I just had a total food binge



  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I've discovered weight loss is a long term goal. You'll have ups and downs. The main thing is to keep going. Many people have posted that it's not a race to see who can lose the fastest. It's not. It may take years to reach your goal. Just don't give up. I personally know some of my "friends" on here and it's not a race, we're not in competition.

    Pick yourself up and start again tomorrow. This will happen again and you'll do the same thing: start again tomorrow.
  • Jongfaith
    It happens! Stop beating yourself up for it... be kind and understanding with yourself and remember how often things like that happened before you were counting. Three awesome weeks are not undone with one overindulgent moment.

    Same thing happened to me last week and guess what?.... I lost 3 pounds rather than just the 1... sometimes our bodies are more intellegent than we are. Maybe you needed something more than you were getting.

    Get back up and remember tomorow will be a new day with new challenges.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • colleenrutledge
    pick yourself up, dust yourself off and next time only eat 10 chips and 1 glass of pop. everyone has bad days, no one is perfect, dont let one bad night make you forget that you have lost the amount that you have, and you were the biggest loser, you are doing wonderful, keep going!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    you call that a binge? a pepsi and a bag of chips? get a grip.

  • Goosiesnougs
    Not a problem!!!! You are technically only 300 calories over maintenance :heart:

    Back on track tomorrow.........Lots of water to flush out sugars and sodium! Best of luck and no worries..Almost everyone has their bad days and really, yours wasn't very bad!
  • gargisingh
    gargisingh Posts: 123 Member
    +850 calories will not make you gain even a single pound! Relax! Life happens!
    However, the salt in the chips and the drink might bloat you up. One quick solution could be - go sweat it out in gym, burn calories + get rid of that sodium. That being said, please stay hydrated. I am sure you will weigh well during the weigh in :=)
  • Crazy_Diet_Mom
    You are NOT alone in this. I don't care if it is "technically" not a "binge". I agree with you, it is a lot of unhealthy food for one sitting. Doing it in secret? No, not good.

    Adding it up and counting it. AMAZING!

    Stand up, dust yourself off, and be proud that you admitted it to yourself. It's one day. One meal.

    I agree 100% with SullyKat. We all have crappy moments and you handled it great afterward - you counted it, you came out of hiding with it and you went to your meeting rather than continue to hide. Tomorrow will be better. Take care of you.
  • NextChapter60
    NextChapter60 Posts: 78 Member
    The most important meal is your next one... not your last one.
  • shara85
    shara85 Posts: 70 Member
    Sometimes you just need a binge, as long as you pick yourself up afterwards, that's all that matters. Don't beat yourself up over it. I had the best fried chicken ever last night (3 pieces) followed by a Wonderbar and skittles... lol. I did feel guilty, but I know this is a new day.
  • OSUloulou
    OSUloulou Posts: 74 Member
    Three weeks of good eating is amazing. It probably took several years for you to develop your relationship with food and it wont change overnight. Please give yourself credit for recognizing that you induldged....forgive yourself.....and move on. Don't let this derail you. You can do it!
  • momofthreesons
    momofthreesons Posts: 162 Member
    810 calories is my normal supper.. not a binge by any means. A binge for me is pizza ---cant touch it! Confession
    I have eaten over half a pizza hut pan meatlovers all by myself!! Life happens, pick yourself up, go for a LONG walk and start over tomorrow RIGHT BACK ON TRACK!
  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    I ate almost 900 calories in Halloween monsster eyes and toes today. Oh yeah I have been there. Walked 7.44 miles and a little elliptical to offset it. I have a knee injury and really suppose to hold off exercising til Saturday but after my sugar binge. Wow. Yes I think most people have been there. Tomorrows another day
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I feel super bad cause I have had 2 binge days in a row! Tomorrow will be reset day to get out of this funk. One day once in a while is great but don't let it get away from you.

    One trick I do on a binge day is that even if I am feeling full I eat some small healthy item to "trick" my head into getting back to my "normal healthy eating".
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member

    I have a cheat day every Saturday.. and it consists of at least 12+ beers, PLUS all the crappy food i want. EVERY saturday. Im talkin a day of like 4000+ calories. (and i lose consistantly! from a size 20 to a size 14 in 90 days! im on day 120 and ive lost 32 pounds!)

    Its ONE day. Dont sweat it! Chances are, you actually threw a wrench in your metabolism and its like.. WOAH! and is now into overdrive & you will still lose... if not more. lol.

    Its okay! Dont worry about it! Just like you wont lose the weight over night.. you wont get fat over night either!

    Also, just my opinion, but if you give yourself a little "wiggle room" once in awhile.. chances are, you wont binge like that again.

  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    A couple of months ago I went to this fantastic Brazilian restaurant not too far from me and had a protein overdose (over 1000 calories in that sitting) then went out for shots and spirits with my sister. Although I looked pregnant at the end of that night, I still lost. Now I have one day a week where I drink and eat what the heck I like and really enjoy it. No guilt here. I think, going from what you say in your original post, you might need to improve your relationship with food. In this process helpful food will be your friend and you may need to look at food in a positive way for it to work for you.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    You didn't really do it in secret, because you just outed yourself to this whole forum, which is good! Log it and move on. If you make room for a little treat every day, you won't feel like you binged.
  • Nessa0506
    I am a sucker for potato chips- I love them. Don't be hard on yourself my friend- I think I can safely say that we ALL have been there at some point (probably a few). Even opening up and talking about it is a big step to being open and honest with yourself. You didn't fall off the wagon, you just probably didn't lose any weight that day and being that you have been so restricted with your diet, your body is not going to hold on to the extra calories. Maybe you should be a little less strict with your diet, when we are too strict we tend to go overboard, you know? One tool that helped me is a scale- so that I can measure out portions and can help with binging.
    Get right back on track- move your body and move along.

    Take care
  • lynnacuff
    dont feel lonesome i did the same thing today fried some really big pork chops and then had two of them..then a nice big smoothie on top of that...geez...my numbers are off by alot today...lol oh well tomorrow is another day.so see you aren't alone.
  • FixItDuck
    FixItDuck Posts: 112 Member
    My favorite quote (at present!), from Dr Libby, is something along the lines of "It's what you do every day that affects your health, not what you do occasionally".

    I went out for coffee and cake this morning and had the most divine chocolate cake, which I REALLY enjoyed, a little bit of the enjoyment faded when I had to add it to my diary for today. I am now sitting her thinking that although it was delicious, it was a total waste of calories for today, but I can't change it now. I have had a nutritious and low fat lunch, and need to make sure I continue that for the rest of the day and make sure I do a decent amount of exercise.

    Today is just one day, it doesn't have to be the undoing of your hard work over the past three weeks. Tomorrow is a new day and you can make it a good one!
  • momgotspunk
    Thanks everyone for all the great support. I appreciate the advice, as well. I ended up being the Biggest Loser at my weight loss group DESPITE my food binge. This was a good feeling. I seriously need to work on my relationship with food though. After tonight, I plan on giving myself a little extra room for mistakes, and plan on increasing my overall caloric consumption. :)