I don't watch or own a TV...am I the only one????

Just curious. I obviously have a computer, but besides coming here (usually on slow night shifts) checking email or doing research, rarely have it turned on. There is so much to do that I couldn't imagine finding an hour a day, much less several to sit in front of a screen watching movies/tv shows etc...

It's all I can do to fit in an hour workout a day! I have a job, kids, a house that always needs tidying/renovating, and a lot of hobbies! I have owned a TV in the past, and watched it more when I was a kid..but since I became an adult with college, work and then a mom and wife..then a single mom...I just don't have time! I can't remember the last time i watched a movie (tried to watch one with the boyfriend a few mo. back, but fell asleep half way through). To be fair, it was late and my sleep schedule was mixed up from nights shifts...but you get the idea. It was NOT engaging enough to keep me awake. Getting ZZZ's was a much more urgent priority.

Please know that I am NOT judging people who watch or enjoy TV, just can't wrap my brain around how people have time to do so. Do they have servants that cook/clean/child watch for them? Do they just let their house get messy? Do they not have jobs/responsibilities? Maybee they're just better at managing their time? (doubt that, since I'm a nurse and am VERY efficient at multi tasking I feel..but who knows?). I read somewhere that the average american watches 7 hours a day!! HOW?

I hope I am not alone in this. Sometiems I feel like I am in the VAST minority here.


  • pedraz
    pedraz Posts: 173
    So great to raise children without TV! Good choice!!! You are not alone : )
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    For most of my children's growing up years, we did not have a T.V. I don't like it; they don't call it "programming" for nothing!
    Now we own a T.V. but only run Netflix or DVDs. My husband watches it a lot more often than I do. He works long, hard hours as a plumber and lies to kick back and veg when he gets home. I have a job sitting in front of the computer, and I like to do stuff when I'm not working.

    I do get in maybe 45 minutes of watching per day just before bed. My children are grown and have moved on, so they don't keep me busy anymore.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Although I own a TV (2 actually, we have one in the living room and one in our bedroom) I don't watch television much due to time constraints. I think it is just a matter of what you prioritize...if television watching were important to you, you would find a way to watch it. I know people who watch at least 20 hours of TV a week. That's a part-time job! but it is something that is important to them I guess, or they wouldn't do it.

    LOL I have a funny story related to this. Some years ago I was flipping channels one day and found what I thought was a new show. It was so funny. I noted the channel and made sure to find the time to watch it every week. I went around telling people about this new show. It was Everybody Loves Raymond. People were like Hello?? That show has been on for 9 years and is in syndicated re-runs, WHERE have you been? ha ha it was new to me! because I don't watch TV enough to know what's new and so on.
  • MarcoRod
    MarcoRod Posts: 150 Member
    I used to think this was a big deal but with the internet and viewing options like YouTube, Netflix, Hulu and others I wonder if this truly translates to less viewing time. I don't mean you specifically but anyone in general that doesn't have a TV.
  • Kamille2007
    Definitely NOT alone, sounds like we are living the same life!!!
  • brybre0413
    brybre0413 Posts: 212 Member
    We don't have a tv either! My kids have never asked for one!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    We own a t.v., and hubby and the kids watch it, but I don't. I have never been into T.V. much. I have a hard time sitting still, and would rather be doing house things that need to be done, spending time outside, or exercising now. Most people don't really understand this. People I work with are always surprised when I have not heard of a particular T.V. show or movie, because it is a big deal to most people. But I don';t feel like I am missing out. I would rather particiapte in my own life than watch fake lives or others on T.V.!
  • mrstravisjones
    mrstravisjones Posts: 104 Member
    Eh, we have 3 tvs in our house. I enjoy watching tv. A lot of the time it is just on in the background. I am home by myself a lot and I don't like a silent house. I mainly have cooking shows on. I like learning new things about food. It's nice that you have lots of things to keep you busy. I just like to do lots of things and watch tv.
  • MeganMac17
    MeganMac17 Posts: 90 Member
    I do have a TV, but I don't have cable, which seems to shock everyone haha. But honestly, there's not that much stuff to watch on TV anyways!
  • RunningMum2017
    RunningMum2017 Posts: 22 Member
    Comments sound judegemental!
    I have a TV (actually 2) work very hard, exercise, cook all food from scratch, clean and I am a mum! Helps relax after my little boy has gone to bed!
  • mschickiepoo
    mschickiepoo Posts: 91 Member
    I own tv's, but I'm not a TV watcher AT ALL! There isn't enough time in the day to do everything, and if I have a free few minutes (which is RARE), the last thing I feel like doing is watching TV. Sometimes the kids want me to watch a movie with them, and I do, but I find that time soooooooo long! I think of all the other things I could be getting done.

    You, are not alone! If I didn't have kids, I wouldn't even have basic cable. When someone asks me about something on TV and I say, "I don't know what you are talking about, I never watch TV"......... they look at me as though I'm nuts! lol
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    My family has always had a TV because it's how my parents like to unwind. When I was little me and my brother were only allowed one show a day AFTER homework and chores were done. As an adult I don;t watch much TV except for on Sundays when I catch up on what I like. Computer, that I'm on all the time.
    My uncle doesn't own a TV at all, and his kids are just fine without it. It's all about preference. I don't think watching TV is bad as a pass time, and I don't think it's bad if you choose to not watch or let your kids watch. There's plenty out there to stimulate young minds.
  • catelabow
    catelabow Posts: 77 Member
    You are not the only one!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    We have a TV but I hardly watch it. I put on In The Night Garden for the kids for about 20 minutes some evenings when i remember, but that's it!

    Before I had kids I used to watch CSI, Without a Trace, and Cold Case, but that seems like ages ago now. We occasionally watch a movie on Netflix, but I can't remember the last time I did that.

    Usually I am shattered by the time my kids go to bed, so i just surf the Net a bit or read my Kindle, and I also have to do stuff for work (I'm a teacher). In the day I like to have the radio on, or play itunes, and my kids like dancing!

    My kids aren't bothered by TV really, althought my son likes watching videos of trains on youtube (he's 3) and my daughter likes watching the Muppets Bohemian Rhapsody (she's 17 months)!

    I was like that as a child - my mum said our neighbour thought I was weird as I didn't like TV!
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    I'm trying to save up to by a new car. I want to pay cash for it. So, I can't afford to pay the cable company $200 a month to watch TV. I have a digital antenna, but all of the shows on network tv are talent shows that come on like 4 nights a week. Seriously does the Voice need to come on everyday?. I now watch this station that shows I Love Lucy or Brady Bunch reruns or I just read.
  • fitfocusedfamily
    fitfocusedfamily Posts: 117 Member
    The only TV I watch during the week is when I'm doing a workout DVD. I do get in some time on the weekend to watch what is recorded on the DVR. Even then, I'm usually doing something else at the same time, like laundry, cleaning, couponing, planning, paying bills, etc. Rarely ever do I sit and watch television without multitasking in something in addition. On that rare occasion, I generally do like you did and I fall asleep.

    I'm a single mother of three teenagers with a full time job (45+ hours a week), a second job (I don't really consider a job but a service I love) helping others get fit & healthy, volunteer with at-risk youth 3 days a week for a total of 5-6 hours, volunteer teach a spin class once or twice a week, study for my group fitness instructor certification, and audition and do acting jobs when I get them. Oh, yeah, that television watching, since becoming an actor, is now studying more than entertainment. Add in all my domestic duties and I'm right with you in not understanding how people can possibly have more even an hour a day to watch television. On top of that, those same people complain about not having time to volunteer or workout. (sorry, couldn't resist putting that out there)
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    When my kids were babies I was a single Mom and didn't own a tv either. Like you, I just didn't have time. I was busy working, raising my kids and taking care of the house. After I got married, I reluctantly got a tv for the (now ex) husband. I still never watched it much. Now we have 4 tv's & I STILL don't watch it much. My boyfriend sits in front of it all evening while I cook dinner, clean the kitchen, do laundry, tidy the house & when it comes time for bed I may watch about 15-20 minutes before I fall asleep.

    He is still amazed when he asks me have I seen certain movies and I have no clue what he's talking about. It's just not ever been a priority for me. I'd rather be outside or doing something in the house. There's just too much to do!
  • mschickiepoo
    mschickiepoo Posts: 91 Member
    The only TV I watch during the week is when I'm doing a workout DVD. I do get in some time on the weekend to watch what is recorded on the DVR. Even then, I'm usually doing something else at the same time, like laundry, cleaning, couponing, planning, paying bills, etc. Rarely ever do I sit and watch television without multitasking in something in addition. On that rare occasion, I generally do like you did and I fall asleep.

    I'm a single mother of three teenagers with a full time job (45+ hours a week), a second job (I don't really consider a job but a service I love) helping others get fit & healthy, volunteer with at-risk youth 3 days a week for a total of 5-6 hours, volunteer teach a spin class once or twice a week, study for my group fitness instructor certification, and audition and do acting jobs when I get them. Oh, yeah, that television watching, since becoming an actor, is now studying more than entertainment. Add in all my domestic duties and I'm right with you in not understanding how people can possibly have more even an hour a day to watch television. On top of that, those same people complain about not having time to volunteer or workout. (sorry, couldn't resist putting that out there)

    Bravo! You are one busy lady! Do you have time to sleep? :yawn: I am also a single mother of 2 teenaged girls.
  • jboss1989
    I own a tv because my boyfriend cannot live without ESPN, but I rarely watch it. Like you, I have very little free time between two jobs, household maintenance, the gym, and everything else. When I do, I read instead. I would love to get rid of the TV and cable if I was allowed :p
  • Purplebfly333
    Purplebfly333 Posts: 32 Member
    No, you are not alone........for the most part I don't watch TV, but my hubby do. I wish I could get it out of the house totally.