what's going on? im falling apart

I can not for the life of me eat right for an entire day.....I started drinking chai tea and green tea instead of coffee, had an apple, pb&j and did OKAY for the most part but then as soon as i leave work I get this craving for Taco Bell....i did my best to fight it off and came straight home but now im binging on everything I see...I tell myself to stop but it's almost like my body is going through withdraws and i start to feel sick. I am not even hungry anymore and i just keep shoving food in my mouth...

Has anyone ever delt with this and how did you over come???

help please :(


  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I've already commented on this on your profile...but if you are craving Taco Bell, make some tacos! quick and easy. Will it be the same? No. Will it be better? Oh yeahh
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    I love those enchiritos from there or sometimes the pintos and cheese. I keep a couple cans of refried beans and the enchilada sauce in my pantry, tastes pretty much the same as Taco Bell....

    But since I've been tracking I notice my cravings get worse when I don't eat enough during the day. Have you tried having a larger meal at lunch?
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    it is ok to go to taco bell just be sure to make "better" choices like ordering from the fresca menu... dont deny yourself the things your enjoy but also dont have the things your enjoy everyday
  • CassandraPieroni
    i went through absolute hell withdrawing from sugar (my sugar intake was phenominal).

    what helped me was that i started changing my eating habits over the weekend, so i didn't have to go through detox while going past the shops that i would normally frequent.

    your body will still be craving those foods you used to eat. i treat my sugar cravings like a drug addiction. every day is hard work, but you need to retrain your body to new eating habits.

    good luck
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    it is ok to go to taco bell just be sure to make "better" choices like ordering from the fresca menu... dont deny yourself the things your enjoy but also dont have the things your enjoy everyday

    good grief...........did you even read the post? she is binging on everything she sees

    your advice is to not deny herself

    OP....read info on binging...you need to be mindful and focus

    good luck
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    it is ok to go to taco bell just be sure to make "better" choices like ordering from the fresca menu... dont deny yourself the things your enjoy but also dont have the things your enjoy everyday

    good grief...........did you even read the post? she is binging on everything she sees

    your advice is to not deny herself

    OP....read info on binging...you need to be mindful and focus

    good luck

    she is binging because she denied herself food all day and then when she gets home she is starving so she eats everything in site. as i said learn to enjoy the things you want in moderation and you wont have the problems of binging.
  • NextChapter60
    NextChapter60 Posts: 78 Member
    I've had the same problem for AGES. I can have a sensible breakfast, and keep on target for lunch and daytime snacks (fresh fruit), but all bets are off as soon as I hit the front door at the end of the day! I've found that I MUST have a meal ALREADY PLANNED and quick to prepare as soon as I get home. On the way home I think - What vegetables will I be having for dinner? - to start focusing BEFORE I get home, and then have a quick protein as soon as I arrive (cottage cheese or a boiled egg). I find protein takes an edge off the binge drive.

    Weekends are equally tough. Unstructured time seems to lead to unstructured eating, so I have to mentally structure my time and food: morning to noon, noon to night.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Did you know that 'legally' Taco Bell is not allowed to refer to their 'taco filling' as meat? That's because it's dog food with taco seasoning and cheese. The 'taco filling' is only 30% meat at most. mmmmm dog food. yummy. That should help.
  • SusieR1970
    You should have had Taco Bell and counted it in your total calories for the day. If you have a salad for lunch tomorrow then have a couple tacos for dinner.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I think there are a couple things going on.

    First of all, you need to isolate why you binge, what triggers it, etc. It's more of a behavioral issue than a food issue. It can take some time to wrangle it into submission, and it's a constant fight, even at goal weight. I have a few things I do to stave off a binge. Since my binges are caused by stress, one of them is to go for a super-fast, super-sweaty walk. Another way I prevent major damage is to avoid buying unhealthy food to stock at home. That way, even if I do binge, it's on healthy stuff, and the walk has pre-burned some calories. If I want cake, but that means getting dressed, going to the store, standing in line, and coming home, I don't want it as much. It's not worth the effort. Having it in the fridge makes it way too easy.

    Secondly, what type of food do you binge on? Binges are usually caused by either dehydration (drink some water!) or sugar withdrawal. Try to *gradually* reduce the sugar and empty carbs in your diet, and I do mean *gradually*. Eventually, you'll get to a point where you don't even really care for it that much and just a little bit is more than enough. I used to be able to eat half a cheesecake. Now, one pudding cup is enough to give me a sugar rush.
  • lisalu2u
    lisalu2u Posts: 5 Member
    I have found that I am better at controlling my cravings when I don't have sugar in the morning. By sugar I mean less than 4 to 6 grams of sugar in my morning meal. I keep little bags of cashews or almonds hidden everywhere so If I do get hungry I have something less sugary or carb loaded to tide me over.
    I also like the suggestion to have a meal planned that you know you have right when you get home.
    If I break down and go there I only get one crunchy taco and quickly drive away. It is a small compromise to my goal but it keeps me sane.
  • dmarhal
    dmarhal Posts: 30 Member
    If that is all you had to eat all day no wonder you are craving taco bell.
    If you're stomach is full (of good stuff) you won't be hungry. You need
    to eat more often to keep your blood sugar where it should be and
    to keep you from being hungry and craving. It's just like going to the
    food store hungry, you want everything! If you're not hungry you don't.
    Try eating more and more often.
    Good luck.
  • songhan0714
    Go outside for a walk + tons of coke zero
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I have the same issues recently. I can't seem to control myself. It's bad enough to take the time to take a trip to the restaurant to get what I want. I gained 1.4 pounds this week. I wish I had helpful words, but I can tell you that maybe you should consider going to "maintenance mode" for awhile until it straightens out. I had to do that a few months ago, and I didn't gain any weight. I know it's not super helpful, but others are right, something is causing this psychological dilemma, and maybe you need to give your brain time to heal.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    If that is all you had to eat all day no wonder you are craving taco bell.
    If you're stomach is full (of good stuff) you won't be hungry. You need
    to eat more often to keep your blood sugar where it should be and
    to keep you from being hungry and craving. It's just like going to the
    food store hungry, you want everything! If you're not hungry you don't.
    Try eating more and more often.
    Good luck.

    ^This is so true! I just binged on 6 cookies and I normally don't touch them all because I ate less than I should have the last couple of days.
  • ltkasmala
    ltkasmala Posts: 109 Member
    I think advice is coming in from fairly all perspectives, but if you are craving something (truly craving it, not just wanting it because you can't get it out of your mind) your body is lacking i "something". What in Taco Bell that is, I don't know. I know people shun off carbs in the diet but if you are hungry and have little energy you probably need to take in more during the day. Try smoothies (whatever kind, they work at filling you up and add protein powder to give you added nutritional value). I don't eat Taco Bell, but every 2 or 3 weeks buy nachos at a local Tex-Mex place. They have about 300 less calories than Nachos Bell Grande and though they are still pretty high in calories and fat, I eat them and add them in like any other food. You'll learn to modify to accommodate days when you need to eat these kinds of things. Whatever you do, do not starve yourself during the day! Try to eat small things every couple of hours. Just start fresh tomorrow; you should be fine!
  • Suzyqall72
    I think most of us have had to deal with that feeling. You deny yourself what you really want, and then you wake up standing in front of the pantry eating a handful of this and that. I agree with some previous posts. You probably went too drastic in the morning. You were hungry, so you started craving. Try to eat a sensible breakfast, oatmeal, cereal, greek yogurt, whole wheat toast, whatever. Then have a piece of fruit mid morning. Don't try to go from 100 mph to 0 in 1 day. If you're craving tacos, have one.. just check nutritional info, or make your own.

    You can do it. You have to believe you can do it, and then you will. Good luck!
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    Did you know that 'legally' Taco Bell is not allowed to refer to their 'taco filling' as meat? That's because it's dog food with taco seasoning and cheese. The 'taco filling' is only 30% meat at most. mmmmm dog food. yummy. That should help.

    Ewwww, really?
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    My strategy is to bring snacks I like, but that keep me on track, for the car. I have one of these in the car, and can wait for my dinner at home easier. I can look forward to something at home, which I know will make me feel better plus taste better, without all the feelings of having lost it. If I've saved a special snack and have a plan half prepared at home, then it's like a no brainer. Once I'm nibbling I can stall until I have passed the fast food, and have control over instant gratefication that won't leave me feeling good in the end result..

    Sometimes I allow myself donuts, candy, or cookies in pre thought out portions. Because a donut craving is satisfied I have saved myself a 1200 calorie fast food stop and still have calories for dinner left. I enjoy the hell out of that donut, too.

    I've also started making my chili recipe into everything taco, nacho, burrito. Freezing my own burritos is crazy good, rediculously easy, and much more healthy. Microwave ready and still have honest food inside.
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    Nature adhores a vacuum. If all I am doing is thinking, "I must not have, I must not have..." I will almost always succumb to temptation. What makes a difference to me is preplanning my meals and perhaps having some of the prep done. That way as I drive by the fast food outlets, I can picture the nice meal that will be ready shortly once I get home. I find too that a drink with some but not too many calories while I am preparing dinner takes the edge off my appetite a bit. My choice is a virgin caesar (Clamato juice with hot sauce, celery salt and a stick of celery....60 calories.) Can you tell I am a Canuck?