Is this reasonable or am I crazy?

Hey yall! I weigh 219 lbs right now and would like to lose 20 lbs by January 1st. Is this possible? Granted, my eating hasnt always been perfect, and Im doing a combo of circuit training and cardio. I need help! I really dont want to take any sort of supplement. I know I will have be more mindful of my fat intake. Any other insite? Thanks.


  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    you cray
  • You most certainly can lose 20 lbs by the 1st! Eat right and exercise and you will have it done! I'll be here to support you!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i would aim for 1lb per week... any extra then is a bonus, and you arent setting yourself up for failure!
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    You most certainly can lose 20 lbs by the 1st! Eat right and exercise and you will have it done! I'll be here to support you!

    She meant starve yourself and over exercise
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    2.5 lbs a week for two months is possible, but very difficult, especially during the holiday season.
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    Hey yall! I weigh 219 lbs right now and would like to lose 20 lbs by January 1st. Is this possible? Granted, my eating hasnt always been perfect, and Im doing a combo of circuit training and cardio. I need help! I really dont want to take any sort of supplement. I know I will have be more mindful of my fat intake. Any other insite? Thanks.

    are you fairly short? if so.. 20 lbs can be done by January 1st....

    If you're like 5'7 ish.. or in and around there, then 20 lbs would be hard to lose in a healthy way.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    10 pounds perhaps? That sounds more reasonable to me...
  • Nothing wrong with aiming for 20 lbs by January. Just don't be discouraged if it doesn't exactly happen. My first month here (October), I aimed to lose 10 lbs. Got 5 lbs instead. Not what I wanted, but still a loss nevertheless. Like people say on here, weight loss is not linear. That said, I wish you all the best! I'm rooting for you to make your goal! Enjoy whatever loss you achieve.
  • You most certainly can lose 20 lbs by the 1st! Eat right and exercise and you will have it done! I'll be here to support you!

    She meant starve yourself and over exercise

    No, that's not what I meant at all... I'v only been on this site a week, but I'v been losing weight since the beginning of July and have averaged 10 lbs a month by changing what I eat and how much I exercise, and I'm by no means starving or over exercising...
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Hey yall! I weigh 219 lbs right now and would like to lose 20 lbs by January 1st. Is this possible? Granted, my eating hasnt always been perfect, and Im doing a combo of circuit training and cardio. I need help! I really dont want to take any sort of supplement. I know I will have be more mindful of my fat intake. Any other insite? Thanks.

    are you fairly short? if so.. 20 lbs can be done by January 1st....

    If you're like 5'7 ish.. or in and around there, then 20 lbs would be hard to lose in a healthy way.

    You mean if she is shorter its easier to lose weight faster? Really?
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    I hope you can afford cocaine... :D

    In all seriousness, it depends on how dedicated you are. As others have said, it's POSSIBLE. Being PROBABLE is another story. It can be done, but don't kill yourself if it doesn't happen (or do... that is your choice really)
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    You could always do HCG MUAHAHA

    But seriously, I think you can do it! Possibly a lot of it could be water weight, but having a goal like that will definitely motivate you!

    Or set a realistic goal which may be better, when people dont hit goals they usually lose motivation.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    That could be a stretch goal. If the OP has just started the first 10 might come off fast. If she's been going a while it may be harder.

    Under eating and over training isn't the way to get there though.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Hey yall! I weigh 219 lbs right now and would like to lose 20 lbs by January 1st. Is this possible? Granted, my eating hasnt always been perfect, and Im doing a combo of circuit training and cardio. I need help! I really dont want to take any sort of supplement. I know I will have be more mindful of my fat intake. Any other insite? Thanks.

    are you fairly short? if so.. 20 lbs can be done by January 1st....

    If you're like 5'7 ish.. or in and around there, then 20 lbs would be hard to lose in a healthy way.

    You mean if she is shorter its easier to lose weight faster? Really?
    I think she means if the OP has a higher body fat percentage then it would be easier to lose that 20 vs if she was taller and had a lower body fat percentage it will be harder.
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    Hey yall! I weigh 219 lbs right now and would like to lose 20 lbs by January 1st. Is this possible? Granted, my eating hasnt always been perfect, and Im doing a combo of circuit training and cardio. I need help! I really dont want to take any sort of supplement. I know I will have be more mindful of my fat intake. Any other insite? Thanks.

    are you fairly short? if so.. 20 lbs can be done by January 1st....

    If you're like 5'7 ish.. or in and around there, then 20 lbs would be hard to lose in a healthy way.

    You mean if she is shorter its easier to lose weight faster? Really?

    in turn if you're 5' and you're 219 and have like 100 lbs to lose, then 20 lbs is easier to lose, than if you're 5'7 and 219 and you need to get down to 180.. then 40 lbs is a lot harder to lose and will take more time. in the end the last few lbs are the HARDEST to lose is what im saying
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    VERY attainable :):):)
  • ines25
    ines25 Posts: 107 Member
    Of course u can lose that and more people she is over 200lb she can lose 15lb in a month eat good and at least walk 5 times a week and keep ur carbs in check and you will see when people are bigger they lose weight faster
  • Its all about your diet. Get it as clean as you can by logging everything you put in your mouth. 1 to 2 lbs a weeks is a healthy weight lose. Anything more than that, you are likely to just gain back.
    Push yourself during your cardio workouts. When I wanted to lean out, I did the keto diet, which was no fruit/dairy (even the fat free dairy and especially no cheese)/bread/pasta, eat only green vegetables (no peas though), lots of protein and either quinoa and/or sweet potatoes for carbs. If you are going to eat oatmeal, make sure it's only a small serving a day. This is a very strict diet, but it will get you results.
    It's all mind over matter. If you want it bad enough, have discipline and passion, you can do anything you want to.
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    Let's have 61 days...that's roughly 8.5 that's 2.35 pounds a week. Not an drastic goal, but not one that I would consider easy. I certainly think it's possible, but you're trying this in possibly the worst time of the year for most people to try to lose weight. Cooler outside with snow either coming or already here so less activity outside, Thanksgiving, Christmas...

    I think you should set a lower goal, but still strive for 20.
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    January 1st is 9 weeks from yesterday, 20 pounds is an optimistic goal, 10 pounds would be more realistic.