So who all in here likes fishing?



  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    :D Best gif ever!!!!

    I just don't like hurting/killing things. :\ But I like being outside by the water, in the quiet... it's lovely.

    That makes sense. I always catch and release, especially if I'm with my daughter because she has them and their whole fish family they left behind named before I even get the hook out.
    When our kids were little they had to pet and yes kiss the fish we caught so it was and still is catch and release. We all love to go fishing. Its fun to see what we'll catch, how big it is, look at the colors etc. Plus its peaceful and gives us all a chance to talk. Kids love to get the nets and try to catch turtles and frogs. Once we pulled up a turtle that had to be 30 lbs. His feet were as big as my fist. I took a video of it but you can only see the head of it. It doesn't show the full size and there is nothing else in the video to compare it and give you and idea of the enormity of the thing. I've seen larger turtles at the lakes we go to but was never able to catch those monsters.