Running, what motivates you?!



  • AmyW125
    AmyW125 Posts: 303 Member
    Running helped me fit in a size 0 jean. I will always love it for that!
    I run for the ONLY me time I get.
    I run to stay in those damn jeans I worked so hard for (was a 16...:noway: )
    I run to get faster.
    I won a few I want MORE medals!!!
    I love the sweat....:love:
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Signing up for 5Ks. I definitely don't want to be the last person to cross the finish line so that's what motivates me to get moving! Plus, I want to beat my time every race.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Training for a race and seeing if I can meet or beat my goals.

    Plus I love how I feel afterward - sweaty, tired, happy! :drinker: And by then I've burned off enough calories that I can have a glass of wine or two with my dinner!

    Oh Oh Oh!! That's it, I second the drink after dinner!! Has to be it!
  • bbmkt11
    bbmkt11 Posts: 3 Member
    Good For You Stepmark! I used to run and I've just gotten back into it. I do a lot of run / walking. My goal is to run the whole 4.1 miles.
  • stepmark
    stepmark Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks bbmkt11!!!

    No doubt you'll be 'back in the saddle' again soon. I'm willing to bet your run/walk time is faster than my 'jogging' time.... :happy:

    I'm fearful of even trying to run in a 'race'....I'll get there someday :)
  • Double_Tapp
    I run for the bag of Oreos when I finish the race. :laugh: j/k
  • danimal5867
    My motivation is my continual pursuit of personal bests. I still haven't ran a race for more than 30 years but I track every run with endomondo. I love looking at my time and distance afterwards and finding that I've set a new personal best.
  • Bossit
    Bossit Posts: 118 Member
    I can be chubby and happy because I can outrun all of my friends.
  • anonymousKel
    anonymousKel Posts: 92 Member
    Runner's high, that is what keeps me motivated. I don't always get it but when i do it's the best feeling in the world.

    very true I missed it today as back home from hols (which I ran every day with the dog in all weathers). Boot camp was good cos need some strength training but still....running !! aw
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Dropping from a size 22 jean into a size 4. That is great motivation!
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    The Marine Corps cadences on my MP3 player
    Ironically the clarity of thought I get when I run, it's like I do a full mental rebuild on a 5k run
    Lastly the motivation of looking lean in any costumes I put together and the ones I can plan because I have lost so much weight

    Yes, nerd
  • shenanigansmo
    shenanigansmo Posts: 119 Member
    I'm an extremely competitive person by nature. Always have been. I love to compete against myself on regular run days to try to go faster, farther, and better than the last run. I LOOOOOOVE races, even though I'm not fast by any means, or have finished anywhere near a medal, I know that I'm finishing faster than others. I also write my official time on each bib and keep the bibs. That way I can compare my times and see my overall improvement.

    I also get ridiculous runners high. I agree with those that say that running is their "me time". The very first 5k I ran was about a week after I got horribly dumped. After I finished that race, I realized that I had almost 40 minutes of time where I wasn't thinking about that stupid relationship. Running allows me to clear my head for just a little bit during the day. I just crank up my music and concentrate on me.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I trained for a 10k which I ran the end of Sept, after not running for 12 yrs. I forgot how enjoyable it is! Also, seeing my waistline shrink steadily is a huge motivator too!
  • littlemsmetal
    Uhm, I hate cardio. With a passion. And running makes me pee myself.

    What motivates me? Lifting heavy and seeing new muscles poke out at me to say hi during a rest break. :D

    I laughed so hard I almost peed! Bahahaha! :D
  • littlemsmetal
    Gaaaah! These were AMAZING responses! I'm so pumped it's not even funny. I have a total date with running planned for tomorrow!
  • healthynotthin
    healthynotthin Posts: 223 Member
    I don't know if I'm an enigma or very special case but I just love the adrenaline I get from running! Sometimes I say to myself "see the sky below you" as I take each step, then grin as I jump from step to step. Even just taking a deep breath of air as I begin my run can make all the difference. That and I never feel sexier than when I'm all breathless and covered in sweat from a good workout :)

    This, and what mruntidy said, I have the Marine Corps Cadence on my iPod as well as songs from Rocky, Scarface, and Top Gun in a special playlist just for my more intense workouts. :)
  • lorib1108
    lorib1108 Posts: 4 Member
    I hated running, but decided to try C25K, once I completed that program I was hooked. The day a experienced a true runners high, I was addicted. Now it is a competition with myself. I can't run at the moment, healthy issues, but as soon as I am released there is no stopping me.

    how long before you experienced the runner's high?
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I noticed that after a cardio workout at the gym that didn't have running included I'd feel ok but tired. After cardio workouts that included running and beating my last run time/speed/distance I'd leave feeling like superwoman. Running makes me feel amazing and even though I've only really started "learning" so run outside for a couple of months and it still hurts my legs I LOVE RUNNING, the adrenaline rush and lasting endorphins (and shrinking waistline) more than make up for the aching muscles because I know that will get better.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I found out someone I dislike could run way farther than me. So I wanted to do it because I have a complex.
  • KarCrib
    KarCrib Posts: 39 Member
    Train for a race. I hate running too, but I've decided to do a 4.1 mile run on Thanksgiving morning. Knowing you are going to do it in the race situation will get you motivated to train. Good luck:)

    Me too. I just keep signing up for races. I don't want to be last so I train for them. I am doing 10K December 31st after many many 5Ks and mini triathlons and duathlons.

    The fact that I am committed to the race and people coming to cheer , makes me get out there and train!