Holiday Sabotage ....... be prepared or wear sweatpants

So it dawned on me today (probably to it being Halloween)...
Wow Crystal you started an intense diet plan a month before all of your favorite feasts; :drinker:

2 Birthdays
1 Wedding
New Years

YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :explode:

So I thought maybe a quick way to combat this would be to identify what I love soo much about these meals.
I need to find alternatives or identify what is an appropriate portion to eat of that food!! :sick:

My biggest road block or should I say worry is that I have no control over the food my family makes....99 % will be unhealthy and delicious. :ohwell:

SOOOOOO that means portion control.

Here are my favorite feast foods and what portion I will try my hardest to eat.... and the things I am going to have to tell myself to keep me from losing my mind :noway:

Birthday Party :
Food: Cupcakes, Cookies, Rice Krispie treats
Portion: NONE
Thought: I have no self control or a "just one" mentality when it comes to these pastries.
*****10/27 birthday party "I succeeded!!!!" and I have no regret ****

Halloween :
Food: Nerds, Twix, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Portion: NONE
Thought: Crystal you can get these things any day of the year. They are not in short supply OR even seasonal.
You can even get them from a vending machine. Get over it!
****My test will be tonight :) ******

Thanksgiving :
Food: Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Gravy, Rolls, Corn Casserole, Cranberry Sauce, Cheesecake, Sweet potato Souffle
Turkey = size of chicken breast
Potatoes = none ..... I just realized they have little to no flavor really, I just want the gravy!!! Reality check (empty calories)
Stuffing = One ice cream scoop worth
Gravy= two tablespoons (instead of the cup I usually eat)
Rolls= ONE not six .... I :heart: bread, but my jeans dont.
Corn Casserole = 1/2 cup
Cranberry sauce = NONE... tons of sugar
Cheesecake = NONE
Sweet Potato Souffle = 1/2 cup (this is pretty much a desert) and has more nutritional value than cheesecake

Thought: Every Thanksgiving I put on 5-7lbs in two days... Not this year. I will take TURKEY home with me and nothing else.
Rolls are not a rare item, but happiness is. Cranberry sauce.... why have I been eating this???? Its like cranberry jello???
Has everyone seen the sugar content on this?? LOL, WHAT was I eating this for?? Kidney health??
Cheesecake... i love you cheeseake and I always will, but you are like a bad boyfriend. You show up when times are good and leave me feeling fat and stupid. I'm sorry its not me its you. I cant take you back again.
Not too mention the most important thing of the holidays... I get to see my family, why let food take away from that???
I spend the rest of the day moaning on the coach when i should be laughing and having fun. Its such a special day :flowerforyou:

Christmas: this holiday is 2 days in my family, a huge Christmas eve dinner and Christmas day Breakfast AND dinner. YIKES. :sad:
Ham, Casseroles (hashbrown etc),Rolls, Christmas cookies, potatoes au grautin, Pancakes, waffles, bacon, toast, spaghetti, garlic bread, cake....... i could go on and on, but I wont bore you.

Ham: NONE .... I eat to be polite :tongue:
Casseroles: Green been yes, Hashbrown NO
Spaghetti & Garlic Bread: One of my favorite meals!!!!! For this meal I will do a Insanity DVD and walk twice that day to make it worth it :bigsmile:
Christmas cookies: You are seasonal and amazing... I will allow myself two.
Breakfast Foods (pancakes, bacon, etc..) : I will take a protein shake with me and only have toast with apple butter

Thought: Christmas is about Jesus.... and not trying to end up looking like Santa.
You want your family to see a new you and be proud.... gorging yourself infront of them probably doesnt scream "I've changed"
By now you should be within 25lbs of your goal weight, you cant let one holiday set you back an entire week :huh:

New years:
Food: Lets be honest here = ALCOHOL :drinker:
Portion: Drunk
Thought: Its one day. You deserve to end the year celebrating your success.
However, the next day you will clean the whole house, walk the dogs, and take all your fat clothes to Goodwill.
Regardless if you are hungover and feel like you have been kicked in the back of the head! :sick:

So.... I am going to check this at every feast that goes by to see how I did.
i will also post what i ate and my AFTER thought.

I hope all of you feel positive about the family days to come, not only how you feel about yourself but how your relationship with food may/hopefully has changed from last year if you struggle with emotional eating like I do.

i still have to remind myself.... dont stuff your face because your happy!!

Happy Halloween everyone!!!!!



  • cakemewithyou
    cakemewithyou Posts: 132 Member
    "Cheesecake... i love you cheeseake and I always will, but you are like a bad boyfriend. You show up when times are good and leave me feeling fat and stupid. I'm sorry its not me its you."


    I'M DYING.
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Sad but true. LOL :flowerforyou:
  • GrandmaLynn1
    GrandmaLynn1 Posts: 25 Member
    Great post and definitely a reality check for myself as well . . . why does being with family ALWAYS involve food? Coming from a large Italian family with 12 siblings that is what we always did together, celebrate and enjoy the food. I am definitely focusing on "me" this holiday season and will practice restraint and try, try, try to make good choices and exercise in the midst of my holiday frenzy. Thanks for the encouragement :flowerforyou:
  • El_Ivers
    El_Ivers Posts: 9 Member
    Great idea to challenge all your "food enemies" in the next few months. I might have to do this myself!
  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    Nicely put. Having a game plan is part of the battle. Have you ever thought about providing a dish of your own that you cooked that may be more on the healthy side?
  • VryIrishGirl76
    VryIrishGirl76 Posts: 1,167 Member
    I totally love this post!

    Fyi on the cheesecak.....try yogurt over a crunched up graham a decent substitute.
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    So good to have a plan! To be honest I'm kind of terrified of the holidays coming up. I just love food. SO. MUCH..
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Really well written and well-thought-out post. You had me laughing, and it's pretty early here.

    New Year's
    Portion: drunk :laugh:

    And it's about Jesus, not ending up like Santa: hilarious.

    Well done on the birthday. You've got this.
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    Ive gotta remember to do this later...
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    Thought: Christmas is about Jesus.... and not trying to end up looking like Santa.

    Bwah! Love this!

    I already make most of my own food for the holidays, since I don't eat meat, and this year Thanksgiving is going to be all about the lean protein and ignoring the side dishes. Green bean casserole? Really kind of yuck, when you get right down to it. Potatoes, might as well eat paste. And my family refuses to leave the marshmallows off the sweet potatoes, so they're right out. But you will pry my can-shaped cranberry sauce out of my cold, dead, hands - it is the only thing that makes Thanksgiving dinner worth bothering with.

    Halloween, I will eat all the Blow Pops out of my kid's bags. This is not much of a danger, though, since in the last two years our neighbors have only given out Tootsie (a.k.a. "Satan's Own") Pops instead of their deliciously bubbly cousin.

    Christmas, I'm not even thinking about. For a number of reasons it's going to be tough this year, so I'm just going to focus on making it fun for my kids and if that means we all have PBJs for Christmas dinner, then so be it. I grew up with "Celebration = Gorging on Treats", so I've been making a real effort to do it differently with my kids. It's hard! I never realized how my natural followup to "wow, good job!" is "let's go get ice cream!" before this year. I like your approach of breaking it down - will have to try this.
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Thats how I grew up!
    Its the holidays. lets all eat our body weight in sweets n fat :drinker:

    I am definitely trying to break the cycle with myself, which is a huge battle!
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Nicely put. Having a game plan is part of the battle. Have you ever thought about providing a dish of your own that you cooked that may be more on the healthy side?

    I bring the diet soda :) LOL
    I am also considering gorging myself on salad right before I leave :sick: that way i wont even have room to eat.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I think I have to be more prepared. I thought I was... but, you've inspired me to make sure. I don't think I am. Especially when it comes to family get-togethers.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Thought: Christmas is about Jesus.... and not trying to end up looking like Santa.

    :laugh: LOVE THIS!!!
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    Really good reality check!
    I especially like your thought on Halloween candy- we CAN get it whenever, so it's not like we have to treat it as special. What a great way to look at it.

    One of my strategies for the holidays is to contribute as many dishes as I can. For instance, I always make a dessert that I know has less calories in it and is healthier. In fact, my low sugar dessert almost always beats out the fatty one that someone else brings. Same thing for stuffing, and cranberries (*I make a KILLER cranberry sauce with vanilla, apples and oranges, and coconut sugar, that doesn't have the same effect on your blood sugar as regular sugar does). I also am in charge of making the "big salad" and fill my plate with that and some turkey before I even think about anything else. By the time I get to the stuffing, etc, I'm basically full, and don't end up having as much.

    And- if I decide I'm going to indulge with no regret (what's the point?) I make sure to adjust accordingly with my exercise.

    LOVE all your thoughts on the upcoming months- with a good plan, you can accomplish anything!
  • hopefulsheena
    hopefulsheena Posts: 45 Member
    Great idea to challenge all your "food enemies" in the next few months. I might have to do this myself!

  • MarianneDarroch
    MarianneDarroch Posts: 71 Member
    I love this post, your so right, most of these things are available at all times, so why when it's a special occasion this is used as an excuse to overindulge!

    Luckily living in the UK my next holiday is Christmas so plenty of time to prepare, def going to focus on turkey and limit the sides, they are tasty but also moreish and calorie laden!! Lol.

    For New Year am heading to a Ball so whilst there will be dinner and drinks am hoping the dancing will burn off some of the calories too!!
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    Great job planning ahead. I have learned that if I don't care for it why eat it. On the cranberry, I make the fresh stuff not the canned jelly one. I know that I got the holidays under control. Last year I aced the holidays, my first ones as a diabetic. When I had my A1C blood test in February I passed. So I am going at the holidays head strong this year.
  • Chuckle_n_Dwindle
    Have I told you lately how awesome sauce you are?? Well YOU are!!! Check and Check..Printing this out to be my holiday food intake guide! Woo stretchy pants for Chuckle!!!
  • IowaPrincess
    IowaPrincess Posts: 274 Member
    Thanks MelisMusing!!!!

    I have to plan ahead or I am going to EXPLODE like that turkey in Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation!!! :explode:

    I am seriously thinking of just gorging on a salad BEFORE I head to my families house.