Jerk at the Gym



  • RosaC773
    RosaC773 Posts: 126
    He was tryng to impress you hahaha


    Oh. Em. Gee. I DIE!! :laugh: :sad: :laugh:

    I just saw this! Hilarious - the guy looked very much like this guy in the pic!
  • RosaC773
    RosaC773 Posts: 126
    He was probably trying to hit on you. Just ignore him and do you. Tell him to take his own advice and you will try it when it works for him.

    Lol, I wish I can be this mean, this is great!

    My husband tells me I need to stand up for myself more.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    People are jerks and have no filter. I work out 4 hours a day, 6 days a week, yet anytime I'm in the produce aisle or looking at Lean Cuisines there is always someone who wants to give me diet advice. I usually politely tell them I've lost 40+ pounds in 4 mos and I'm doing what works for me. Sometimes people shut up, sometimes not.

    Tonight in my circuit class that also has a lot of running laps the skinny skank next to me felt the need to say during the warmup that if I'm already sweating and class has barely begun maybe I belong in an easier class. To which I replied that I don't want to take an easier class. I'm sweaty because I've already been working out for 3 hrs and just finished 12 miles. She said she was just trying to help. Rolled her eyes at me. I told her I didn't ask for and don't need her "help" and if she knew how hard it was for a girl my size to come to class and do my best she would just keep her opinions to herself. During the class I noticed she was pretty darn sweaty too. Where was the sweating police! I also noticed she had to sit out at least one circuit. Sure would have liked to see her do my workout today.

    It did upset me at the time but she doesn't mean anything to me. There is always gonna be jerks at the gym or mean girls. Keep up the good work!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    many of my guy friend have told me that 9 times out of 10 when a guy says something really incredibly stupid to you that make you want to throw chop him, he probably was meaning to be suave and charming and trying to hit on you..

    i hope that's true because otherwise i would be worried about all the dumba$$ men i've met in my life who start off their first conversation to you with something borderline insulting :laugh:
  • RosaC773
    RosaC773 Posts: 126
    People are jerks and have no filter. I work out 4 hours a day, 6 days a week, yet anytime I'm in the produce aisle or looking at Lean Cuisines there is always someone who wants to give me diet advice. I usually politely tell them I've lost 40+ pounds in 4 mos and I'm doing what works for me. Sometimes people shut up, sometimes not.

    Tonight in my circuit class that also has a lot of running laps the skinny skank next to me felt the need to say during the warmup that if I'm already sweating and class has barely begun maybe I belong in an easier class. To which I replied that I don't want to take an easier class. I'm sweaty because I've already been working out for 3 hrs and just finished 12 miles. She said she was just trying to help. Rolled her eyes at me. I told her I didn't ask for and don't need her "help" and if she knew how hard it was for a girl my size to come to class and do my best she would just keep her opinions to herself. During the class I noticed she was pretty darn sweaty too. Where was the sweating police! I also noticed she had to sit out at least one circuit. Sure would have liked to see her do my workout today.

    It did upset me at the time but she doesn't mean anything to me. There is always gonna be jerks at the gym or mean girls. Keep up the good work!

    That is exactly my point, they don't know are "true" progress. Great job on the weight loss!
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I have been going to the gym consistently since August - however, I am on week 8 of a certain workout plan.

    In the beginning I was just tracking my weight, but since I am lifting, the scale hardly moved. So, I started taking measurements on 9/13.

    I have lost 2.5 inches from my waist since I started taking measurements and I feel pretty great about it. I am not going to turn into a supermodel overnight, these things take time.

    Slow and steady wins the race!

    Today, some jerk at the gym came up to me and told me, "hey, I see you are working on your stomach, I have a better workout for you."

    I told him, "No, thanks, I have my own plan." The douche kept on!

    This guy is NOT in any shape to tell me about "ab workouts" - he has a jiggly belly. Who does he think he is to offer up advice?

    There are hundreds of different ab workout routines, you do what works best for you. I wanted to tell the guy off, instead I just walked away before I punched him in the damn face!

    Just here to vent!

    Did he say anything actually rude to you? Did he insult you? (e.g. "jiggly belly" or "douche") Or was he just trying to offer advice?

    BTW: Ab work outs do not get rid of a "jiggly belly", they build muscle so if you carry extra fat on the belly it will protrude more. Any decrease of your waistline was due to fat loss not ab workouts.
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    Haha don't you love those people. I just keep my mouth shut unless spoken to first, the gym instructors are there for a reason. I did have one guy tell me once I was obviously lifting weights that were too heavy because I was lifting them so slow (aka controlled) - there he was bouncing around and lifting his weights soooo quickly it looked like his shoulder was going to pop out. I handed him my weight and said 'maybe, but you try it, just try it slow'. He couldn't do more than 8 reps. Trying to be all macho and he got beaten by a girl hehehe.
  • RosaC773
    RosaC773 Posts: 126
    I have been going to the gym consistently since August - however, I am on week 8 of a certain workout plan.

    In the beginning I was just tracking my weight, but since I am lifting, the scale hardly moved. So, I started taking measurements on 9/13.

    I have lost 2.5 inches from my waist since I started taking measurements and I feel pretty great about it. I am not going to turn into a supermodel overnight, these things take time.

    Slow and steady wins the race!

    Today, some jerk at the gym came up to me and told me, "hey, I see you are working on your stomach, I have a better workout for you."

    I told him, "No, thanks, I have my own plan." The douche kept on!

    This guy is NOT in any shape to tell me about "ab workouts" - he has a jiggly belly. Who does he think he is to offer up advice?

    There are hundreds of different ab workout routines, you do what works best for you. I wanted to tell the guy off, instead I just walked away before I punched him in the damn face!

    Just here to vent!

    Did he say anything actually rude to you? Did he insult you? (e.g. "jiggly belly" or "douche") Or was he just trying to offer advice?

    BTW: Ab work outs do not get rid of a "jiggly belly", they build muscle so if you carry extra fat on the belly it will protrude more. Any decrease of your waistline was due to fat loss not ab workouts.

    No means no, he was persistent - he wouldn't leave it alone.

    Ab workouts create muscles, muscles burn fat.
  • RosaC773
    RosaC773 Posts: 126
    Haha don't you love those people. I just keep my mouth shut unless spoken to first, the gym instructors are there for a reason. I did have one guy tell me once I was obviously lifting weights that were too heavy because I was lifting them so slow (aka controlled) - there he was bouncing around and lifting his weights soooo quickly it looked like his shoulder was going to pop out. I handed him my weight and said 'maybe, but you try it, just try it slow'. He couldn't do more than 8 reps. Trying to be all macho and he got beaten by a girl hehehe.

    Lol Awesome win!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Yep this happened to me, too.
    Good news is, you'll just keep getting fitter, and all this will become a distant memory, pretty much a non-event:)
  • diligentjosh
    If a guy talks to a chick he doesn't know at the gym, he is either gay or he just wants to sherminate you. Don't take it personal. Instead, take it as a compliment. Guy probably didn't know how to talk to you appropriately, and wanted to establish a dominant persona, with hopes that you would like it. Probably. But what do I know, I haven't been laid in almost 2 years. Good luck!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    i bet that was his socially awkward way to not introduce you to a new ab workout but more to a hip thrusting workout

    Oh yeah baby
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Some people just can't STFU at the gym.

    Sorry you had to deal with that. Just brush it off and keep going.

    Unsolicited advice is my #1 pet peeve anyway, so I'd probably have gone off on his pudgy *kitten*.
  • diligentjosh
    "I am the Sherminator. A sophisticated sex robot send back in time to change the future for one lucky lady. You have been targeted for Shermination." That is my favorite part of the movie. Uncool redhead gets laid by the hottest chick in the room. F-in awesome....oh, sorry. went off on a tangent there. Yeah, don't take it personal.
  • sophiemama
    sophiemama Posts: 62 Member
    maybe he was hitting on you.

    ^That was my first thought
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    He was probably trying to be helpful but with his limited people skills didn't know how to go about it lol...also..just cause he doesn't have ripped abs doesn't mean he doesn't know great exercises