How can I stop messing up my diet at the end of the day??



  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    That's tough. If you are hungry in the evening eat protein. It will help you to fill up and stay full longer. You just CAN'T binge on protein lol. Well, maybe you could, but it would be uncomfortable lol. Just eat a boiled egg or a steak or a huge spoonful of peanut butter. And, seriously, 500 calories will kill you. That's not even enough calories to run your bodily functions is it? Sound's like your mom doesn't have the best advice for you...maybe seek counseling?
  • bastgoddess7
    bastgoddess7 Posts: 64 Member
    Why do you want to see your hipbones? I feel like that's an unhealthy goal. You sound like you have body dysmorphia. I am no mental health professional, but I know what is because I have slight dymorphia my self.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    Yay! Another attention seeking post!

    Seriously, get help. What you're doing is sick.

    I'm not attention seeking. I didn't even want anyone to read my diary.
    I just wanted to know how to stop the afternoon binges.

    Pisses me off when people say Mental health is attention seeking, be the bigger person and see this poor girl needs help.

    Secondly to me sweetheart you have the early signs of body dysmorphia/eating disorder, keep a thought diary around these binges, also whats your BMI? secondly you need to see a medical professional, are u eating carbs, cals that low and complete lack of carbs and then binge can affect you heart because of potassium levels, please see a doctor

    It /is/ attention seeking though. People think that anorexia is a silent disease. Yes, many anorexics keep their eating disorder to themselves. They hide it from their family and friends and strangers. But there are just as many anorexics, who are just as sick mentally and physically, who use these types of forums as motivation. They love hearing that people are worried for their health; they love hearing that they're not eating enough. Love. It.

    And it's a whole new side to anorexia. Nobody's saying that it's not serious or that it is not a cry for help. It is, but there is NOTHING anybody here can say or do to help. Absolutely nothing she reads tonight is going to magically click with her and change her mind. She will eventually and unfortunately get to the point where she hits rock bottom and seeks out real help from a professional.

    ETA: And by anorexics, I am also speaking of bulimics and those with EDNOS. Just easier for the sake of arguing to group them altogether while typing this out.
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    Yay! Another attention seeking post!

    Seriously, get help. What you're doing is sick.

    I'm not attention seeking. I didn't even want anyone to read my diary.
    I just wanted to know how to stop the afternoon binges.

    You are bingeing because your body needs food, and then the guilt causes you to heavily restrict yourself. You gain when you eat over because your body is in starvation mode and is hanging onto the extra calories. If you reset your nutritional goals to eat more, you WILL gain more initially....however, once your body adjusts, you will lose again and still be able to maintain a healthy calorie amount.

    The problem is that your mental state will not allow you to do that. One of my best friends in the world has struggled with eating disorders for years. I have watched her become a skeleton in front of my eyes and it breaks my heart. Please seek help, for the sake of your happiness and well being. As for your mother, it sounds like she is enabling this behaviour to continue, and is not being very supportive.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    I actually don't even plan on stopping my "diet," it's more of a whole lifestyle change I've done. :(
    I'm sorry, I guess I really should stop posting this stuff, or I should just hide my profile. lskjflsdkjf I promise I'm not attention seeking, I'm just looking for 'general diet/weight loss help' as its called

    What you're asking for is help enabling your disordered eating, people here aren't going to do that because it is unhealthy. I had an eating disorder in high school, I know what it's like, but if you continue in this you will quickly learn how scary it is to "succeed" in your disordered eating. Food will control you and all you will think about is food, it will be an obsession, how little can you eat, and then the health problems come, and you'll stop losing because there is nothing left to lose because your body will do everything it can to survive what you are doing to it, your body will fight your disease because our bodies are designed to keep us alive against the odds.

    Talk to someone about this, someone who is an adult and has a healthy relationship with their body and with food. You aren't loving your body, you are working against it in a battle to survive, it's not cool or different, it is a disease that has killed a lot of people.

    People looked at your diary because often not eating enough causes "binges" because the body demands that you feed it, asking us not to look is asking us to not give an informed answer, we don't do that. Don't feel attacked, rather see that so many people are trying to help you.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Yay! Another attention seeking post!

    Seriously, get help. What you're doing is sick.

    How would you feel if someone had said that to you when you were over-eating before you lost weight? Just because they're on the opposite end of the problem doesn't leave them open to ridicule. I'd say a large majority of people here have or had disordered thinking about food - it's how a lot of us got fat in the first place.

    I know what I was doing was "sick" - eating 6000+ cals a day, eating in secret, hiding food wrappers from my family and friends, etc.

    Just think about how you'd want to be treated if you were the one still struggling, that's all.
  • raichhype
    raichhype Posts: 74 Member
    I don't agree with the people who are being intentionally horrible here claiming attention seeking and 'grow the **** up'.
    You do sound like you have an eating disorder, the way you word your writing and how little you are eating speaks for itself.
    But the worst possible thing you could do to someone with an eating disorder is be harsh. Being harsh to someone who obviously has low self-esteem, possibly depression... why would you even do that?! You all need to step back and take a look at yourselves.

    Pro-ana isn't encouraged on this website. Judging from your pictures you DON'T need to lose weight.
    Please go speak to your doctor.
    I wish you all the luck in the world <3
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    I just really want to say that my goal used to be 300, but I upped it and I'm trying to slowly up it more. It makes me feel really guilty when people are like, "Attention seeker!!" Because I actually avoided coming on here for the longest time because I was scared somebody would say that. And I didn't ask anyone to go on my profile and then use it against me. My original question was on how to stop eating so much in the afternoon, that's all. If you don't want to read my post, please just go away because now I feel like crap and I really don't know what to do. My mom tells me to lose weight, I try to lose weight and then I feel bad and try to be healthy, and then my mom tells me I'm fat, and then people tell me to seek help and my mom is all "don't make anyone think something is going on." So I promise I am doing my best.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Just the other night my mom told me that I've been eating too much and that I need to work harder. And then I told her I might have an Eating disorder and she just ignored me. So I mean, I know I need to lose weight, but if I eat any more than 700 I gain. And I've been gaining...
    that's because you've probably screwed up your metabolism from eating so few calories for so long. if i were you. i'd first work on getting my metabolism back to where it should be and then start worrying about losing weight. i mean i know everyone is different, but at your age i was at a little below my goal weight (5'5 135 pound) and my TDEE was around 4500 calories a day. i also spent a year and a half gaining weight in order to not get creamed in rugby.. 4500 might be a bit high for most, but surely 700 calories is not normal unless you're 2 ft tall.
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    I don't agree with the people who are being intentionally horrible here claiming attention seeking and 'grow the **** up'.
    You do sound like you have an eating disorder, the way you word your writing and how little you are eating speaks for itself.
    But the worst possible thing you could do to someone with an eating disorder is be harsh. Being harsh to someone who obviously has low self-esteem, possibly depression... why would you even do that?! You all need to step back and take a look at yourselves.

    Pro-ana isn't encouraged on this website. Judging from your pictures you DON'T need to lose weight.
    Please go speak to your doctor.
    I wish you all the luck in the world <3

    Thank you <3 I don't encourage pro-Ana. And I actually do have depression hahah... But thank you, I agree that some people on here are being too harsh...
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Please be safe -- and if your mom is doing this to you, find someone you can talk to. If you are 18, there is absolutely no reason that your mom should ever find out about what you talk about or do in therapy. If not, it should still be covered in doctor-patient confidentiality.
  • raichhype
    raichhype Posts: 74 Member
    You know what? Nobody should be saying nasty things to you; that's a fact. At the same time, I believe the person who called you "attention-seeking" is correct, and I believe that everyone who has told you that you need to get help is correct. I reported your post in hopes that they will use your information to get you some help because, with all due respect, I don't think you are able to make safe decisions for yourself. On some websites you can report posts where people are threatening suicide. I reported you because you're doing it, only slower. I'm sorry you're struggling with your weight, but we can't help you, and you do need help.

    Agree wholeheartedly. Hope that she does receive help.
  • dawnmarie1115
    dawnmarie1115 Posts: 28 Member
    Everyone said it well. 500 calories is not healthy. But I can answer that question for the rest of the strugglers reading your sugar intake. Sometimes there are as lot of hidden sugars in those yogurts.
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    Yay! Another attention seeking post!

    Seriously, get help. What you're doing is sick.

    How would you feel if someone had said that to you when you were over-eating before you lost weight? Just because they're on the opposite end of the problem doesn't leave them open to ridicule. I'd say a large majority of people here have or had disordered thinking about food - it's how a lot of us got fat in the first place.

    I know what I was doing was "sick" - eating 6000+ cals a day, eating in secret, hiding food wrappers from my family and friends, etc.

    Just think about how you'd want to be treated if you were the one still struggling, that's all.

    I wish the best for you. You're beautiful, and I hope you're doing well.
  • Bsexi88
    Bsexi88 Posts: 83 Member
    I would talk to someone professional if your mother is not listening. Secondly you are VERY young and what you are doing now may damage you in the long run. Secondly I can see you have some ethnicity to you and if you are hoping to be run way model skinny uh sorry hun:grumble: it ain't happening you have a small, petite curvy frame (nice, no homo) and embrace it hunny you are who you are. Our society has most of us brainwashed that to be sexy we must be "white girl skinny" (no offenses to anyone, it is an AA term for small/petite more so along the bottom half as most AA (not all) are big hips, big thighs, and big butt) I am AA and as much as I would like to have tiny ballerina thighs my genes put an *kitten* on my back and thick thighs on my legs and I have learned to embrace them and admire those others who have a tiny frames and features aint no shame we are all built differently. I wish you the best on your journey I and everyone else want a birght future for you so please take heed to getting professional help!
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I find I don't snack in the evenings if I eat a good breakfast. By good breakfast I mean 400 + calories with some fat, some protein, some carbs and lots of fiber. It sets me up well for the day.

    Like others here, I feel a lot of concern for you. I've struggled with depression myself and know how hard it is, and how hard it can be on your eating habits. If I could have one wish for you it would be for you to learn that your body is not your enemy. A strong, flexible and healthy body is a good friend, and something to work towards. But you have to feed it.

    Be well.
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:

    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders

    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.

    b) Profiles, groups, messages, posts, or wall comments that encourage anorexia, bulimia, or very low calorie diets of any kind will be removed, and may be grounds for account deletion. This includes positive references to ana/mia, purging, or self-starving. Our goal is to provide users with the tools to achieve their weight management goals at a steady, sustainable rate. Use of the site to promote or glamorize dangerously low levels of eating is not permitted.

    c) Photos intended to glamorize extreme thinness will be deleted.

    d) Those seeking support in their recovery from eating disorders are welcome at MyFitnessPal.

    MyFitnessPal strongly recommends that anyone suffering from the symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, or Compulsive eating make use of the resources offered by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. You may reach the ANAD hotline by phone in the US: 847-831-3438 (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, Central Time) or on the web at

    If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link:

    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

    With respect,
    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.