I need help! Wine drinkers Please!



  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Of the 3, go with champagne. It's bubbly, fizzy and fun. You could take a little bit of fruit juice to add to the champagne (OJ or peach) and make a mimosa or a belini...

    Merlot is generally a very dry red wine
    Chardonnay is usually a dry white wine, but they may serve a sweeter one.
    So if they are dry and you don't usually care for wine - do the champagne.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I love wine but for a non-wine drinker, I would suggest the Champagne and bring along some Orange Juice for Mimosas. Yummy!

    This! I'm assuming the Merlot and Chardonnay will both be on the drier side and if you are new to wine, you probably will not like them. Mimosas and yummy and you can add as much or as little OJ as you like:)
  • _Brown_Eyed_Girl_
    _Brown_Eyed_Girl_ Posts: 39 Member
    I would go with the champagne, other than that you're better off with a riesling or a Gewurztraminer. Pick a late harvest or cellar masters riesling. They are sweeter :smile:

    Oh and if the chamgagne is a moscato or spumante it will be sweet. Stay away from bruts because they are very dry and bitter :sick:
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    If you like sweet, go for the white or champagne. You can even ask them which is sweeter and they should know.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Champagne is the best bet as you can mix! You can mix with OJ as everyone suggested. It also tastes great with muddled strawberries or other berries. Also, if you get the white wine you can mix with club soda to get the bubbly affect and cut down on some of the wine taste. Two good options for non wine drinkers.

    I myself love wine and would go straight for the full bodied merolt!!!!!
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    If you like sweet and fruity, stay with white or the champagne. But if you are going out and picking up your own, try a good Moscato or reisling (my personal favorite). The absolute best I've had is Bartenura's moscato. Ah.mah.zing.

    Otherwise I love black sheep moscato, Cupcake reisling, and I'm now obsessed with pink moscatos of any brand.

    If you get a chance, try a wine tasting! Then you'll get a really good idea of what you prefer. :-)
  • Bacardibarker
    Bacardibarker Posts: 48 Member
    I’d only go for the champas if you’re going to mix it with orange juice.
    If it’s complementary it’s bound to be a very cheap one which won’t take very nice.

    I agree and see if you can have a rose White Zinfandel which will be sweet compared to Chardonnay and Merlot which both could be a bit acidic. Not a great introduction to non wine drinkers.
    Let us know how you get on.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Since you like "fruity" drinks, you can always take some fresh fruit and sprite and make Sangria out of the wine. Oranges apples and marashino cherries. Since it is free, it is probably not the best wine anyway, so it should be good for sangria. You can make it with either red or white wine, but I prefer red.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Champagne... and like many said - add strawberries or orange juice. I love wine, but my husband doesn't so when we have achoice we get Champagne because he can drink that and actually like it with strawberries or orange juice or even cranberry juice.

    Have a great weekend !
    VTXJOCKEY Posts: 362 Member

    Since you like "fruity" drinks, you can always take some fresh fruit and sprite and make Sangria out of the wine. Oranges apples and marashino cherries. Since it is free, it is probably not the best wine anyway, so it should be good for sangria. You can make it with either red or white wine, but I prefer red.
  • KySny82
    KySny82 Posts: 97 Member
    Champagne! Both Merlot & Chardonnay are dry wines & not too sweet. You have a better chance getting a sweeter champagne or ask if they'd be willing to give you a bottle of blush wine. Enjoy your weekend away :)
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Champagne. Not only can you mix it with orange juice, it's great with cranberry too (drink is called the poinsetta). Since you're not a wine drinker, the other choices might be too bitter for you.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I'm a red wine drinker but if you are not used to drinking wine, you might prefer a white over red, especially if the red offered is a Merlot. NOT a fan. Personally, in your predicament, I choose the Champagne. It's more fun.

    Kudos to the poster who recommended making Sangria. Free wine is usually NOT the best quality and that is a good way to dress it up and make it more palatable.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Go for the champers, has amazing effects
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    I would go with the champaine. If your not a wine drinker, Merlot may be a bit much since it's a semi-dry to dry wine with an oakish type taste to it.
  • What's up with all these wine snobs poo-pooing free wine? Jeez, some of the best wines I've ever had were inexpensive or complimentary. Furthermore, I've paid a lot of money for expensive wines only to find they tasted like garbage. Expensive doesn't automatically mean good, and economical doesn't automatically mean bad. Lighten up people.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Well thank you so much for all of you ideas and thoughts! I could not ask for a better discussion on what to pick. We are going with the White wine and we will be bringing fresh fruits and Sprite to be safe! Thanks again so much we just want to try it and have fun and that sounds the best way to go :)
  • Well you should definetely try Bartenura Moscato, its very sweet and has a very rich aroma :)
    Check this page for more information about wines --> http://www.moscato-wine.com/bartenura-moscato-2010/