at 3.0 (I' m new at this) and walk 2 minutes then jog 2 minutes. I do this for 30 min and I love the workout I get!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm not trying to be rude. Please read the OP again. Is your serious advice that she needs to do MORE work? If I was training her I would recommend she cut back. Way back. I don't know how she is fitting all that in each week. You really believe adding 2-3 dreadmill sessions to her routine is optimal for either weight loss or heart health??

    You're way off base here whether you choose to believe it or not.

    Where did I say she needs to do more? Did you read some other post and just thought it was me? I said she IS doing cardio. It won't hurt her to add in more....which she mentioned throwing in about 15 minutes of treadmill for example. Should she skip cardio all together? No, I don't believe so. Again, she IS already doing cardio. As for the question of whether cardio is NECESSARY for weight loss....I don't know. Does it aid in weight loss....I still think so. I think so, considering so many people I know have lost weight by upping their activity. You even mentioned yourself that walking helped you lose weight initially. Yes, walking is considered cardio by most people. Did I say cardio is the only thing that is good for your heart....strength training is not? No. Does it all help? Again, I believe so. Simple enough, she asked if cardio should be taken out of her routine (as someone had told her) or if cardio would help her weight loss go a bit quicker. To me, it can only help. No more arguments....that's not what my intention was. I'm not an internet troll, so if I'm so far off, I apologize and I hope the OP skips right past anything I said.

    I don't think you're an internet troll. Just giving misinformed advice

    By my count, the OP is doing 10 different fitness activities each week, and asking if she should up the count to 13 or 14. No. Just no. She's already got swimming in there 2x a week for pure cardio, and I'd bet dollars to donuts those 3 kettlebell classes are basically cardio as well (almost all studio classes are). So another 15-30 mins of treadmill/elliptical isn't going to be a benefit.

    I agree with you about people needing to up their activity level for increased gains. That's often my recommendation. But after a certain limit we reach a point of diminishing returns. I'd rather she cut her 10 sessions per week back to 5 or 6 sessions and concentrate on her diet.
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    I don't think you're an internet troll. Just giving misinformed advice

    By my count, the OP is doing 10 different fitness activities each week, and asking if she should up the count to 13 or 14. No. Just no. She's already got swimming in there 2x a week for pure cardio, and I'd bet dollars to donuts those 3 kettlebell classes are basically cardio as well (almost all studio classes are). So another 15-30 mins of treadmill/elliptical isn't going to be a benefit.

    I agree with you about people needing to up their activity level for increased gains. That's often my recommendation. But after a certain limit we reach a point of diminishing returns. I'd rather she cut her 10 sessions per week back to 5 or 6 sessions and concentrate on her diet.

    Would it HURT for her to throw in 15 minutes on a bike or treadmill before one of her lifting sessions or even her pilates or yoga classes? Again, SHE is the one who said she would probably throw in those 15 minutes...I did NOT suggest it.
    Would it speed up her weight loss? I don't know. Could it? Possibly. Why not go for it if it doesn't harm you? It's 45 minutes a week.
    Again, I never suggested she do MORE....I stated she IS doing plenty and shouldn't drop cardio altogether.
    Again, when she was told to drop the cardio and focus solely on weight training....I do not agree with that. Do you agree with that?
    Do I think she should do that many sessions? That was never in question, so no I never suggested one way or the other. Would I do that many sessions a week? Heck no!
  • KayLgee
    KayLgee Posts: 139
    The only 'hard' workouts I do are weights and the kettlebells. The swimming, pilates and yoga are more of a hobby with benefits.

    I don't think im working too hard but if someone could explain why they would think so I would appreciate that....
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    You need a balance of both.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    The only 'hard' workouts I do are weights and the kettlebells. The swimming, pilates and yoga are more of a hobby with benefits.

    I don't think im working too hard but if someone could explain why they would think so I would appreciate that....

    Unfortunately for you, your thread has been derailed into an idealogical dispute! You seem to have a pretty varied and balanced workout schedule. If it's working for you, kudos!
  • LMick1986
    LMick1986 Posts: 431
    The only 'hard' workouts I do are weights and the kettlebells. The swimming, pilates and yoga are more of a hobby with benefits.

    I don't think im working too hard but if someone could explain why they would think so I would appreciate that....

    That was kinda my thought too. Looking at what you're doing, it LOOKS like a lot. But considering WHAT you're doing, it probably isn't too much. I imagine most of those being a 30-1hr class. I mean, if I were to do those, that's what I'd do....and mix some together. I personally think you're on the right track....even if people think I'm giving misinformed advice. I still wouldn't do all of those myself. It's a lot for me. I'm more into the quick sessions (30DS, HIIT, KettleWorx, etc)...quick, intense, mix-it-all-together kind of workouts. Again, I'll say good on you for what you're doing. It's more than what most of us do (pointing to myself). I'm going to say my only advice again, in case it got lost in all the debate on what was or wasn't said, do not drop cardio altogether (which it sounds like you won't, considering what you're doing are your hobbies). :)