Troubles with ViSalus



  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    I started using Visalus because I would skip meals. I am a very busy nail tech and I don't book time for lunch. I would try to keep healthy snacks like yogurt, almonds etc. at work, but most of the time I just wouldn't eat. Then I'd try to eat a healthy meal for supper after work (9 pm most nights) and would still be starving after eating and would binge eat the house. lol Now I make my shake, take it to work and sip it all day. I make mine with 1 cup almond milk (was using skim, but almond is yummy too!) and 2 scoops mix, lots of ice and about a cup of water and some instant coffee (yum!). It lasts me longer that way. Then when I go home, I have the energy to work out (elliptical for 35 min) and then eat supper, and no more binge-ing!!! On non work days I eat a healthy lunch unless I get busy and forget (which is often) then I have a shake. I think they are great! Keeps me from overeating when I do have time to eat because I'm not starving! Also keeps me from having to few calories when I don't have time to eat, or forget. Visalus tastes good to me, and I like the versatility of it,and that it is delivered to my house so I don't run out! :D But any healthy shake would do I'm sure . :)