First binge in a month and it's a bad one! :/



  • WhatAgirl_
    WhatAgirl_ Posts: 151 Member
    drink a lot of water and next day weight in and you will actually see that u lose weight because once in a month is nothing! it will boost your metbolism instead.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    This is my first time in my entire life that I've ever weighed more than 112 pounds for a period of time longer than 2 months, and although I'm not in love with my body I do tolerate it...I still wish I was back to my previous weight of 108 pounds! It's because I quit/am trying to quit self harming but it seems that I am now self harming in a different stuffing myself. I don't know why I hadn't realized this sooner, it just occurred to me today during dinner after I gorged myself- yet again- on scalloped potatoes. I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere! yay

    It's a huge step in realizing this pattern in yourself .. Have you considered or sought professional therapy regarding this? Maybe with some guidance, you will be able to get to the root of your triggers .. and then learn and develop appropriate coping mechanisms to combat the bad behaviors.

    I'm impressed that you came here seeking for support :-) Feel free to add me as a friend if you like! :flowerforyou:
  • WinterChocolate
    I do seek professional therapy and I have almost weekly sessions, but I haven't brought up what I just discovered yet. But I will! Thanks, adding you :)
  • free2live72003
    I majorly binged today as well--totally emotional eating after a really hard couple of days with the unexpected death of a friend's husband. I ate 3 donuts back to back (total of 1,000 calorie) and now I feel yuck.

    But, it is not the end of the world as I will go forward now. go to a Zumba class tonight and work off 500+cals and try to have a good rest of the day and not repeat today's mistakes tomorrow.

    That's called LIVING and accepting myself as being the imperfect person that I am.

    Don't get into that negative place of punishing yourself every time you make a misstep.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I would say you need to learn to love yourself. Women aren't meant to be sticks. We actually need body fat for our bodies to operate normally. Don't hate on me because I don't think you have to be ultra thin to be beautiful or healthy.
    I never said she needed to loose weight. I said the OP was beautiful the way she was. Body acceptance seems to be something that is severely lacking in this place.

    While your sentiment may have been to make the OP realise that she's beautiful the way she is, it certainly didn't come across that way. Some of the posts in this thread smack of the 'real women' brigade (which sets us all back a million steps) and I'm afraid I can't overlook the irony in your comment about body acceptance when you seemed so willing to slate the slim OP (who was looking for health/fitness advice), label your own weight beautiful and seem to be projecting your own issues onto her.

    Weight is a sensitive subject whichever way you slice it; and you're right - we do need to be more accepting of all shapes. But I'd think again before making comments like your initial post and following them up with blanket statements about acceptance.
  • oceansblue205
    Everyone deserve one slip up every now and then. Just be patient and keep on the right path.
  • C00k13mama
    Hello there - just my two cents, I've been on the site for less than a week and found myself sneaking caramels when closing the door from kids - I gave them candy now don't I deserve a piece? I just got done reading a great book by Pam Peeke and it talks about the dopamine the brain produces even when thinking about foods we are trying to stay away from; it's just like a drug addict would be holding $ in their hand and making a deal - she backs it all up with science and I can honestly say it makes sense and gives me a new perspective. I'm back to reality today of trick or treak candy left in the office and, for better or worse, I tracked the hersheys kisses eaten in a staff meeting and then put my lean cuisine in the microwave and made a plan to hit the gym later this evening. We all slip up and feel like we've blown it; you'll beat yourself up harder than anyone else can. Make a fresh start, drink lots of water and you'll feel better. Take Care, Dena
  • awilmeri
    awilmeri Posts: 218 Member
    awilmeri: Yes! Well actually it's called "trunk" or treating where I'm from. My school gets all of it's professors to set up their cars with the trunks open, and fill the backs with buckets full of candy for the students to raid. It's really fun! Why do you ask?

    lauren3101: Basically what I told awilmeri. I love Halloween, don't judge me, okay?! Haha xD

    Just making sure you weren't some 12-17 year old who really shouldn't be worrying about this stuff.
  • WhatAgirl_
    WhatAgirl_ Posts: 151 Member
  • liasphere
    Hey there,

    I also have issues with binge eating. Speaking from experience, the next couple hours will probably be pretty tough, because you've ingested all this sugar and fat so your body chemicals are going to be completely out of whack, but if you go back to eating properly right away (don't restrict to make up for the binge but also don't eat any more refined sugar or trans fats), this will all be over in the next 24-72 hours, and those 4000 calories won't make much of a difference in your weight in the long run.

    Hope that helps!

  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Hi jenny who is 5'5" and 113 now probably 114 pounds....


    Here is your reality check.

    You can afford to gain that pound. It's not going to make your thin self look bad. In fact you could gain a few more pounds and still be perfectly beautiful.

    Forgive yourself and eat better today.

    Michelle who is 5'2" and a beautiful 185.8 pounds and will never ever ever ever weight 114 pounds

    lol bump! i think that is under weight as is? lol idk but ya she could eat that candy like that for a week and still be aight! geezo.. 113 pounds.. ya "in my bra"! lol
  • WinterChocolate
    It's not underweight yet, but it's close :) my BMI is currently around the 18.8-19.5 ish I think. I'm used to it being around 17.5-18.8 though, which is where it was for the most part up until a few months back.

    Thanks for all the advice everyone!! I woke up this morning and tried to have a semi-healthy (probably not all that healthy if I'm honest) breakfast of 400 calories. Whoever said my stomach might hurt is right, it hurts a lot but I guess that's the price I have to pay for yesterday's slip up :/ well, I'm determined to get back on track today and stay good this weekend! Thanks again!
  • wildapril
    wildapril Posts: 97 Member
    Last night I discovered a thing called "Winter Schokolade" in three different flavors at the store ... I got all 3 flavors and ate one. Lucky I didn't eat them all ... I hope you come to terms with this! Better than binge drinking!
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Its all good, I "binged" on Halloween too...I guess I just thought of it as "eating too much candy" though...

    Binge is such a strong word.

    Either way, just forget about it and stay active.
  • markedevlin
    markedevlin Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Jenny,
    You do sound a decent weight for your height.
    Been there, last Friday. Got myself a half pounder, curry fries and a couple bottles of wine!
    I've been careful enough the past couple of days and there's no long term damage.

    Okay, wrote that yesterday, and last night I went out and ended up 1150 calories over the limit!

    In cicks the resolve for an "calorie austerity weekend" with some good homemade food!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Its all good, I "binged" on Halloween too...I guess I just thought of it as "eating too much candy" though...

    Binge is such a strong word.

    Either way, just forget about it and stay active.

    I know what you mean, but to me "binge" is more to do with the impulses and way it makes you feel (i.e. out of control, stressed, guilty etc) rather than the amount of food consumed. I have a weakness for biscuits, and last time put away 8 custard creams. A huge amount of food? Not in the scheme of things, no. But I lost control, ate them because I could, and felt terrible afterwards - qualifying it as a binge for me.
  • slimsdown
    slimsdown Posts: 122 Member
    heya, we have all fallen of the wagon and given into temptations, i did last night with eating chips ;-( the worst thing was i was feeling full but still i felt i needed to eat them all.
    Admiting your flaws means that you care about your weightloss progress.
    i have just returned to my fitness pal after a week or 2 of giving up, add me and we can help eachother.

    another good tip...... keep all choc in the furthest place away in your house, most of the time if im pigging out im far to lazy to walk to otherside of house to get another naughty treat lol xxx
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    You sound underweight with eating disordered thinking. You need to get help with your eating disorder. That binge will not magically put a pound on overnight. Water weight yes...Fat, noooooooo...not much else I can say, I no longer think this way although it has taken many years to overcome it...the only thing I can suggest is not to let this spiral, I think you know what I need for further binges, no need to purge and no need to over-exercise...if you feel you need to do any of these three, as I said before you need help and psychological support with the mental aspect of your eating disorder...

    p.s. when you have normal eating under control, are happy or comfortable with the way you look, are eating healthy, filling meals, binges tend to never happen again. It is a long, slow process and I feel for you. You can pm me if you want.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hi jenny who is 5'5" and 113 now probably 114 pounds....


    Here is your reality check.

    You can afford to gain that pound. It's not going to make your thin self look bad. In fact you could gain a few more pounds and still be perfectly beautiful.

    Forgive yourself and eat better today.

    Michelle who is 5'2" and a beautiful 185.8 pounds and will never ever ever ever weight 114 pounds

    lol bump! i think that is under weight as is? lol idk but ya she could eat that candy like that for a week and still be aight! geezo.. 113 pounds.. ya "in my bra"! lol

    And this is supportive and helpful how? You sound as snarky and rude as the comment you responded to.

    OP: I hope you do find the support, help and understanding that this will not destroy you. I know how this is such a psychological process for many people on this site that some seem to not be able to comprehend and find the need to make light of. Just keep pushing forward, stay active and you can overcome this. You have received great advice in this thread and I hope you take to heart what many have said that is actually helpful.