Why won't I exercise?

I've been counting calories, lowering carbs, and boosting protein intake for 3 months. I've lost 19 lbs. I am being monitored by a physician. I am supposed to be exercising but I have NO MOTIVATION to do it. When I get home from work all I want to do is eat my 400 calorie dinner and veg. I even have resistance tubes and a kettle bell which I basically could use in front of the TV. Last winter I worked out or treadmilled almost everyday for two months and I felt great! I know what it can do for me, the weight would come off even faster....I just can't seem to get back on the exercise train. Anyone have any earth shattering suggestions for me? Now, with the weather getting colder and drearier (winter's coming), my interest in exercise has waned even further. Thanks peeps!


  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    Try doing it early in the morning (get it over and done with) maybe?

    Congrats on the 19lbs loss already :smile:
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    So here's the thing, doll.
    There is not really.....an easy way....to just start exercising again. I'm not being mean and I'm not being....well, mean. This is not to be taken in a negative way at all.
    The reason people say losing weight is hard is because it is. Whenever I want to exercise, I have to just take one step at a time towards exercising. Whether it be getting in a sitting position from my laying down. Standing up and moving around after having been sitting for a while.....getting off of facebook and whatever.....you have to learn to take that first step.....
    It's not something that just magically comes when you get the perfect advice, it's just something that you will yourself to do.....it's tough, but if I can, I'd love to add you and see how I can help you out.
    I'm sorry this came out really harsh. it's not meant that way. It's just....weight loss is hard...and there's never really going to be a day where somebody comes out with the breakthru advice about how to easily will yourself to exercise..... :/ We just have to take encouragement and try to think into it more than we want to.
    When you want to go for a walk on the treadmill....try to just...hang around where the treadmill is. Get up from your sitting position and just....walk to the laundry room and do some laundry if that's where your treadmill is (that's where mine is)....wherever you treadmill is, try to find something to do that's near it....and think while you do that thing...(hey, I need to exercise...hey, I need to exercise)....I don't know. I should try it too because I go through the struggle of motivation to walk on the treadmill too....
    How about this? We should challenge each other to pick 3 days of the week to walk on the treadmill.... :D Maybe?
    I am here to encourage...I don't strike anyone down and I definitely don't kick people when they're down. I simply try to offer that hand that could just be the saving hand that lifts others up from their fallen position. Yano? Wow, I could have worded that better. Okay. Here goes.
    "I simply try my best to be that hand stretched out to lift people from their fallen position..." - Grr, maybe there isn't a good way to say that?
    Add me if you wish. :D
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    Maybe reassess your goals. I find that when I do that it motivates me. Only you can find your motivation though. All the best.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    as nike say, just do it!!!

    stop thinking of all the reasons why you cant, and go work out!
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I'd also recommend trying it exercise early in the morning. It really sets you up for the day and gives you great energy. Plus, once you're in the habit it just becomes part of your daily routine and you don't even think about it. Best of all, when the evening comes and you can't be bothered, it doesn't matter because it's already been done.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    You need to want it more.

  • mrtoaster
    mrtoaster Posts: 90 Member
    I hate the thought of exercising some days too.

    If I feel like that, I make a deal with myself, go to the gym for 20 minutes if I still hate it I can go home. Over the course of going to the gym 4-5 times a week over the past 3 months, I have gone home early exactly once. In most cases its not the exercise that is a problem, its just the motivation to starting.
  • bunsen_honeydew
    bunsen_honeydew Posts: 230 Member
    Sticker chart? (Seriously)

    If it was good enough for Seinfeld: http://www.writersstore.com/dont-break-the-chain-jerry-seinfeld/
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I hit the same slump last year, after having my daughter. I just, couldn't do it. I had no motivation to exercise at all. My eating was ok, but not great. About the time I decided to try and work out again, I found out I was pregnant. So here I am....7 months pregnant, wanting to work out, and can't go and do what I want in that regard. That's why I'm here and actively logging, so maybe I can get that motivation to stick with me when I have this one.

    I've seen it suggested elsewhere, especially with Winter coming on, to make sure you're taking a Vitamin D supplement. You might try it and see if it helps. I know I feel better during the Winter when I get just 30 minutes of sunlight. Maybe that will help give you the boost of energy to help motivate you. It's a thought.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    What I do is change my clothes at work at the end of the day, I never go home until my workout is done. They say getting into your workout clothes is the hardest part and they are so right. Even if I am walking near my home, I change at work, park at home and never ever go inside. Commit to 21 days of exercise, even if it's only 20 minutes of walking per day - after 21 days it should be a habit. It is hard to get started but once you do you won't regret it.
  • dillydally123
    dillydally123 Posts: 139 Member
    hi there, sorry you're having a tough time with this. I don't think i have anything life changing to say that you don't already know! I was the very same up till a couple of weeks ago the only thing for it is to do it. and once you've done it once you'll get that "jeez why wasn't i doing it the whole time" feeling. maybe you're not eating enough? and that's why you've no motivation - becuase you simply don't have the spare energy to work out? you can do it, why don't you try something really short. like walk away from home for three minutes then turn round and go back? best of luck
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I just hate gym, hate exercising, hate diet, hate healthy food.
    If it was up to me, I'd spend all day eating chocolate and drinking wine.
    Also I would love never work, having lots of money, traveling and shopping all the time :D
    But you gotta do what you gotta do...

    Going back to gym after a long break is like going back to work after long vacation. You are kind of scared, hate waking up early and spending all day away from home. But then it's become a habit again and you start enjoying it, especially when meet your goals and reach success with your projects.

    Just go back to gym. And next day go again, even if you hate it. And the day after that go to gym again even if you have excuses not to go. And again, and again. And weeks later you'll start enjoying it again. :)
  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    Maybe you could find some sort of exercise that you actually enjoy! There's nothing wrong with just getting up and having a dance, or going for a nice walk with a friend... they all burn calories and increase your health! :)

    You could get a friend or family member to excersize with you! Go for a jog or walk together, go for a swim!

    If you're really finding it hard to motivate yourself, consider going to a group exersize class. You'll be motivated to go each time, because you want to see the people, and everything is more fun in groups :)
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    You are going to have to force yourself. Try going in the morning, that always works better for me. Enlist the help of a friend/relative to call you on the phone repeatedly until you get out of bed. :) Try to find a work out buddy, someone that will be waiting for you at the gym, etc, so you feel a sense of obligation. Try a form of exercise you have never done before.
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    It never seemed a good idea to me, but it works-I've tried it!!!

    You have to plan to meet a friend.... I signed up for classes taught by my friend. If I didn't show, I knew she would be in her basement wondering where I was!

    Walking, I email a few friends and ask when/where they can meet...

    That would be a good place to start!
  • ines25
    ines25 Posts: 107 Member
    Congrats on ur 19lb I would urge u to start walking 30min 3 times a week before ur weight Plato just try and later on pick up from there good luck
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    We all have things we don't like but we know we have to do them. Like work. I'm pretty sure nobody here WANTS to go to work but we do it not because we love the job, but because we want the paycheck. :smile:

    Try small steps building up to more. Maybe start with a goal to exercise for 20 minutes three times a week. Gradually increase the workout time to 40 mins, an hour.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    You don't like what you're trying to do. Find exercise you like.
  • dmjak
    dmjak Posts: 1
    I'd rather jab my eye out with something dull than exercise, so I feel ya. I think for me, the thing is getting unstructured exercise. Getting exercise while accomplishing something, like when I go to the store, I park way out in BFE and walk at a swift pace. Take my dog for a walk, and keep that at a swift pace. Work out in the yard pulling weeds. Play a game of catch with the neighbor kid (or your own if you have them).

    But walking on a treadmill? Hell no. I get on there, and immediately I'm looking at my watch, "are we there yet?". Riding a recumbent bike while reading a book. Look at the time, "are we there yet?" every 2 minutes. And I have both of those pieces of equipment in my house, used as a coat rack or magazine holder. For me, exercise cannot be structured and boring. I have to get my exercise while doing something else, either productive or fun. That's just the way it is for me. Maybe give that a try. Doesn't matter if you can measure it or track it, as long as you're getting the exercise.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Honestly, you just have to make yourself do it. It takes 90 days to create a habit and 3 to break it. Maybe put the TV remote on the treadmill when you go to bed at night.