what's going on? im falling apart



  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Did you know that 'legally' Taco Bell is not allowed to refer to their 'taco filling' as meat? That's because it's dog food with taco seasoning and cheese. The 'taco filling' is only 30% meat at most. mmmmm dog food. yummy. That should help.

    Ewwww, really?

    Yeah, they actually got sued over calling it 'meat' and had to start calling it 'taco filling'. I just tell myself, when I binge on fast food, I'm binging on boogers and dog food. I've had a couple of binges, but it was on usually on apples or, at the very worst, ice cream. It never killed my weight loss any.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Why can't you go to Taco Bell if you want it that bad? If I feel like I NEED it I'll swing through and get TWO crunchy taco supremes for a meal. I make room for it in my day. That's all I buy. I don't feel deprived, and it's all over....
  • Snikkee
    Snikkee Posts: 295 Member
    I am overly addicted to sugar as well.. I used to mix a koolaid packet with a cup of sugar or two and eat it with a spoon! yikes!

    Anywho I still always crave sugar, junk, fast food, etc. I think I always will, as time goes on I think the cravings will lessen, but with that said I heard someone mention that they treat their cravings like a drug addiction. I agree, thats what it is, an addiction and it will be a lifelong struggle. You have to find what works for you. I have a simple smoothie for a sweet craving, here is the recipe,

    2 cups of sliced frozen strawberries

    half a medium banana ( frozen or not )

    one scoop of vanilla protein powder

    half a packet of any kind of sugar free jello ( this gives it more of a tart taste, try with and without to see which you like )

    one cup of water ( the more water the more liquidy )

    blend and drink!!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    it is ok to go to taco bell just be sure to make "better" choices like ordering from the fresca menu... dont deny yourself the things your enjoy but also dont have the things your enjoy everyday

    good grief...........did you even read the post? she is binging on everything she sees

    your advice is to not deny herself

    OP....read info on binging...you need to be mindful and focus

    What I think the person was trying to say is that if you are too strict and deny yourself too much, it could lead to binging. If she had gotten something on the fresco menu, maybe she would not have wanted to binge. The diary inn't open, so it is hard to tell how well this person is eating. Did you read the post! Jeez.

    good luck
  • gracedivine
    I spent evenings bing eating for several years as my husband had a job that kept him on the road for weeks at a time. I was just bored and lonely (ok a little depressed too about the situation) and I always turned to food for comfort. I would no more than finish one thing before I was thinking of what I could eat next. It provided comfort but only in short spurts and it is taking it's toll on my body and health now.
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    It took a really long time for me to understand this too. It was REALLY hard at the beginning… and is still hard… but it will get easier. You will crave those “bad things” and “fast food” less and less…. Don’t get me wrong… I have my pizza fix, I get a fat juicy burger, and go through the drive through…. But it’s not as often. Try changing things slowly.

    How often are you eating those “bad for you” foods? How about trying to cut it in ½ for a while. Maybe instead of going 4 times a week you only go twice.

    The best advice that I can give you is don’t deny all of your cravings, then it could cause you to binge, and not just binge one day… days straight. Well in my experience it did.

    I’ve been here for two years, scale has gone up and down, and up and down. I have tried every suggestions and fad diet/program- even while being here... over the last few months I have finally found a nice balance for myself. I have managed to continuously lose without an ouce gain back.... It takes a long time to figure this out. Remember, you didn’t just have Taco bell twice and gain weight… it was over a long time. Its going to take a while to re-program your thoughts and how you react to food. It’s normal to feel the way you do. This is why we are here. To grow and learn and to gain a better understanding of what each of our bodies want and need.
  • mystry11
    MOVE TO NEW ZEALAND we don't have Taco Bell here but we have mc Donald's I'm moving to a desert island soon :laugh: :wink: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :tongue:
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Did you know that 'legally' Taco Bell is not allowed to refer to their 'taco filling' as meat? That's because it's dog food with taco seasoning and cheese. The 'taco filling' is only 30% meat at most. mmmmm dog food. yummy. That should help.

    Welcome to the Internet, I read something about Taco Bell meat not being real meat so it must be true. Hey I'm a French model wanna go out?
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    This happened to me at the beginning when I set my caloires at 1200. I would have a few good days and then snap like a twig and eat food for no other reason than I wasn't supposed to. I wasn't hungry, and it didn't even taste good, but I couldn't stop.

    I've done much better since increasing my daily caloires to 1500. I've just gone down to 1400, but it's still manageable. I can eat meals that make me feel full, nothing is disallowed, and because I'm not starving and my blood sugar doesn't crash I can make good choices. And best of all, I'm not gripped by cravings in the same way. My greatest difficulty comes when I let myself get too hungry.

    Good luck, feel free to friend me if you like.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    Eat more real food during the day and then plan good meals for the evening. Aim for 25 grams of fiber per day. Have protein, carbs and fat for breakfast and lunch then plan a good meal for dinner--make your own tacos with 90% lean ground beef, lettuce, tomatoes, corn tortillas that aren't fried, guacamole, pico de gallo and a 1/2 cup of refried beans.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Did you know that 'legally' Taco Bell is not allowed to refer to their 'taco filling' as meat? That's because it's dog food with taco seasoning and cheese. The 'taco filling' is only 30% meat at most. mmmmm dog food. yummy. That should help.

    Welcome to the Internet, I read something about Taco Bell meat not being real meat so it must be true. Hey I'm a French model wanna go out?

    they did give away free coupons to make up for it.

  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    Sounds harsh, but it's all about finding the will. Not everyone has it.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    I go through stages like this sometimes and I have no fix for it. You just have to keep trying and eventually you will get through them.

    Drink lots of water.
    Exercise (I crave healthier things when I workout).
    Give yourself an assignment to do before you can have that taco bell binge. Like I have to do the dishes or load of laundry or read a chapter, etc. Once you are done with that task, you might not have such a strong craving for it.

    Good luck.
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    Did you know that 'legally' Taco Bell is not allowed to refer to their 'taco filling' as meat? That's because it's dog food with taco seasoning and cheese. The 'taco filling' is only 30% meat at most. mmmmm dog food. yummy. That should help.

    Ewwww, really?

    Yeah, they actually got sued over calling it 'meat' and had to start calling it 'taco filling'. I just tell myself, when I binge on fast food, I'm binging on boogers and dog food. I've had a couple of binges, but it was on usually on apples or, at the very worst, ice cream. It never killed my weight loss any.

    This whole bit is urban myth. By their measurements, their meat is 88% beef, 3% water, 4% spices and flavors and 5% sugar, yeast, citric acid and other ingredients. The lawsuit against them was withdrawn voluntarily because it was baseless. Taco Bell doesn't qualify as healthy in any fashion though.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I have days like that where I eat till I am sick. I try to still eat something healthy at the end of it and start a new and healthier day tomorrow. I tend to have a blowout every 7-10 days. I do try to keep healthier snack foods in the house so it isn't as bad as it used to be.
    I never do fast food though, just does not appeal to me.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Yes. Do you feel any emotional connection to the cravings? If not, it's probably due to a low calorie intake. Rework your numbers using TDEE and BMR.
  • DoingItForME724
    DoingItForME724 Posts: 130 Member
    Thank You everyone for your responses.....

    I do feel it is like a drug addiction, I watch intervention all the time and think...why can't these people kick the drugs???! But here i am addicted to food :(

    I tell myself i will allow my favorite foods in moderation but then something triggers and its done. and this happens every other day and on days when i do not give into fast food i cook a super unhealthy meal and its all out the window anyway.....In the past month since i started to log on MFP i have gained 8 pounds.

    Its almost like the stress of keeping track of food causes me to eat more.

    And the reason i have some unhealthy food is because my children and husband still want "their" foods. Most of the time i binge on my kids corndogs or goldfish or anything!

    it really is crazy when i think about it but earlier when I first gave in i got this rush and i get light headed and just keep going.

    My husband has explained to me the whole "chase" that drug addicts go through, he said that the first high is always the most satisfying and every high after that is just chasing the "first high" and now i reallize it is that way with food for me....Mc DOnald's and Taco Bell don't taste that great but somewhere in my memory it tasted amazing and i just want that same satisfying feeling.

    I wonder if there are meetings for food addicts, like AA, sounds odd but i would really consider.

    Lastly i wonder if it has anything thing to do with post pardom...i had my second child 4 months ago.....
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Did you know that 'legally' Taco Bell is not allowed to refer to their 'taco filling' as meat? That's because it's dog food with taco seasoning and cheese. The 'taco filling' is only 30% meat at most. mmmmm dog food. yummy. That should help.

    Ewwww, really?

    Yeah, they actually got sued over calling it 'meat' and had to start calling it 'taco filling'. I just tell myself, when I binge on fast food, I'm binging on boogers and dog food. I've had a couple of binges, but it was on usually on apples or, at the very worst, ice cream. It never killed my weight loss any.

    This whole bit is urban myth. By their measurements, their meat is 88% beef, 3% water, 4% spices and flavors and 5% sugar, yeast, citric acid and other ingredients. The lawsuit against them was withdrawn voluntarily because it was baseless. Taco Bell doesn't qualify as healthy in any fashion though.

    Those percentages don't include the spit and booger content commonly found in fast food.
  • butterflygurl89
    Something I've always noticed is that if I'm really craving something specific it's best to just let myself have that or I do exactly what you started doing - eating a LOT of other stuff instead of the one thing I wanted. I think it's because I start out trying to eat something different but even while and after I'm eating that, I'm still wanting the other thing - so I don't feel full. I keep wanting, and so I keep eating, trying to fill the space that has been created by what I really desire.

    Long story short, if I'm craving something and don't eat it, I wind up eating more than I should. If I'm craving something and I do eat it, I feel full and happy and it's over.

    I say next time just go to Taco Bell. Look at their menu and order something off the fresco (lower cal) menu or portion yourself or something. Don't make it a 'diet', make it a lifestyle change. I don't see why you should have to live your whole life without taco bell.
  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    Here's a more thorough article from the LA Times that explains the meat in Taco Bell's products: http://articles.latimes.com/2011/feb/01/business/la-fi-taco-bell-20110201

    What they serve is actually very common....

    "In the lawsuit, Miles includes what appears to be a label from Taco Bell's raw meat mixture, which reads "taco meat filling."

    Miles said in an interview that he had the company's meaty mix tested and found that, overall, 15% was protein. Miles wouldn't turn over his laboratory reports to Tribune Newspapers, and after the story became a nationwide phenomenon, he stopped answering questions about it.

    But that low percentage might not be as surprising as it sounds. Ground beef alone is more than half composed of naturally occurring water, according to the USDA. And it's common for food manufacturers to add seasonings and other ingredients to food, said Susan Brewer, a professor in the department of food science and human nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

    It's completely expected that meat would contain about 12% protein, with most of the rest being water and fat, Brewer said. "Protein is not the major component," she said."