CC's Biggest Loser Challenge Week 4



  • WEEK 4 WEIGHT 224.2
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    This weeks weigh-in is 134.8. Only down .4 but I'm ok with it...better than expected.
  • what a great week for me,, I really pushed myself, probably not the biggist losser but I'm still proud of myself.

    Last week 153.
    Current 151 (down 2lbs,,,,,yyyaaaahhhhh!!!!!):bigsmile:

    water maybe 4out of 7 days
    Calories stayed at or under 7 out of 7
    and cardio 15min+ (most days I did atleast 30 or more mins) 6 out of 7days , I took Sunday off I believe in a rest day

    keep working hard everybody,,, we can do this together
  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member

  • CW 176 .. YAY!! 1 lb from mini goal
    Water 6/7
    Exercise 7/7
    Under calories 7/7
  • last week: 448
    CW: 445 = 3 lb. loss

    water 7/7
    exercise 6/7
    met calories 7/7
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Current weight 286.6 ...not to happy with it.

    Last week was 288.5 so that is a 2lbs loss i should be happy, but i was down to 285 on friday...oh well i will take my 2 lbs from last week.
  • bzcjak
    bzcjak Posts: 12
    SW 274.4
    CW 271.1

    A loss of .03 lbs. Not much but its a loss.....
    been drinking water but no exercize.
    Keep trucking on.........

    Best of Luck to everyone on this upcoming week!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Doreenpao
    Doreenpao Posts: 28 Member
    Go team go! I have been very good about my eating and exercise but not my logging... I will be better this week!
    Have a great week everyone.
  • madair801
    madair801 Posts: 25 Member
    Good Morning - Here is my weight for this week:

    SW 173.0
    W 1/27/10: 176 - Ugh!!

    That's okay, I had a really great weekend and paid the price
    now it is time to get back into the right groove.

    Congrats to winner of week 4 BL!!!
  • weight on tuesday: 154.6

    pounds lost: 1.4
    cardio: 5/7
    at/under calories: 3/7
    water: 1/7 (clearly i need to drink more water!!!!)

    congrats to everyone who lost weight...even just a pound or two. every little bit gets you closer to your goal!!!
  • luv2learn2day
    luv2learn2day Posts: 9 Member
    166 lbs this week
    I need to be better this upcoming week!
  • taz721
    taz721 Posts: 10 Member
    Sorry, forgot to post yesterday, but luckily today's and yesterday's weights are the same: 144.0 lbs
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    I stayed the same...No loss No gain
  • mom22kiddos
    mom22kiddos Posts: 40 Member
    Sorry I didnt get a chance to post yesterday. I weighed in this morning and my weight was 196.2. I cant really remember what last weeks weight was but I am pretty sure it was 199. If so that puts my weight loss for the week at 2.8 & I def cant complain about that. I am trying not to focus on the numbers on the scale and more on just eating healthier and excercising knowing that the pounds will come off eventually living the right lifestyle. I had 5/7 days of going to the gym last week and 3/7 days of water. Drinking water is something I still really need to work on. Hope everyone else is doing well & keep it up we can do this :)
  • wimomma
    wimomma Posts: 21 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I weighed yesterday, but didn't get to my pc.

    CW: 179
    lb lost this week: 0
    Water: ? didn't track
    Cardio: 4/7
    Calories: ? didn't track

    It was a rough week. My boss and dear friend was "let go" on Thursday and there have been meetings and the good-bye's ever since. I had kiddos home sick and the sun did not shine this week. Excuses, excuses. But, I made it through without going backwards. I went to Zumba last Saturday to pull myself out of the "ick." So good for the soul! It's a new day and a new week!
  • Hey everyone. Congrats on all the losses. I have a few mix ups on my spreadsheet so I am going to work it out before I post the numbers. If you haven't posted your weight please do that.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi All,
    Not as terrible as I thought - tonight's weigh in 170.2 only up .8 lbs. After last weekend I feel like I got a reprieve:laugh:
    Did 2mi before work and 2 mi after .. and this was after my weigh in!

    Good luck to all and have a fantastic week!

  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    Is it too late for me to join? Just really starting back on MFP so I would just like to enter a starting weight
    CW-253.4 this moring, if you don't mind another mouth!
  • Ok I am a little confused? Are we suppose to still be doing the water and cardo or just not going over on calories? So my weigh in is 295.5

    Under calories 7/7
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