Mike’s Daily Rant 11/1/2012 Topic: Trick Or Treat

So it’s been proven that people get better results in regards to weight loss when you participate in groups. It’s also been proven that Halloween is a tricky holiday and people treat themselves to more candy sweets than they should.

I don’t really celebrate Halloween anymore but I do recognize it as a holiday. Although I recognize it as a holiday, I somehow forgot that it was yesterday. The way that I was reminded was when I got to the gym and the staff members were dressed up. The staff members also had a bowl of candy at the check-in counter. I didn’t take any but I appreciate the offer. I guess they figure if you are getting ready to work-out you might as well have a piece of candy. I walk to locker room and change and come back out to sign up for Spin Class. I walk up to the counter because this is usually the time that the list comes out for you to sign up. I wait for a second and then the staff member at counter asks if she can help me? I say yes I want to sign up for spin class. She says oh I’m sorry it’s cancelled for the holiday. I think to myself for Halloween but the gym is opened? I say “Thank You” and walk away.

I’m puzzled as to why they would cancel a group fitness class on Halloween but have them on Major Holidays such as Thanksgiving and Super Bowl Sunday. This makes little sense to me but I’m here now so I will find something to do. I run 3 miles and still feel that there is much more work to be done. Next I work on legs. I do squats, leg press and squat jerks. I then do a few back exercises before a thought comes to mind. I walk into the empty spin room and decide that I will do my own spin workout. I connected my Iphone up to the speaker system and pressed play on my workout playlist. Then I go to work!

People start passing by waving and looking as if they want to come in. I tell them to come in with a hand gesture and they come in and saddle up. Before you know it, 20 people that are regulars in my class have joined me and I am instructing the class. After an hour we all laugh and realize that we had worked that hard without Clarisse being present to tell us what to do. I have led her class before but she was there. This time it started with me doing it for myself and just so happened to recruit a few followers. This was all possible because they saw me doing it alone and came to motivate and support me. In the end we still benefit as a group. I will never forget yesterday because it was such a proud moment. I can’t wait to see Clarisse during today’s class and tell her what happened.

Now I know not to be so disappointed when class is cancelled. I will go in and spin anyway.


  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    As I get older, I really don't get the point of Halloween, especially when I live in an apartment and no one comes to your door.

    I give you props for going to the gym and doing your own thing!
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    I understand why some people can't make it to classes on Halloween - they're getting ready to take their little ones out. But I don't think that cancelling a class is really necessary. Why prevent those who can make it from doing their workouts?

    But good for you - I'm glad you had such a shining moment yesterday! :)
  • LesleyGillan
    That's great that you managed to motivate so many :)

    Halloween isn't big in Australia though I did take my youngest to a Halloween party..... I have always took the veiw that we teach our children NOT to take candy (or lollies as we call them) from strangers so why would I take them to ask for it from strangers and people they barely know? That said , we do still have a big bowl of candy so not to disapoint the kids who do knock on our door.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Hah! Now this was a cute rant. :)

    All people need is a leader sometimes - someone to get the ball rolling.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    As I get older, I really don't get the point of Halloween, especially when I live in an apartment and no one comes to your door.

    I give you props for going to the gym and doing your own thing!

  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    You just started a revolt against Clarisse... it's started by one person question the establishment, and then people follow and then the Queen is dethroned and a new King will rise!

    I for one do not tolerate such shenanigans and self motivation in the GYM kingdom, I hope she responds brutally and swiftly for questioning her wants to par-take in the enjoyment of the sweets offered by the Halloween gods.
  • MikeDaMotivator
    I understand why some people can't make it to classes on Halloween - they're getting ready to take their little ones out. But I don't think that cancelling a class is really necessary. Why prevent those who can make it from doing their workouts?

    But good for you - I'm glad you had such a shining moment yesterday! :)

    I know the real instructor has a kid so maybe thats the reason but either way. It was a bit confusing.

  • MikeDaMotivator
    That's great that you managed to motivate so many :)

    Halloween isn't big in Australia though I did take my youngest to a Halloween party..... I have always took the veiw that we teach our children NOT to take candy (or lollies as we call them) from strangers so why would I take them to ask for it from strangers and people they barely know? That said , we do still have a big bowl of candy so not to disapoint the kids who do knock on our door.

    Excellent Point. Thats why my mother took us.
  • raindance_maggie
    that is AWESOME kid!! i miss myf reakin' spin classes due to having to start working FT again :(
  • MikeDaMotivator
    Hah! Now this was a cute rant. :)

    All people need is a leader sometimes - someone to get the ball rolling.

    Thank You. Im glad the ball rolled in my court. I picked it up and ran with it. :-)
  • MikeDaMotivator
    You just started a revolt against Clarisse... it's started by one person question the establishment, and then people follow and then the Queen is dethroned and a new King will rise!

    I for one do not tolerate such shenanigans and self motivation in the GYM kingdom, I hope she responds brutally and swiftly for questioning her wants to par-take in the enjoyment of the sweets offered by the Halloween gods.

    LOL. We love her. No one is dethroning her.
  • BattyMac87
    BattyMac87 Posts: 24 Member
    I love your posts!!! They make me smile...you describe situations so well!!! :-)
  • MikeDaMotivator
    that is AWESOME kid!! i miss myf reakin' spin classes due to having to start working FT again :(

    Im sorry. Maybe weekends?
  • MikeDaMotivator
    I love your posts!!! They make me smile...you describe situations so well!!! :-)

    Thank You! Im glad you enjoy them.
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    GREAT outcome! I am sure your fellow spinners appreciated your initiative! We have a new spin room at the gym I go to...I have to admit, I'm a little intimidated- I've never taken a spin class before.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    That was an awesome way to react to the situation - you got to enjoy your workout, and other people did too!
  • FluffyNoMore26
    FluffyNoMore26 Posts: 92 Member
    To have your confidence one day is a goal of mine!! Awesome job leading that class thanks for sharing another amazing story with us!
  • MikeDaMotivator
    GREAT outcome! I am sure your fellow spinners appreciated your initiative! We have a new spin room at the gym I go to...I have to admit, I'm a little intimidated- I've never taken a spin class before.

    I say go do it. You will love it.!
  • MikeDaMotivator
    To have your confidence one day is a goal of mine!! Awesome job leading that class thanks for sharing another amazing story with us!

    Thanks. Anthing is possible with the desire. Just make it fun and it can be done. Dang I am going to make that my slogan!! My pleasure sharing with you.
  • Apeck87
    Apeck87 Posts: 68 Member
    that shows great leadership and initiative. Great job!! ;0)