Pregnancy 2010 - Week 4

Good Morning Ladies!

This is an open group for any ladies who are pregnant, are hoping to become pregnant, or just want to loose weight and talk about pregnancy.

This weeks goal is to stay within our calorie limits at least 5 of the 7 days.

Here's to a good week:flowerforyou:


  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Weigh in Wednesday:


    Loss this week: 1.5 lbs!!!!

    How did the rest of you do? And how are those pregnant ladies feeling?
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I'm down 0.6 pounds this week, a little disappointing after my 4 pound loss last week. A loss is a loss though, so I'll take it!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    SW: 163
    CW: 159

    I gained 1.5 pounds this week, with no exercise and not eating as well. Cold is better so no excuses next week!!!

    Since we've started I've lost:
    0.5" from my waist
    1" from him hips
    0.5" from my thighs
    0" from my arms
    0.5" from my butt

    I'm 6 weeks and 1 day today and still no morning sickness. Although I'm tired all the time, and my boobs hurt like CRAZY! Bloating sucks too.
  • birgithooker
    So I was looking around and found your group. I am not currently pregnant but we are thinking of trying. I have a 15 month old son and we would like to start trying next month for number two. I was my heaviest weight ever right before I got pregnant with my son and I know I used my pregnancy as a way to shirk of exercising. I thought, I am pregnant, who cares. I am supposed to gain weight. I had joined Curves before I got pregnant and when I saw the positive test, I stopped going. I was sick my entire pregnancy to the point where I had to take medication so I didnt' have any energy. So when I topped the scale at 202.5 the week before my son was born, I was scared. He came early by emergency c-section and that made matters worse because I used that as an excuse why I couldn't exercise, even when I was past the time where I could have. Luckily, I only put on water weight with him because I literally could not keep any food down from the day I found out I was pregnant until the day he was delivered. I lost it all within the first week of being home, but that still left me with the 30+ pounds I wanted to lose in the first place. Well, now that we are seriously talking about baby #2, I am determined to make sure I eat better and get lots more exercise. I have finally managed to lose a couple of pounds after being on a serious plateau and I don't want our baby plans to put me back into lazy mode. I am worried that this time, I will put on more weight and it won't be water weight. I am also concerned because I don't know how many calories I will have to eat when I am pregnant. I currently have my calories set to 1500. I had them at 1200 but wasn't losing anything so I set them higher after I calculated what my BMR was. So I am finally losing weight again and I don't want to stop losing wieght. I mean, how can I maintain a healthy weight for pregnancy while at the same time burn fat. I want to be healthy for my child but I don't want to gain back the fat. Does that even make sense? Any help is appreciated.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Welcome birgithoooker! I think you've found the right place!

    Okay, so I'm down 1.6 lbs this week - down to 213.4 lbs. And I have no idea how. I snacked on things I shouldn't, I haven't recorded much, I haven't been to the gym since last Thursday, and I've been home sick for the last 2 days. I did, however, get a lot of good sleep lately, and while I didn't eat the best, I did add some truely wonderful things to my cupboards (re brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries).

    Discovered - dried cranberries makes a salad the most amazing salad in the world!

    Water challenge - I did pretty good, but could have done better. But I consumed more than I usually do. And the days I drank the proper amount, I noticed that my energy sky-rocketed! Did anyone else notice this?

    We addressed all of our invitations last night! They look incredible!

    Also..... my personal challenge this week is.................... a 6 hour work-out marathon for breast cancer on Saturday!!!! It is 6 hours of exersize (with 18 minute breaks in between each), and I can't wait. Richard Simmons is going to be there to take us through the last hour! And we are going to do a Zumba class - which I am super excited about. Here's the link if you want to know more about it:

    I raised $975.00 for it - only $25.00 left to raise in the next 2 days!

    Negative side to the challenge? LuLuLemon is giving everyone major discounts for participants, but I can't fit into their clothes....yet. It's a bit of a slap to my ego, and I hate it. But oh well! I'm doing it! Wish me luck! (And heck if you want to sponsor me, let me know and I'll tell you how).

    So that's me! Resting up from being sick (home today again) but Saturday should be a blast!
  • hollyj77
    I can't believe we are in week 4! That means I should be losing weight but I'm not! It's my fault I know, but I'm still trying and coming here for support and accountability. I did lose the 3 lbs I gained back the last 2 weeks. I haven't been working out much at all. I can't commit to a weekly routine. I'd rather be home chillin! I guess it will continue to show in my progress or lack there of. :frown:

    Here's to another week! Good luck!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Welcome birgithooker! I'm 6 weeks pregnant and I feel the tug both ways to want to be really healhty for the baby and for a healthy pregnancy ... and then wanting to be lazy and eat what I'm craving because I'm pregnant and no one cares.

    I just keep trying to remember that eating well and exercising during pregnancies can lead to a healthier baby, and easier birth, less nausea, etc, etc, etc I know you'll do great and congrats on the big decision!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    jalara ... I LOVE CRANBERRIES in my salad. My favorite is cranberries, a little feta and balsamic vinigarette! mmmm

    How long is the discount at Lululemon good for? Maybe they'll let you hold onto it until you're down to their size? (Which you'll totally get there!)

    I think it's awesome that you're participating in that~! The next best thing to exercising and losing weight, is losing weight by exercising for a cause!
  • angela2010
    Hi Birgithooker! I just joined myfitnesspal today after my friend has lost some weight using this. I saw a pregnancy board, so I took a peek. I had my baby in July and I am struggling to jumpstart this diet! We're not trying to conceive this year, but I feel the same as you. I really want to lose this weight to get to a good weight for me before I get pregnant again. I was always around 150/160 (to me normal, felt very comfortable) but after I got married in 2007, I gained 20 lbs and was up to 180 when I got pregnant. Then I topped at 218.....without doing much I'm at 191. I really want to get back to 160!!! Anyways, I guess the point of this post was to introduce myself and anyone who is in the same boat, feel free to add me as a friend for any advice :) (Weight loss, pregnancy, or newborns!)
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I can't believe we are in week 4! That means I should be losing weight but I'm not! It's my fault I know, but I'm still trying and coming here for support and accountability. I did lose the 3 lbs I gained back the last 2 weeks. I haven't been working out much at all. I can't commit to a weekly routine. I'd rather be home chillin! I guess it will continue to show in my progress or lack there of. :frown:

    Here's to another week! Good luck!

    Can you look at your week ahead of tiem and schedule in workouts? I prefer to have the same work out days each week, so it always sucks when that doesn't happen, but I find that if I know ahead of time I'll schedule in my workouts and will actually get them done!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hi Angela2010,

    I'm your name buddy, I'm 6 weeks pregnant and am glad you're hear so I can pick you're brain when questions come up. Welcome to myfitnesspal and let us know if you have any questions!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'm getting to the I'M STARVING part of my pregnancy. I'm eating the same amount and type of breakfast but now REQUIRE a snack ... even after a snack I'm STARVING before lunch. *sigh I'm going to have to switch to 5 meals a day ... but with my clinicals for school, it's difficult to request a break from these clinics. We'll see how tomorrow goes
  • candacepainter
    I joined this group 4 weeks ago and just been really busy and not checking in! I'm going to weigh in the morning because I just ate super! Congratulations Angela on your pregnancy! I start clomid today...I hope/pray it's a success!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    good to see you again candace!
  • guamchar
    guamchar Posts: 100 Member
    Candace--let us know how it goes with clomid. My doctor said clomid was the next step for me. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    I did so-so last week on the water challenge. Some days I drank 40 oz of water which is alot for me. I know it's not nearly as much as I am supposed to drink, but I've got to start somewhere.
  • mamilel
    mamilel Posts: 10
    i want to join this group coz i want to be a mom soon. but i have pcos and i'm under metformin treatment. will that really help me to get pregnant? any tips? thanks. :smile:
  • candacepainter
    I got pcos too!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    what is pcos?
  • Hopeful4757
    Hello everyone! I didn't realize there was a new thread and wondered where everybody was. I'm glad to know it's going strong for everybody and we have so many new people!! Welcome to everybody who joined us.

    Jalara, I think that workout marathon sounds fantastic. What a cool way to lose. I'd be excited to be you weighing in next week. :-) I like that they have structured activities for you to do, like zumba. You'll have to tell me how that goes. My gym offers that class and I am curious, but a little nervous to do it.

    I also am excited for this week's challenge. I drank about 6 glasses of water each day last week. I tried doing weight watchers awhile back, and that is the starting water point for their program. I know I should have 8 glasses, but it's hard for me. I am very confident about this challenge.

    Does anybody else have a "cheat day?" I'm thinking of using one day a week where I don't eat awful, but don't stress as much with the logging of food and calories and everything. I think it might make it easier with the rest of the week. Any thoughts on that?
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'm not against a cheat day, but I don't "have one" If I crave something and have been good then I'll allow myself to have it, but I figure if I allow ... say every saturday to be my cheat day, I would probably cheat even if I don't really want anything.

    Guys ... I'm starving. Seriously today I can't stop eating! I had my regular breakfast at 8am this morning ( a little later than usual) which usually gets me to 10:30 or 11am, I was SOOOO hungry by 9am, so I had my snack which usually gets me to lunch, but I was STARVING by 10:30am. I had a full sandwhich and a cup of soup which usually gets me to dinner, but I was hungry again by 3pm. I'm babysitting (teenagers so I'm not really doing anything) this evening, so I ate dinner at 3:30 since I was babysitting at 4pm, and brough snacks which I ate at 5pm and was really hungry again by 6pm ... and of course they ordered pizza so since I had nothing else I ate a piece ... and then another ... and then another. It's now 7pm and I'm still hungry!

    Is this normal for only 6 weeks pregnant?! I'm going to gain 20 pounds this month at this rate!