Regular soda vs diet soda



  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    i drink my 8 glasses of water at work.. at nite i drink my coke zero. I used to drink coke zero day and nite.
  • QuietLegs
    A lot of studies indicate a CORRELATION between diet soda drinking and being overweight. As yet, there are no studies that show that diet soda drinking *causes* weight gain.

    Me? I've cut back on my diet soda drinking, but not by a lot. I still have 1-2 cans of diet soda a day, sometimes more. I've lost 70+ pounds in the last year. Take that as you will; anecdotal evidence being not particularly helpful.

    But that *is* to say that there's no absolute certainty that drinking diet soda will hinder or harm your efforts.

    Still, all things are best in moderation, no?
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    Per Muscle and Fitness magazine, diet soda may be good post workout, but it's too drink once in a great while, not all the time.

    Plus looking at the ingredients, Caramel Color, Aspertame, none of it is good. Drink in moderation as a treat.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    My students used to call me Diet Pepsi! I have not had any sodas since I started in July and I will not have them again... kidney stones (calcium phosphate - phosphoric acid/artificial sweeteners), weight gain (artificial sweeteners), high blood pressure (caffeine) and other health issues that I point toward sodas as a primary culprit... If it contains something that you can't pronouce it probably isn't really fit for human consumption, but it is rather an addiction promoting agent dumped in by a very devious industry.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    If it contains something that you can't pronouce it probably isn't really fit for human consumption, but it is rather an addiction promoting agent dumped in by a very devious industry.
    So you wouldn't be having one of these then?
    (I'm presuming you'd have trouble somewhere there, I certainly do.)

    water, glucose, fructose, galactose, phenolic glycosides, 6-deoxyaldohexoses (fuctose and rhamnose), saccharose, galacturonans, (1-4) linked D-galactopiranuronic acid, pectin, pectinic acids, polygalacturonic acids, pectinestarase, Citric Acid, L-Malic Acid, D-Isocitric Acid, Oxalic Acid, Succinic Acid, Malonic Acid, Quinic Acid, Tartaric Acid, Adipic Acid, 2-ketogluratic Acid, praline, asparagines, aspartic acid, serine, glutamic acid and arginine. oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases and lyases, isomerases and ligases, glucosilglucerides, Carotenoids, tetraterpenes, limonin, aslimonoic acid A-ring lactone, neohesperidosides, flavones (3-hydroxyflavanones, 3-dydroxyflavones, O-glycosyl, aglycones C-glycosylflavones, Anthocyanins, (hesperidin, naringin, poncirin, neoheriocitrin, neohesperidin, rhoifolin, rutin, diosmin, sinensetin, auranetin, tangeritin, hydroxyethylrutinosideres, nobiletin cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidina-3.5-diglucoside, peonidin-5-glucoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside, petunidin-3-glucoside, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Pholacine, Vitamin B6, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Biotin, Pantotenic acid, Vitamin A.

    I had three yesterday.
    Bloody devious industry and their addicting agents!

    (Yes, ingredients list copied from another poster on here.)
  • mommyof4adorablekids
    Day 4 with no soda! I used to drink diet soda all day long and nothing else and im considered obese. I drink water and crystal light and I will never go back!
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I stopped drinking all sodas for about two months. I didn't notice any weightloss benefits (but I never drank very much to begin with). I found that the only time I really missed it is when I was going out to eat. So I don't have any at home or work now, just when I go out to eat and then it is diet soda so I don't waste calories on it. As far as the diet soda causing weight gain, I have read that some studies show that drinking it causes sugar cravings in some people, causing them to eat more. I doesn't seem to have that effect on me.
  • tynishabeezfit
    tynishabeezfit Posts: 154 Member
  • tynishabeezfit
    tynishabeezfit Posts: 154 Member

    I like my teeth and pop has a lot of sugar, but so does juice and other things. I'll stick with water, almond milk and tea. :)

    The chemicals in diet soda will strip the enamel off your teeth- making cavities just as possible. If you want to save your teeth- ditch the soda, even if it is diet.

    I think I wrote that a little wrong. I DON'T like soda. I like my teeth and didn't have braces for 2 years for them all to fall out. lol
  • RixxyRikaa
    RixxyRikaa Posts: 71 Member
    Ever since I got to college, I have stopped drinking all types of soda. Water is free!
    I did drink a lot of diet soda in the last 2 years of high school. My mom was crazy about it and that's pretty much all we ever had to drink. I honestly hate the taste. I'm sensitive to certain artificial sweeteners, and I don't have too much of a sweet tooth to begin with. Besides saving some money, I ended up with clearer skin, but I never noticed a huge difference in my weight. What I lost by drinking water was probably all the unhealthy buildup being flushed out.
  • glitterjam
    glitterjam Posts: 145 Member
    On the whole....never drink calories. Words to live by.

    But I'm not saying it's okay to drink diet soda either. It's a trigger for me. I notice if I have a diet Pepsi, it encourages my pea brain to want naughty foods; chips, pizza, etc.
  • prairiedawg2014
    -2 things i refuse to give up.....salt and diet dr pepper. i have had no problem shedding the weight. i drink 1 diet dr pepper per day.....and on occasion....2 per day. they say its bad for you? so are alot of other things.
  • lilylux
    lilylux Posts: 109 Member
    I didn't read all the replies but I'm in the same boat as you OP - I'm giving up diet. Maybe there isn't huge research out there about it's pro's/con's, but at the end of the day it is a heavily processed product and by that simply fact alone I want to try and eliminate it from my diet. Good luck! :)
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member

    I like my teeth and pop has a lot of sugar, but so does juice and other things. I'll stick with water, almond milk and tea. :)

    The chemicals in diet soda will strip the enamel off your teeth- making cavities just as possible. If you want to save your teeth- ditch the soda, even if it is diet.

    I think I wrote that a little wrong. I DON'T like soda. I like my teeth and didn't have braces for 2 years for them all to fall out. lol

    That you was a general you- not you in specific! Sorry for the misunderstanding. I saw you only drink water tea and milk. :)
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I don't know if all those chemicals are good for me, but I do occasionally have part of a Diet Coke and throw the rest away when it's no longer icy cold. Regular soda is too sweet for me.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    I agree that there is absolutely nothing nutritionally beneficial to sodas whether diet or regular so as one who was once severely addicted to soft drinks, I jokingly tell everyone that soft drinks were my legal drugs of choice and that I've been sober now for approximately 18 months. :laugh:

    Seriously, though I no longer have any desire to drink them and feel sooooo much better for having made the decision to completely remove them from my diet. I no longer crave them and have no desire to drink one . . . ever.
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    Regular soda, every time!

    Real chocolate, and real beer, too.

    Reasoning: everything in moderation principle. If I'm consuming enough soda calories that it's problematic, there are going to be other issues that "diet" versions don't solve. For soda, my beloved colas have the phosphoric acid impact on bones, for one.

    For the sake of dietary balance, it's probably not a great idea for me to eat lots of bacon/mayo sandwiches, washed down with soda, and have potato chips or freshly buttered popcorn with hot cocoa & whipped cream as a snack. After starting my morning with a full-fat chai latte.

    Yes, you could cut calories on all those things, but for me personally, just not worth it. Because I am entirely capable of eating that kind of menu, and (calories aside), it's just not healthy.

    So it's better/easier for me to think of junk food as treats and enjoy them *occasionally* without fussing :-)
  • chocolateluvr80
    chocolateluvr80 Posts: 64 Member
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I apply the same principle to diet soda that I do to any/every other food. One word: MODERATION.

    I haven't entirely given up any food, food group, nutrient, additive, etc. during my weight loss journey. I certainly consume some things less and some things more, but nothing is out of bounds.