


  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    I know it's embarrassing kinda, but what are your other symptoms? Blood test will help rule it, but PCOS is relatively young in the science world. Hair in places boys get hair (back belly hands face neck) is one big way to tell. When I was younger, I was much smaller but I always had a lower abdomen that stuck out. I also didn't get my first period until I was 16 and then I only got it once a year until I was 21 and got on BC. Do you get sick often? I got an ultra sound and found cysts the size of quarters. Are there health heart/blood/cholest problems in your family?

    I'm part of a starting PCOS awareness foundation. We are looking at outreaching to women (and making men aware) of the risks PCOS creates and how to live a fully functional life with it.
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    PCOS sufferer here, diagnosed in 2000. The weight issue is very difficult, considering the way our body reacts and processes food... I'd offer a lot of advice, but it looks like there's a number of us here, and I don't want to get repetitive.

    In any case, if you do have PCOS, the weight WILL come off... but you WILL hit plateaus. It's just the nature of the illness... They'll put you on metformin, likely, as that is the #1 prescribed medication for the issue at hand. I always say... if you have PCOS, be prepared to work 2-4 times harder than another woman to lose half the weight. It's a true battle, but in the end... nothing can stop you!

    ... no info on the endo though, thankfully I didn't get whacked with that branch on my way out of the illness tree!!!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I have Stage 3 endometriosis and do not have an issue with intense exercise. I have severe pain around the start of my cycle but I can manage it and power through. I've heard of the "diet" but my physician feels it has no effect on it and I have to agree with her. I workout 6 days a week; running, lifting and HIIT. My only issue with my Endo is infertility and pain!

    Doctor's generally push pills & surgical remedies :huh:
    Example: my sister has been having bad anxiety & has been hyperventilating recently (selling a house, moving 1500 miles, 2 kids and 1 on the way) Because she is pregnant they have to go old school - breathing techniques and breathing into a bag or mask
    If she hadn't been pregnant they would have pushed pills and unneccesary tests on her

    Personally, I refuse to take any of the pills they want to push on me and I have endometriosis. However I did some research into diet changes and have felt TONS better. http://www.endo-resolved.com/ is one link I'd suggest. Cutting out the majority of dairy, gluten, especially SOY, and red meat has helped a ton. Usually I would feel like DEATH during my periods and this last one, I actually had energy. I have been able to resume working out like I want with only mild pain the week before my period.

    I see exactly what you are saying!!! I am in clinicals right now for RN school at a small community hospital and I have never seen more hysterectomys on young women with endo than I have seen here. It is ridiculous! My OBGYN said surgery will only be an option if it continually spreads or it becomes unbearable. I took myself off completely from my BC because I was tired of pumping hormones in my body. Yea I have intense pain for a few days but I can get past it. I never let it be an excuse not to workout bc I know working out helps my mind focus elsewhere. I looked at the link but honestly if I cut all of that out of my diet, I would never eat and that is a route I am not ready to explore yet.

    OP: There are 4 stages with Stage 4 being severe. Many do not know this information bc I will ask my patients here what stage are they and they look at me like I have 2 heads. Some doctors are well educated in this and some are not and that is frigthening!
  • wendyj910
    wendyj910 Posts: 58 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 24. I was never put on any medication (I have no idea why). After almost 2 years of trying I was blessed with my daughter....she is my one and only miracle baby! I have battled with my weight since then (over 11 years now). But just recently I decided it was time for a change. It's been 55 days and I'm down 17 lbs plus 18 inches all over. I started off just changing my diet. Then started walking, which turned into jogging, 2 miles a day. I just completed my 10th day of Insanity and I love it!

    Thanks for the reply!

    I suppose every doctor is different and unfortunately, people with the same condition get help in various ways. Congratulations on your daughter! and the weight loss! Oh wow, Insanity, that must be intense! How're you finding it?

    It is what it says it is.....INSANE! But after I get done I feel like a champion. I have heard so many people say they've tried it and can't do it and that was just a challenge to me. My boyfriend and I do it together so I have a good workout partner pushing me when I want to give up and collapse!