Gamer Girls Need Exercise Too :O



  • Holstering
    I'm a multi-platform gamer waiting on the midnight release of Assassin's Creed III.:>
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Hello... This would be my first time posting on a fitness website. A friend of mine who is actually trying to gain weight suggested this website, and the app. I just started using it yesterday and it's a bit awkward sometimes. I tend to want to plan out my next day of food, but the "Finished logging" button is very enticing since it lets me know that I could lose X AMOUNT in X TIME every time I log my food.

    So I'm a PC gamer and I work in a call centre so I don't get out much. I'm not usually the type to actually exercise or diet, but I'm giving it a try because I want to incorporate that into my lifestyle. It's hard some days when all you want to do is level but you need to work out too! D: I'm also a very picky eater, so organizing my meals so that they are healthy and diverse and low in calories gets difficult. I have problems with using too much salt, I used to drink pepsi like it was water, and I'm addicted to junk food and chocolate bars.

    Any tips and any one else on here who's interested in gaming too? :)

    It is so crazy to see this now because I was just thinking about how bad I want to try my Zumba CORE game for the Wii. Lol. I just bought a new laptop for my husband and I for school and I spent, no joke, about 9 hrs picking out a laptop and making sure that graphics card could play our video games on at least Medium/High levels Lol. I had to keep it around $500. Welcome to MFP :]
  • jdruiz89
    jdruiz89 Posts: 42 Member
    As being the one creepy guy on this thread I will say Minecraft is where it is at. However, I am currently awaiting my release of Dead Space 3.

    *scurries into the corner*
  • mrsgigandet
    mrsgigandet Posts: 53 Member
    I'm a lifelong gamer girl and I incorporate games into my exercise! When I walk, I play my Nintendo DS :) It would be a LOT easier with a treadmill, but I'm pretty OK at paying attention to where I'm walking and playing at the same time!
  • Fr33zefram3
    Fr33zefram3 Posts: 163 Member
    I do enjoy some LoL in my spare time... When I'm not being a Pokemon Master, that is.

    Seriously though, feel free to add me! Love talking games and fitness.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    PC gamer here and 130 lbs down =) I've found ways to be active while leaving plenty of time for work and gaming. Add me if you like.
  • Malozing0809
    Malozing0809 Posts: 71 Member
    Welcome! I am a World of Warcraft gamer as well as tabletop gamer. I've been at MFP since January, and my favorite fitness site I would suggest to you is

    Ya'll can feel free to add me as a friend here.
  • ThePartyGoblin
    I love gaming, so I totally understand where you're coming from! My usual rule is to keep drinking water instead of soda, and to do 5-10 pushups each time I die (Unless I'm doing battlegrounds in WoW, then I just count my deaths, multiply it by 5 and that's how long I have to hold plank position!)
    Best of luck on your fitness journey!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I am a gamer girl and recently found a love for running (though frequent sinus infections have left me unable to do much in the past month). I always made myself do the exercise before any computer time or gaming and that helped get it in! I put on 30 pounds when I used to work at a call center which is what I'm trying to lose now so kudos to you!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I do enjoy some LoL in my spare time... When I'm not being a Pokemon Master, that is.

    Seriously though, feel free to add me! Love talking games and fitness.

    Being a Pokemon Master is my current goal...I have logged way too many hours on my current game ._.
  • BrokenButterfly
    You sound just like me! Major junk and chocolate food addict, but I want to take on a plant-based diet. I'm finding it very difficult to stick to right now because i'm very tired and lazy what with starting 3 different jobs.
    I am also on Steam. I play a lot of games but I mostly play L4D & TF2. Although i've yet again gotten into Minecraft recently. I'd love to be more active myself because I very very easily lose an entire day to gaming if i'm not working!
  • RobKarmic
    RobKarmic Posts: 108 Member
    Go to the store and start to pick up habits such as eating every three hours but eat less

    only go out or eat junk when you've worked out the calories prior you'll feel much better about yourself if you do

    I love bananas only around 100 calories I eat sliced apples granola bars and bananas any 3 hour mark that isn't a meal that keeps your body using that energy instead of storing it away don't eat much just a snack

    I understand as a fellow competitive level gamer when you are nearing a milestone and don't feel like stopping it can be really hard to stop and get some exercise so I suggest youtube video work outs my favorite it is KozakSportsPerform - 30 minute kickboxing cardio only takes 30 mins and it burns 450 calories but by the end you'll feel like you've gotten hit by a truck but in a good way

    Good luck with yourself it's not as hard to be healthy as some people say it is
  • texasaswang
    texasaswang Posts: 24 Member
    Another Gamer, doing a little XCOM and LOL when I have energy to sit and stare at the computer :)
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    welcome!!!!!!!! I play WoW (my husband introduced me to it 4 years ago) and i find that if i work out before game time, i know that i will get it done. I tend to make sure i don't have junk food near me or otherwise I am in trouble. Kudos on taking the first step :drinker:

    For the Horde!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • hulalipop
    hulalipop Posts: 8 Member
    I was thinking about this last night! I was running (prepping for my first 10k...) and I was running over this LED lit bridge near my house and I was like "If my running loop was Mario Kart, this would be rainbow road..." And I was getting all sad that I didn't play as many video games anymore.

    I play LOL, SC2 (I'm replaying SC1 to review the story), Used to play DOTA when I knew people to played (LOL filled that hole), and my ex had a few game consoles, so I would play wii and playstation 2 when I had some downtime in college.

    I've found that looking at MFP as a game has helped me a lot because it makes it easier to be like "well, here's my goal for the day. Lets beat it!"
  • JennPrebs
    JennPrebs Posts: 111 Member
    Fellow nerd here trying to lose weight! I love gaming my favorites are gears of war, skyrim, was playing guild wars 2 it was fun but seems to have died down already :( , use to play WoW but quit, diablo 3 , tekken, god of war series I pretty much will try anything except sports games , excluding dance games! I love just dance and recommend it , it's fun and calorie burning! Def wanna pick up borderlands 2 and assassins creed 3. I would say I am an all around nerd from gaming to movies to music! Feel free to add me always looking for friends support and motivate each other!
  • JennPrebs
    JennPrebs Posts: 111 Member
    I played WoW and was a hardcore raider for about 2 years, I gained probably about 80 lbs. It was just too easy to sit with a bag of chips and raid all night.

    I quit hardcore raiding in December, and quit casually doing so in May...and I've lost a TON of weight. I guess my advice (although it's not as much fun) is to just go OUTSIDE Azeroth :P

    Good luck!

    this made me lol :P I haven't raided since wrath I believe... I did meet the man of my dreams on WoW and we are still together :P
  • Lissa_M
    Lissa_M Posts: 131
    I am a WoW junkie!!!!
  • smurfettel64
    smurfettel64 Posts: 13 Member
    I have all the Just Dance games, Micheal Jackson Experience, and just got the Zumba 1 & 2. So you get your game fix and get up and move too. Perfect for winter when I am too lazy to get my *kitten* out in the cold. lol
  • malystrasza
    I heard something like gamers make good body builders. :laugh:

    I think its kind of true. I've taken up weight lifting and I feel like I'm leveling up in real life. I love calculating my macros and planning meals, workouts etc. Number crunching was one of those things I enjoyed in WoW. I loved the stat calculators! :blushing:

    Haha, that kind of made me miss WoW. I haven't been playing much MMOs recently. These days I just play the stupid Facebook flash games and console games. I've gone back to play a lot of classic RPGs too. :heart: