Do you feel bad when,



  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I felt bad when I deleted my parents but I didn't want them knowing some things in my life so the guilty feeling subsided. I see them IRL anyway so it's not like I'm never going to talk to them. lol
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    I block my mother from many of my FB status updates... but can't help what my friends write.

    Two MFPervs had a convo and one mentioned "sex life."

    My mother calls frantically in the morning "Who ees dat man and dat woman talking about sex on your facebooook.... I don't want you beeeing freends wit such bad influences."

    Another, I was tagged in a photo of me pulling the rice paper covering on an spring roll with the caption "feels like a condom."

    My mother calls once again "HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT A CONDOM FEELS LIKE?"

    Mom. I'm 27. She's getting her *kitten* blocked.

    I thought this was real until I saw who posted it.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Don't feel bad - they are probably happy you finally removed them because they could give a fk what you think! :drinker:

  • LesleeBeAlive
    I felt bad when I deleted my parents but I didn't want them knowing some things in my life so the guilty feeling subsided. I see them IRL anyway so it's not like I'm never going to talk to them. lol

  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I deleted my aunt becuse she's a religious fanatic and intollerant. I had originally just blocked her from my news feed and certain parts of my profile but she would said me messages all the time.

    Other people I'm related to I restrict. I'm 21 and say things that I'm sure some of my aunts and uncles would be horrified by. So my status updates don't go out to the people on my "family" list usually.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I block my mother from many of my FB status updates... but can't help what my friends write.

    Two MFPervs had a convo and one mentioned "sex life."

    My mother calls frantically in the morning "Who ees dat man and dat woman talking about sex on your facebooook.... I don't want you beeeing freends wit such bad influences."

    Another, I was tagged in a photo of me pulling the rice paper covering on an spring roll with the caption "feels like a condom."

    My mother calls once again "HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT A CONDOM FEELS LIKE?"

    Mom. I'm 27. She's getting her *kitten* blocked.

    you said you would be pure for me.
  • _skittybang
    _skittybang Posts: 970 Member
    I block my mother from many of my FB status updates... but can't help what my friends write.

    Two MFPervs had a convo and one mentioned "sex life."

    My mother calls frantically in the morning "Who ees dat man and dat woman talking about sex on your facebooook.... I don't want you beeeing freends wit such bad influences."

    Another, I was tagged in a photo of me pulling the rice paper covering on an spring roll with the caption "feels like a condom."

    My mother calls once again "HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT A CONDOM FEELS LIKE?"

    Mom. I'm 27. She's getting her *kitten* blocked.

    I thought this was real until I saw who posted it.

    TOTALLY real! My life is a fkn comedy.
  • azzkikin
    azzkikin Posts: 458 Member
    My family are friends on FB most have been restricted on what they can see on my page and then some blocked. Every time I posted any thing it only took a day for the whole family to come up with their own ideas of what that status update or comment meant.

    Now a days it just seems like FB is a place for everyone to b!tch and moan about how crappy life is. I don't need it, I don't want it. So I come here MFP to see all you beautiful people. Where I can get a whole new list of problems to listen to. :wink:
  • Dr_Quest
    No, I don't watch TV all day. I work at a Bank, but thanks for creeping my page. Makes me feel better.:laugh:
    Sweetie, I think you are missing the point of social media. The information that you volunteer on your own personal space becomes part of the public [or a limited, private] domain. The other poster wasn't being creepy. After all, you volunteered your top fifty favorite shows [which you then supplemented with your career as well].

    While the broken syntax and grammatical errors are annoying, my bigger problem is your misunderstanding of the role of social media in the modern world. You added the link to your Facebook. So how is it someone else's fault if he or she reads it?

    I'd reconsider my privacy settings and reevaluate your position on your cousin. If you have a problem with her, address it with her. But like another poster said, make sure you aren't being hypocritical. Because most people would find the word *kitten* more offensive than d*ck.
  • LesleeBeAlive
    I block my mother from many of my FB status updates... but can't help what my friends write.

    Two MFPervs had a convo and one mentioned "sex life."

    My mother calls frantically in the morning "Who ees dat man and dat woman talking about sex on your facebooook.... I don't want you beeeing freends wit such bad influences."

    Another, I was tagged in a photo of me pulling the rice paper covering on an spring roll with the caption "feels like a condom."

    My mother calls once again "HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT A CONDOM FEELS LIKE?"

    Mom. I'm 27. She's getting her *kitten* blocked.

    I thought this was real until I saw who posted it.

    Can I be a fly on the wall for that?!

    TOTALLY real! My life is a fkn comedy.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    I block my mother from many of my FB status updates... but can't help what my friends write.

    Two MFPervs had a convo and one mentioned "sex life."

    My mother calls frantically in the morning "Who ees dat man and dat woman talking about sex on your facebooook.... I don't want you beeeing freends wit such bad influences."

    Another, I was tagged in a photo of me pulling the rice paper covering on an spring roll with the caption "feels like a condom."

    My mother calls once again "HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT A CONDOM FEELS LIKE?"

    Mom. I'm 27. She's getting her *kitten* blocked.

    I have to regularly untag myself from pictures. A friend tagged me in one where another friend licked a jello shot off my cleavage. I was pissed when the poster told me to own my behavior. I do. At the party with the people who were there - not all over facebook for my grandmother to see!
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    Its my life - like it or lump it - I've got family in FB that will stay regardless of how annoying they can be only because without FB I'd never see / talk to them - so....block the feeds and problem solved. As for language - I've got a pretty good potty mouth when I want to so I try not to get too on people for their potty mouths - however there are lines I dont like crossed and that will get you blocked / deleted - regardless of relationship or social network site.I have an aunt that deleted me from her FB page because I had a news feed that posted things about the British Royal family and she's got issues with them....thought it was kind of a funny reason to delete someone but to each their own.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    YES! First I have to say that my sister and I are not close. She has hurt my mom (my best friend my whole life) over and over and over thru the years. She doesn't work, wont work and lives off the state. OK saying that I told her and another lady that kept sending me gaming request to stop. (I ask very nicely) 3 times I ask. When receiving 8-10 request thru out the day I told them both that I was going to Dfriend them. It didn't stop and I felt like they did it to tick me off. I d friended them both. I have d friended a couple of kids that were friends with my kids thru the years. Bad language is something that I HATE! I wanted to say get a life but I didn't.
  • Celestialfairie
    I'm very select about who I am friends with on FB. If it's someone that's going to make me not want to see their feeds at all? Why have them on there? If it's someone that writes horrible comments and stirs my friends up into a tizzy? Sorry, they're gone. But I keep my list small and hand picked so I no longer have those issues.


    I am, however. about to have a chat with my 21 year old nephew. Every post is either insulting to 'women' (and by women he means girls) or talking about how women should want to be with him or how he needs a woman. I just want to explain to him how that's not going to get him where he wants to be.
  • LesleeBeAlive
    YES! First I have to say that my sister and I are not close. She has hurt my mom (my best friend my whole life) over and over and over thru the years. She doesn't work, wont work and lives off the state. OK saying that I told her and another lady that kept sending me gaming request to stop. (I ask very nicely) 3 times I ask. When receiving 8-10 request thru out the day I told them both that I was going to Dfriend them. It didn't stop and I felt like they did it to tick me off. I d friended them both. I have d friended a couple of kids that were friends with my kids thru the years. Bad language is something that I HATE! I wanted to say get a life but I didn't.

    Feel ya there, my sister has messed up my moms world and then some.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You delete FAMILY from other networking sites.
    Deleted my Niece from my Facebook last night for her continuing fowl language.. She's 21 and does not talk like a lady. I guess it finally got to me.

    Oh and on the verge of deleting my sister as well.. and their rack pack of crazy friends whom have zero morals.

    Any body else?

    I don't delete them. I hide them.

    I have only deleted people on FB for things like blatant racism. Annoying stuff just gets you hidden.
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    You delete FAMILY from other networking sites.
    Deleted my Niece from my Facebook last night for her continuing fowl language.. She's 21 and does not talk like a lady. I guess it finally got to me.

    Oh and on the verge of deleting my sister as well.. and their rack pack of crazy friends whom have zero morals.

    Any body else?

    Ick. Terrible grammar might be enough to make me delete a person. I'm glad my aunts love me despite my "fowl" language lmao :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LesleeBeAlive
    I'm very select about who I am friends with on FB. If it's someone that's going to make me not want to see their feeds at all? Why have them on there? If it's someone that writes horrible comments and stirs my friends up into a tizzy? Sorry, they're gone. But I keep my list small and hand picked so I no longer have those issues.


    I am, however. about to have a chat with my 21 year old nephew. Every post is either insulting to 'women' (and by women he means girls) or talking about how women should want to be with him or how he needs a woman. I just want to explain to him how that's not going to get him where he wants to be.

    Oh I hate that!
  • LesleeBeAlive
    I guess I expect more from someone with such potential in life. She is strong and could do so much but she fell into her mothers trap and .. I don't know. They think I think I am better then them because I have worked at a bank since I was 17 and in High School, when really I used what I was given instead of falling into a pit drunkenness every night and day. Frustrating.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Don't feel bad - they are probably happy you finally removed them because they could give a fk what you think! :drinker:

    Yep! If she doesn't care to censor herself, it means she couldn't find a f**k to give.