JUST SHOOT ME!!!!.....I hate halloween!!!



  • withtimecomesmiracles
    I know what you mean, it's hard to resist when it's right up there in your face, while it's easier when you can stay away.
    Try to limit your consumption beforehand. I gave myself the right to eat one piece today, nothing more.
    All you need is a little moderation, but don't be too hard on yourself, it's only halloween once a year after all lmao
  • ashlensmomma
    ashlensmomma Posts: 124 Member
    Same here! Lol I am totally eating a mini 100 grand as I type this.I just told my Husband, I have to get this candy out of my house!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    don't consider it a lost day. Just stop passing the candy bowl and try to make better choices throughout the rest of the day. Luckily, our appartment doesn't have kids trick or treat, so I don't need candy, but my boyfriend adn I did by some lose piece candies the other night for us to celebrate hallween this week, since we're not going out. if i plan it right, mine should last at least the end of the year
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    As my daughter tells me "Just walk away from the candy, don't do it." It's ok to have some once in a while. I found that I can't eat as much candy as I used to. And for the candy I am handing out, I make sure to buy something that I don't like, that way I won't eat it. I also look at suckers and hard candies as just plain sugar which isn't good for my diabetes.
  • DevanEve
    DevanEve Posts: 130
    It's not candy for me but it's carbs... What I'm going to do for Thanksgiving (because I know I'll eat a lot) is work out that morning and try to burn as much calories as I can and then eat with my friends. As long as the stuffing isn't that good then I'll be okay. Just try to keep it light the rest of the day.

    *Also, I have cheat days so Thanksgiving will be mine. Just because you have a few pieces of candy doesn't mean you are going to RUIN your diet. We're human and we all have differences. Some might not have as much will power as others but that doesn't give anyone the right to talk smack to the other person. Just get back on track the next day and don't over indulge with candy often.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    if the baskets are close to you move them, if you are walking to get the candy take a waterbottle/cup and a pad of paper and a pen with you and get one thing and walk away (Keep your hands full of other things rather than candy).

    Where I work there is no candy as I work in a shop and its dirty and nasty, at my old job my old boss always had candy on her desk and when I went in to her office I would grab something and put it in my mouth and then kept my hands full so I couldn't carry more things.

    Also work out, you have maybe destroyed today but if you work out you can cancel some of it. Make sure you log it - the numbers alone may scare you straight.

    I love halloween, always have but not because of the candy and stuff just Halloween in general. Remember you are an adult, you control what you put in your face. Just stop and think about it before you put it in your mouth.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    Diet ruined by my own hand, and mouth
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I'm very happy that I live in an apartment building and get no trick or treaters. I would not do well with 60 mini bags of doritos in my presence.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I've had one of those reese's peanut butter cup things. One singular one. :)
    don't consider it a lost day. Just stop passing the candy bowl and try to make better choices throughout the rest of the day. Luckily, our appartment doesn't have kids trick or treat, so I don't need candy, but my boyfriend adn I did by some lose piece candies the other night for us to celebrate hallween this week, since we're not going out. if i plan it right, mine should last at least the end of the year
    I have an office all to myself and the candy bowl is on my desk "FOR THE CUSTOMERS" so i was overwhelmed with choices and smells , first i jusr started out swirling the candy around 'so the customers could see the choices" then i went back and forth on how one wouldnt hurt and so on, then i got my first taste of the creamy peanut butter reese's just a small lil one and . I lost control and went nuts. Now i am as sick as a dog eating green grass. I am over it. :cry:
    (Judo chop)

    because a sleeping bear is not an eating bear.
    :laugh: Good one. Thanks
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    lol @ at the power-fist baby.

    I have not had a SINGLE piece of Halloween candy, yet. I'm a stay at home mom and just haven't bought any.

    However, tomorrow night is the greatestnightoftheyearohmygodIlovetrickortreat....and I plan to eat myself stupid on KitKats. Mmmm.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I had the same problem at work, and never resolved it. Now that I'm using MyFitnessPal, I've discovered that logging the calories is a definite motivator for better behavior. I do treat myself and log it, but I try for healthier choices. 10 raw almonds is only 70 calories, so I have a couple of almonds instead of a peanut butter cup. I'm considering shopping for some small pieces of dark chocolate that could be added in, one little piece at a time. I haven't done it yet partly because of my potential for pigging out on the chocolate. The other thing I've discovered is that I can "buy" more calories by exercising.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I hate halloween too. But not because of the candy. Candy is self control, use it as a motivator. Every time you pass it by is another small victory.

    I hate halloween because I work in Salem, MA, the place where halloween starts in September, and there are a gazillion tourists from mid-September through halloween all filling up where I go to eat, taking my parking spaces, making getting in and out of work a nightmare with traffic...etc.

    Don't mistake me, I love the holiday in general, just not the touristy stuff that happens where I work.

    Last time we went to Salem and were looking for a place to park I turned to my brother and said "Living here HAS to suck this time of year" guess I was right.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I just plan on having chocolate every day. I try to keep it down..but I'm just not capable of not eating chocolate..so its part of my plan. But to be honest, I'd much rather not eat for a few days so I can have my chocolate...not the best choice, but there I said it.
  • muffle1969
    muffle1969 Posts: 96 Member
    A friend of mine once gave me excellent advice. She said, "if you really want something, then eat it. Otherwise, you'll eat a bunch of other stuff you didn't really want in order to distract yourself, and then likely eat whatever it was you wanted anyway."

    She advised me that if I want something, eat it, but in moderation. So yesterday I passed the candy stash at work and grabbed one, fun-sized Snickers bar. I ate it slowly, and entered it as a snack in my diary. At least it has peanuts in it so it's a little bit filling. And then I didn't crave candy anymore. :)

    I realize this won't work for everyone. Some folks can't stop once they start. I consider myself fortunate that I can. And the advice my friend gave me really rings true for me.
  • swat1948
    swat1948 Posts: 302 Member
    Well I'm retired but I have two grandsons who live here with us. They brought home a bag of candy from a local party at the park. I ate one tiny snack size twizzler and a sour thingy like a twizzler and that was it. Not too bad. I plan on keeping my distance from the candy and since I get no Trick or Treater's here if I just stay out of the candy bags I'll be okay lol.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Go buy some sugar free candy. That way, it's a *little* healthier, at least....
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Log it. That should give you some perspective.
  • Jhillian
    Jhillian Posts: 185 Member
    Remove Candy from sight, out of sight out of mind, well it works for me.. Luckily I don't allow my kids much candy at Halloween, we mostly just do pics at our families houses.. And I in NO WAY buy it anymore :)