High Intensity Interval Training



  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    I do HIIT on my cycling workout. 2 minutes on, 2 minutes off. I've seen a big increase in my VO2 max number.
  • kristarablue2
    kristarablue2 Posts: 386 Member
    I have done multiple forms of HITT and when I started my fitness increased big time, it has had a huge impact on my cardiovascularly. However I have not had lots of weight loss with it. Currently Tabatas are my favorite way to go for HITT. *kitten* for fasting, I prefer to not fast because I don't want to be all hungry when I am working out....but try HITT...love it, great physical results and you can spend less time doing it:)
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    When I was going to the gym, I would do HIIT training on the elliptical and the AMT machine. Sometimes I would do 4 minutes on, 4 minutes off, repeating for at least a half hour, but I found that a 2 minute warm up, followed by 1 minute on-1 minute off, then 2 minute cool down was just as effective. Then I was working out with a friend, and we were doing the HIIT program with Chalene. I recommend doing HIIT. I noticed results with both. But you're only supposed to do HIIT like 2 days a week. I would only do it one. Do it one, the next day do something lighter, the next day something harder, the next day something harder, back to easier... and so on and then next week start over.
  • Nick mentioned earlier about not agreeing with the fasting aspect of the article that started this post. Anybody have any experience/feedback on the fasting part?

    I usually lift on an empty stomach, but mostly because I had a few bad experiences of almost throwing up if I ate pre-workout.

    Any thoughts?

    I just believe that you need some sort of fuel for your workouts, not saying over eat but something certainly helps. Its my belief that if you starve yourself(fast) when you do finally eat, your body clings to whatever it can. And that to me is not a good plan.
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    RE: peak eight -Thirty seconds is the recommended interval time on the elliptical or bicycle. There are specific goals you should reach for if you're trying to get the benefits. Your should be approaching or meeting you maximal heart rate during the latter circuits, overheating(sweating profusely) and the muscles you're using should be burning, indicating some anareobic metabolism is taking place.

    The "no carbs for two hours" are for those who wish to maximize HGH production. A low carb protein drink is recommended post workout. Apparently an insulin release suppresses the production of HGH. If speedy muscle recovery is your goal, then he recommends a minimum of 25 G of protien, and 4X the amount of carbs. That is his research, not mine.

    I feel the program is effective. I ABSOLUTELY dread it-which tells me it is probably an effective workout.

    There is several videos on youtube of this program. In addition the lengthy interview with Dr Mercola is good.
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    I have been trying to find info for HIT that can be done on a track- so far, unsuccessful. Any suggestions?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I have been trying to find info for HIT that can be done on a track- so far, unsuccessful. Any suggestions?

    sprint a section (30-40 seconds)

    jog a shorter section 20 seconds

    repeat for as long as you can but no longer than 20 minutes (unless you are already studly)
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    I have been trying to find info for HIT that can be done on a track- so far, unsuccessful. Any suggestions?

    sprint a section (30-40 seconds)

    jog a shorter section 20 seconds

    repeat for as long as you can but no longer than 20 minutes (unless you are already studly)

    Got it. I'm gonna hit the track on Monday. Thanks!
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Planning to add 1-2 sessions of HIIT into my weekly exercise schedule. Currently I do 4 days of weight lifting (2 days power. 2 days hypertrophy) as well as having basketball twice a week (1 session for practice/social games and 1 competition game) and indoor soccer twice a week.

    Can already see the benefits it will have not only for weight/fat loss (just finished a bulk and want to lose the fat gained in the process) but also conditioning for basketball and soccer :D
  • wmagoo27
    wmagoo27 Posts: 201 Member
    Also, any other suggestions you have for HIT workouts would be awesome

    It's a little old school, but look up 'Fartlek Training'. It's kind of like the grandfather of modern HIIT developed by a Swedish trainer in the 30's.
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    Planning to add 1-2 sessions of HIIT into my weekly exercise schedule. Currently I do 4 days of weight lifting (2 days power. 2 days hypertrophy) as well as having basketball twice a week (1 session for practice/social games and 1 competition game) and indoor soccer twice a week.

    Can already see the benefits it will have not only for weight/fat loss (just finished a bulk and want to lose the fat gained in the process) but also conditioning for basketball and soccer :D

    I'm with you man. I wish I had started HIIT earlier. This is the second soccer game I played without a sub, and I was totally winded in about 10 minutes!
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    I have been trying to find info for HIT that can be done on a track- so far, unsuccessful. Any suggestions?

    sprint a section (30-40 seconds)

    jog a shorter section 20 seconds

    repeat for as long as you can but no longer than 20 minutes (unless you are already studly)

    Sounds legit. Anyone else?
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    I love running, but as my endurance has built I've been looking for ways to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. I found out about HIIT from a blog called Nerd Fitness. I decided to give it a try on my elliptical, since it's really too cold for me to run outside in the mornings and evenings when I'm home.

    Oh. My. God.

    After 30 minutes, I was pretty sure that the jig was up and I was going to die. My heart was about to leap out of my chest, my legs were jello and felt like they were on fire, and I could barely get a breath. I've been trying to do HIIT every day or every other day, and the few times I've ventured outside for an afternoon run I can really tell a difference in my cardiovascular endurance. I have asthma, you see, and I really feel it in the spring and fall when the allergens are thick and it's cold out. However, I powered right through about 45 minutes of running with no trouble at all.

    I have a FitBit- which is like a super fancy pedometer. It clocks me at burning about 100-150 more calories per half hour doing HIIT than running, which, if you think like I do, is a beer or a nice bowl of ice cream at the end of the day. I tried doing intervals while running outside, but it was difficult for me to keep up with the time without stopping to look at a watch. On a machine, the time is displayed right there in front of you, making stops and starts much more precise. The elliptical I own is a terrifyingly flimsy little number that I got from Walmart two years ago. I assembled it myself, so when you get up to any sort of speed on it, things get scary. Despite this, I'm trying to work on increasing my 'high' speed. Currently my 'low' speed is about 60 rpm, and my 'high' speed is about 80 rpm, both done while on resistance level 4 out of 10. HIIT is showing me tangible results in my breathing and endurance after relatively little time spent on it, so it's a winner in my book.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    its how you get shredded if you dont like to diet as hard.
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    I love running, but as my endurance has built I've been looking for ways to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. I found out about HIIT from a blog called Nerd Fitness. I decided to give it a try on my elliptical, since it's really too cold for me to run outside in the mornings and evenings when I'm home.

    Oh. My. God.

    After 30 minutes, I was pretty sure that the jig was up and I was going to die. My heart was about to leap out of my chest, my legs were jello and felt like they were on fire, and I could barely get a breath. I've been trying to do HIIT every day or every other day, and the few times I've ventured outside for an afternoon run I can really tell a difference in my cardiovascular endurance. I have asthma, you see, and I really feel it in the spring and fall when the allergens are thick and it's cold out. However, I powered right through about 45 minutes of running with no trouble at all.

    I have a FitBit- which is like a super fancy pedometer. It clocks me at burning about 100-150 more calories per half hour doing HIIT than running, which, if you think like I do, is a beer or a nice bowl of ice cream at the end of the day. I tried doing intervals while running outside, but it was difficult for me to keep up with the time without stopping to look at a watch. On a machine, the time is displayed right there in front of you, making stops and starts much more precise. The elliptical I own is a terrifyingly flimsy little number that I got from Walmart two years ago. I assembled it myself, so when you get up to any sort of speed on it, things get scary. Despite this, I'm trying to work on increasing my 'high' speed. Currently my 'low' speed is about 60 rpm, and my 'high' speed is about 80 rpm, both done while on resistance level 4 out of 10. HIIT is showing me tangible results in my breathing and endurance after relatively little time spent on it, so it's a winner in my book.

    Wow! That's so impressive! I am totally going to check out nerd fitness!!!
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I have been trying to find info for HIT that can be done on a track- so far, unsuccessful. Any suggestions?

    If you have an android or iphone, download IT trainer.. it just times the intervals for you. :-) I use it on the treadmill or for my (rare) outdoor runs.
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    I have been trying to find info for HIT that can be done on a track- so far, unsuccessful. Any suggestions?

    If you have an android or iphone, download IT trainer.. it just times the intervals for you. :-) I use it on the treadmill or for my (rare) outdoor runs.

    I looked for it and couldnt find it!
  • maria_elaina
    maria_elaina Posts: 53 Member
    I do HIIT on the treadmill....warm up, 20 secs as fast as I can managed, 10 secs standing on the sides, 20 secs fast as I can. It gets my heart rate up to my max. I generally do about 10-15mins before cooling down.
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    I do HIIT on the treadmill....warm up, 20 secs as fast as I can managed, 10 secs standing on the sides, 20 secs fast as I can. It gets my heart rate up to my max. I generally do about 10-15mins before cooling down.

    Woah! Intense! I think I could try this
  • JAMProphet
    JAMProphet Posts: 288 Member
    Y'all are the best! Thanks for the advice. HIIT has been kicking my @$$, and I have lost 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks.


    Thanks again, MFPeeps!