anyone on 800 calories diet?



  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    I eat 800 calories a day..............for breakfast.
  • This is unhealthy, your body needs at LEAST 1100 cals just to function. Eating less for a stretch of time will only damage your metabolism and put your body in starvation mode which will see you not lose weight anymore.
  • That will make you lose water weight, for a couple of weeks. Your body goes into starvation mode,and then your body refuses to lose anymore. You start eating again, then you gain the weight back plus extra weight. Its not a good idea in the long run. Its self defeating. Its quick, but does not work. It is not a myth. I did this, my thyroid is whack now from all the starving. I forced my body to lose in very unhealthy ways, to think of all it had to endure during my vainful youth.
  • i eat anywhere from 800 to 1000 or 1100, but i'm also diagnosed with ednos. i won't tell you to eat more since that would be hypocritical of me, just make sure you be safe and don't get really sick
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member That's not even half of what I'd eat on a bad day. I'd be ravenous on that.
  • AlwaysBigSteve
    AlwaysBigSteve Posts: 82 Member
    I did 800 for four months and it was the most awesome weight loss of my life and I felt great!

    Then I started eating again and gained it all back real quick.

    You are better off eating more with exercise.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I regularly eat only 800 calories...................for breakfast, then lunch and dinner plus snacks.
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    I often eat around 800 calories or less but that is after gastric surgery. I have been told to get my calories up to 1000 or 1200 if going to the gym. I have lost a lot of hair, have to take multivitamins that make me nauseous and get migraines if my calories are too low for too long. I am working hard to get my calories up to where they need to be.
  • mandyabraio
    mandyabraio Posts: 112 Member
    Unless you are having or have had weight loss surgery this is far too low!!!!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    it's kind of funny and kind of sad how these kinds of threads ALWAYS get pages and pages of replies that say the same thing

    oh how the poor dead horses get beaten on MFP
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm on an 800 calorie diet where I eat 800 calories, and then I eat 700 more. It's worked great for me.
    Lmso That was brilliant, may I add you? haha

    Yes you may :)
  • Kerilynnda
    Kerilynnda Posts: 129 Member
    I'm on an 800 calorie diet where I eat 800 calories, and then I eat 700 more. It's worked great for me.

    I love your way of thinking!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    it's kind of funny and kind of sad how these kinds of threads ALWAYS get pages and pages of replies that say the same thing

    oh how the poor dead horses get beaten on MFP

    Lol right!?

    I love the 800cal group losing 1/4lb a week or less when we have the 1600-2200cal team losing up to 2lbs a week.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I was once, it was about the same time I was diagnosed with eating disorders including ana/bul. If this is your lifestyle I would suggest you seek professional help.
  • want2belean
    want2belean Posts: 124 Member
    [Came back with friends....Love it...]
    I was once on a 480 calorie diet. The weight came off. Diet ended. The weight came right back and brought friends.
    I understand wanting to get the weight off as soon as possible, but I have to recommend you do it in a way that you can live with long term so that you don't have to go through this again like I am. (but I know you'll do what you want)
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    it's kind of funny and kind of sad how these kinds of threads ALWAYS get pages and pages of replies that say the same thing

    oh how the poor dead horses get beaten on MFP

    Lol right!?

    I love the 800cal group losing 1/4lb a week or less when we have the 1600-2200cal team losing up to 2lbs a week.

    I know everybody's different, but last week, I averaged 922 calories/day and lost 1.8 pounds...went from 126.8 to 125 pounds. I worked out five days out of seven (average calorie burn - 310,) with good energy levels. In my experience, folks try to justify/defend a higher-calorie diet because they refuse to deny their greedy belly and/or taste buds! (Please don't croak if that doesn't apply to you; notice that I prefaced it with "in my experience!")
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    it's kind of funny and kind of sad how these kinds of threads ALWAYS get pages and pages of replies that say the same thing

    oh how the poor dead horses get beaten on MFP

    Lol right!?

    I love the 800cal group losing 1/4lb a week or less when we have the 1600-2200cal team losing up to 2lbs a week.

    I know everybody's different, but last week, I averaged 922 calories/day and lost 1.8 pounds...went from 126.8 to 125 pounds. I worked out five days out of seven (average calorie burn - 310,) with good energy levels. In my experience, folks try to justify/defend a higher-calorie diet because they refuse to deny their greedy belly and/or taste buds! (Please don't croak if that doesn't apply to you; notice that I prefaced it with "in my experience!")

    you probably lost lean muscle mass. not smart. not smart at all.
  • jdr0p_
    jdr0p_ Posts: 64 Member
    I am. 800-1000 calories per day, and if I go over, then I go over.

    However, anything more than that and I feel stuffed, disgusting, and really unhealthy. I eat small portions and snacks throughout the day.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I ate 800 calories a day for about 3 years. I lost a lot of weight and thought I had things all figured out. I believed 800 calories was a sustainable lifestyle. It wasn't. After about 30 months, my hair started falling out, I was always cold, my period stopped, I had a couple vitamin deficiencies and I became obsessed with calorie counting. I was never overly thin (BMI around 20.5 - so definitely in the 'healthy' range), so it never occurred to me that I had a problem or that I was starving myself. I didn't feel hungry, but that's just because my body was accustomed to very small portions of food. I think my metabolism must have slowed down and adjusted for the food it was getting.

    The hair loss, lack of a menstrual cycle and vitamin deficiencies worried me enough that I eventually started eating a normal amount of food (2000-2400 calories a day), and exercising like a fiend to compensate. I ended up an exercise bulimic. I got some counseling, and got over that.

    Then I got fat again!

    This time, I decided to accept slower weight loss and worked on building a normal/healthy relationship with food and exercise. I lost all the weight I wanted to lose (and then some) and have been successfully maintaining my 60+ pound weight loss since early June.

    This time around, I ate 1800-2500 calories a day, and my primary form of exercise was hiking/walking.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I'm on an 800 calorie diet where I eat 800 calories, and then I eat 700 more. It's worked great for me.

    I could do this version of an 800 calorie diet. :wink:
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