Depo Provera



  • fiona2785
    YES! It is evil. I gained around 2 stone very quickly whilst on it. Partly due to increased appetite, admittedly, but I was still not eating enough to cause that sort of weight gain (and yes, I was logging at that point!). I also found it pretty much impossible to lose weight while I was on it. It messed with my body in so many other ways as well, which I will not go into on here!!
  • laura_lynn66
    It DOES!! The doctor even warned me about also makes you feel less "desire" so if you have a significant other, be warned!
    I ended up choosing another option...good luck!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hi all

    Just wondering if any ladies have found that the depo shot has made you gain weight a lot easier?! I have gained 7lbs since having it in June and I'm NOT happy! Needless to say, I wont be having it again.

    If anyone did experience this, how long did it take you to get back to normal and start to lose weight again?


    It's extremely common with Depo and that is the least of the side effects to worry about with that evil shot.
  • Jhillian
    Jhillian Posts: 185 Member
    I've been on Depo since I was 12 (don't ask me ask my parents) anyways I've never gained weight with it.. I've gained my weight due to going off depo and having 3 children in 5 years.. I've been back on it for almost 2 years and when I first started losing weight lost 16lbs in 2 months.. Then jumped off the bandwagon and gained some back, now I'm working hard again and don't find the needle is hindering my weight loss at all.. :) I can't go on pill/patch never stays on/ and the other things scare the crap outta me haha
  • natural813
    natural813 Posts: 186 Member
    I have been on it for a year now. I think it gives you an appetite, which leads to more eating, and then the weight gain comes.
    I had no problems losing weight on it. I have lost 60 pounds in 7 months. I will say give it sometime to see how you like it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I talked with my dr. about this. He said it may increase appetite, but will absolutely NOT make you gain more easily, nor hold onto the weight. He says it's an excuse for a lot of women and they blame the shot, but it's not based on research at all.

    Your doctor is either sorely uninformed or a liar.
  • StyxxandStones
    I talked with my dr. about this. He said it may increase appetite, but will absolutely NOT make you gain more easily, nor hold onto the weight. He says it's an excuse for a lot of women and they blame the shot, but it's not based on research at all.

    so I still have the drug fact insert given to me from when I was on it, and weight gain is absolutely listed as a possible side effect, with 5.8 pounds being the average. bone density reduction is also one. possible side effects are listed by the FDA because they have been linked to a drug, but it does not mean everyone will experience it.

    Very true. It has been linked to it, but no scientific research to prove it, was his point, I believe. Also, if 5.8 lbs is the average, the 75 and 50 lbs people are reporting here, are not likely to be caused entirely by the depo shot.
  • sgmomma
    sgmomma Posts: 299 Member
    It can be just depends on the person. I've been on it since May and have been still losing.
  • SadieToughLady
    I just had the Depo Provera shot a little under a month ago. I also noticed that the very FIRST side effect listed on my pharmacy packaging (I had to pick the shot up and bring it to my doctor so they could administer it) was weigh gain. I haven't gained any weight so far, but I have noticed an increase in my appetite. I have been trying to control this by drinking hot tea after lunch. I still count my calories and exercise like I have been. This will be my first and only shot. On the packaging, there was also a disclaimer that one should NOT be on this form of birth control longer than 2 years because it causes you to lose bone density. Osteoporosis anyone? Those are side effects I can do without.
  • centralvicgirl
    centralvicgirl Posts: 21 Member
    I was on it for a year after the birth of my son. I had no discernible side effects.

    I was on it when I began on MFP, and most of my kgs lost have occurred whilst on it.

    I stopped it a few months ago only because I want to conceive again at some point. My weightloss has slowed in the last six months, but I don't believe that has had anything to do with being on or stopping the depo.
  • StyxxandStones
    I talked with my dr. about this. He said it may increase appetite, but will absolutely NOT make you gain more easily, nor hold onto the weight. He says it's an excuse for a lot of women and they blame the shot, but it's not based on research at all.

    Your doctor is either sorely uninformed or a liar.

    Entirely possible. But, he took out my parts that would require a depo shot, so I'm sticking with him! :bigsmile:
  • Smurfette1987
    Smurfette1987 Posts: 110 Member
    I have been on it for almost 6 years. I gained weight because I was sedentary and ate poorly, and that only started 3 years ago. Once I decided to get healthy, I had no problem losing weight. I also have no periods. I understand some women complain about Depo, but for me, I will be on it, and thin and healthy, until I am certain I am in menopause. It works perfectly with no side effects for me. Plus, I don't have to worry about having a teenager and a baby. I'm happy with my 12 year-old baby, but I'm done.

    Totally agree.I can fight my any appetite increases, but I find that steadied out. The pro's mentioned above definitely outweigh any cons. I can ignore false hunger, whereas the EVIL acne, random moods and odd body hair I have got from other forms of contraception ( that don't get rid of periods)... those things I have no control over. I would also have no control over kids... eeek.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I talked with my dr. about this. He said it may increase appetite, but will absolutely NOT make you gain more easily, nor hold onto the weight. He says it's an excuse for a lot of women and they blame the shot, but it's not based on research at all.

    Your doctor is either sorely uninformed or a liar.

    Entirely possible. But, he took out my parts that would require a depo shot, so I'm sticking with him! :bigsmile:

    Then why are you on Depo?

    Anyway, by gyno won't give the shot to her patients because of the side effects -- not just weight gain. It's a horrible, horrible form of BC. They all have side effects, but the Depo side effects affect 40% of users, which is a LOT.

    My best friend actually lost weight on it, but she had lumps in her breasts, osteoporosis, early onset menopause at 28 years old and a miscarriage shortly after going off of it. Almost everyone I know who's had the shot and then went off to get pregnant miscarried at least once and some several times with no other explanation.
  • StyxxandStones
    I've never said I was on depo. I'm not, nor have I ever been.
  • easfahl
    easfahl Posts: 567 Member
    I was on Depo for ~10 or so years up until 2 years ago. I LOVED not having my period! EVER! However, I didn't realize how much it increases your testosterone, which in turn complicated my cystic acne. I switched to the Nuva-Ring, and even though I have to have my period every 3 months or so (major downer, literally) my acne is worlds better.

    Edit to address your original question... I don't remember gaining or losing any weight associated with the Depo shot.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Been on Depo for 3 years now, with no weight gain. I have lost 10 lbs in the last 6 months on it with no problems (I've never really been overweight, so it was those last 10 vanity pounds). I love it, but any BC is highly personal. I hate hate HATED the pill, it made me an emotional wreck, I would just cry for months. Others have acne problems on depo or an increased appetite, but it works for me.
  • wifealiciousness
    wifealiciousness Posts: 179 Member
    I lost weight when I first went on depo (had been on the pill before which made me put on weight).
    If that's your only side effect, I'd stick with it! It can have a number of side effects but it's really awesome apart from that!
  • wifealiciousness
    wifealiciousness Posts: 179 Member
    I was on Depo for ~10 or so years up until 2 years ago. I LOVED not having my period! EVER! However, I didn't realize how much it increases your testosterone, which in turn complicated my cystic acne. I switched to the Nuva-Ring, and even though I have to have my period every 3 months or so (major downer, literally) my acne is worlds better.

    Edit to address your original question... I don't remember gaining or losing any weight associated with the Depo shot.

    Interesting! My acne got BETTER when I first went on depo, but then got worse. Then when I came off it went worse again! D'oh!
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    Depo is the Damn DEVIL!!!
    Not only did I gain weight.. It made my hormones go out of control. I Even got violent. Birth Control isn't my friend
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    I gained 25lbs over 2 years and then went off of it and lost 20 in about 6 weeks.