Mike’s Daily Rant 10/30/2012 The McDonalds 10K



  • MikeDaMotivator
    Loved this post, thank you!

    Thank You.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Mine isn't food related, but my workout motivator is I am not allowed to watch My favorite TV shows unless I am on my elliptical working out. This is great for a few reasons. I can't snack while I am on the elliptical and I love to watch TV that isn't cartoons (I have 2 little kids). So I DVR The Walking Dead, NCIS, Bones and a few other shows and for the last month I have worked out 5 days a week. It is a great motivator for me.

    Incentives are great I love that idea as well. I watch CNN a lot. They play it at the gym as well so I get to watch tv while on the treadmill of eliptical as well. Love the idea.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Mike, have you considered writing a book? You are a great writer and very entertaining. I always look forward to reading your rants. =)

    Thank You. I am considering but its not a green light yet. I am just curious to know what people like. Will they buy it? You know those type of things before I go out and do it.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Thanks for sharing, Mike.
    I always find that McDonald's sounds and smells much better than it actually is. One bite - good. Second bite - hmmm. Third bite - yuck!
    No problem glad you read it.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Awesome post!

    I too, love Mcdonalds. I worked there as a skinny kid back in the eighties.

    I swore it off for almost 5 years 2005-2010. Then gave in one day due to convenience. I couldn't stop and gained a ton.

    Now, if I want it, I make it fit into my plan. I don't go very often. I cook at home almost exclusively.

    I will go there in November. McRib is coming back!

    Well done! I have never had the McRib but may try it when it comes back in circulation.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    I hate eating alone. There are some great restaurants in the cities I travel to for work. But eating by myself is such an inconvenience in terms of time and lost mental energy (free food - as it is billed to the comapny) that I prefer to go to the corner store, grab some tuna, tomatoes, fruit, etc.. and eat in my room.
    So it's laziness of a different sort.

  • MikeDaMotivator
    Thanks funny cause this is exactly how I plan to get through Thanksgiving lol....If I can't burn it off that same day, I'm not eating it! lol

    Excellent Plan. I plan on dropping 10 pounds right before thanksgiving so that I can gain it back on thanksgiving. Silly? Maybe so but thats my plan. lol.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Thanks funny cause this is exactly how I plan to get through Thanksgiving lol....If I can't burn it off that same day, I'm not eating it! lol

    I have a 5K that morning. I signed up for guilt free pie.

    LikeWise I am doing a half marathon though and feed the hungry that morning so yeah I got a lot to do before I pig out.
  • MikeDaMotivator

    If I have McDonalds it will be something more sensible if that’s not an oxymoron.

    Exactly. I think black coffee would be a sensible chioce at McDonalds. I just don't go b/c I don't like it that much anymore. Now chicken wings is another story....maybe I should start running since today is discount wing day down the road....

    Saw the wings advertised but havent had them.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    This idea is very inspiring! Next time I get an urge, I'll walk to wherever they sell it! Great idea and example!

    Good to hear. Thats a step in the right direction.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    This was fantastic. Thank you. I think I might apply this rule for In and Out. Can't get it unless I walk/run there.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    This is awesome...for me its Coldstone.......LOVE THE PLACE!!!! I eat there but I do not order what I use too and I miss it still...but my challenge is actually going in there with my kids and NOT ordering my usual foudners favorite and going with teh more low caloric options......

    Coldstone?!!?!?? I go all the way in there. Gotta have it is my size with the strawberry cheesecake. Yum!
  • MikeDaMotivator
    I love this idea! I may have to figure something out for me to do like this!

  • MikeDaMotivator
    Really inspiring post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    Thanks. No problem.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    love your post! :-)

    i stopped eating mcgutrot years ago, but there are always other temptations.... my favorite right now is a no bake cookie my daughter makes with oatmeal, cocoa powder, shredded coconut, and sugar. it's mostly healthy, right?!

    what do people like to read? (i for one want to be educated AND laugh at the same time.) do you have any subjects in mind? maybe you ought to start by submitting one of your favorite rants to a magazine? i'll sure be looking for more. thanks mike!
  • MikeDaMotivator
    This was fantastic. Thank you. I think I might apply this rule for In and Out. Can't get it unless I walk/run there.
    Please dont Tease me!! I went to vegas a few weeks ago and I jogged 3 miles to get my in and out right on Tropicana. Yummy!~! In and Out is my favorite Fast Food by far. However, we dont have it on this side of the country.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    love your post! :-)

    i stopped eating mcgutrot years ago, but there are always other temptations.... my favorite right now is a no bake cookie my daughter makes with oatmeal, cocoa powder, shredded coconut, and sugar. it's mostly healthy, right?!

    what do people like to read? (i for one want to be educated AND laugh at the same time.) do you have any subjects in mind? maybe you ought to start by submitting one of your favorite rants to a magazine? i'll sure be looking for more. thanks mike!

    Thanks! Ill keep that in mind.
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    I walk 1h for magnum double gold.

    Sorry, my mind must be in the gutter because I thought this was a condom.

    Anyways, I agree that it is all about convience. That is why I try not to keep trigger food in my house. And I would probably never run the 1.5 miles to eat at McDonalds so good theory.
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    I thought the story was going to end with you getting sick on your jog home. =)
  • PermissionGranted
    PermissionGranted Posts: 203 Member
    You shine light on some of the very issues I am currently having problems with. I will be making a sacrafice one way or the other. Now the question is... is it a sacrafice for me or against me?