Need help with the number 40

To start with, sorry this isn't a weight loss or fitness post. BUT... I've found that for the past 3 months my weight loss journey has been wonderful on MFP! I love logging on and receiving daily inspiration from friends.

In 10 days I will be turning 40 years old. Although this milestone age is actually looking better than turning 30 did, I'm still not ready. In fact, I'm downright dreading it.

I'm feeling pretty healthy, I'm surrounded by good people and I'm slowly improving my life all around. So why the big deal about being 40? Is it really just a number? Like the number on my scale? Sometimes I hate that number sometimes it brightens my day.

How can I see that new number as something positive? Or at least not a big deal?


  • UticaBoy51
    UticaBoy51 Posts: 344 Member
    Don't over think it, its just a number. If you look and feel good, what's more important? Besides now you have a much bigger pool to look at :)
  • BuckeyeBoi
    BuckeyeBoi Posts: 233 Member
    Dont worry 40 is the new 30! Keep going forward!
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    I danced like a fool when I turned 50
  • E2015
    E2015 Posts: 8
    I don't usually pay attention to what celebrities say but once I read Cameron Diaz's comment on aging and I thought it was kind of nice and motivational. She said that when she was in her 20s she was always looking forward to her 30s and now that she was turning 40 she couldn't wait for her 40s. It just sounds nice so I think you should just look forward to you 40s, I only turned 30 a few months ago and I keep this positive attitude because your next years will always be better than the previous ones! So how about that? Enjoy your 40s! x
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I am enjoying my 40's. It's a busy time for me with work and teenagers- but I know how fast the last 10 years went and I'm determined to enjoy everything life has to offer!
    Why don't you focus on being the best you can be right now?
    Wear the nice things and use the good stuff, don't save it - celebrate life.
    Happy 40th!
  • Sloth_TurtleGirl
    Sloth_TurtleGirl Posts: 79 Member
    I turned 41 last year. My children are nearing adulthood. One is an adult the other is near. :) I have more free time than I've had in years. I've been able to invest more time and energy into my own happiness. The 40s are great so far!
  • mara9999
    mara9999 Posts: 28 Member
    With all the great changes you're making for yourself lately, your 40s are probably going to be your best years yet! You're getting healthy, and you're working towards goals in other areas of your life too. You have a lot of friends who love you and support you! Try not to think of the age (it doesn't matter) . . . just think about how in a year from now you'll be at your goal weight and working towards a career you love! You've really taken control of your life and how you want to get there. Enjoy it!
  • MaryAnn1113
    MaryAnn1113 Posts: 14 Member
    Once again MFP is there for me! Thank you ALL for such wonderful, nice, inspiring words. I'm going to try my best and live it up!
  • RubySinclair
    RubySinclair Posts: 90 Member
    Wear the nice things and use the good stuff, don't save it - celebrate life.
    Happy 40th!

    THIS! Exactly!
    When I hit 40 I was like "what am I saving it for?" I use the "good china" for pizza and don't save ANYTHING for a special occasion cause life truly is too short not to treat every day as a special occasion!
    Cheers to your 40th! (drink the good stuff in the GOOD glasses!) :drinker:
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Seems like the best way to make it a positive thing is to aim to own your 40s and make them the best years ever. You're already heading in the right direction being on here and making positive healthy changes. Why not make a list of all the things that you want to achieve/experience in your 40s that you've always wanted to do and have never got around to doing. My Mum's just about to turn 59 and she just got back from 6 weeks in South America, hiking the Inca Trail and snorkelling and swimming. It's something she wanted to do her whole life!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    40 is just a number! I just turned 40 and decided I am going to ROCK my 40's better than my 30's! It is what YOU make of it.... Go rock it and make 40 look even hotter than it normally is!!
  • RockyDon
    RockyDon Posts: 87 Member
    It's only a number don't let it bug u...
  • jeanb618
    50 for me was tough. So many good suggestions. I always look forward to all of those things that I've wanted to do, all those goals that I've had for myself that I hadn't yet achieved. Look forward with good solid positives!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    To start with, sorry this isn't a weight loss or fitness post. BUT... I've found that for the past 3 months my weight loss journey has been wonderful on MFP! I love logging on and receiving daily inspiration from friends.

    In 10 days I will be turning 40 years old. Although this milestone age is actually looking better than turning 30 did, I'm still not ready. In fact, I'm downright dreading it.

    I'm feeling pretty healthy, I'm surrounded by good people and I'm slowly improving my life all around. So why the big deal about being 40? Is it really just a number? Like the number on my scale? Sometimes I hate that number sometimes it brightens my day.

    How can I see that new number as something positive? Or at least not a big deal?

    It's different for everyone but I thought 30 was the end of the world for me. I was very depressed. I didn't care so much about 40. But I must say 40 was an incredible decade for me. I had the most health issues and became the most obese I'd ever been, but I retired as a software engineer after 25 years, I got over my fear of heights and joined a mountain rescue team and did repelling and climbing. Then I went through the police academy at age 45 and ran circles around the young guys (even while over weight), then I gained weight again and had more health issues and lost 60 lbs before the end of my 50th year. I worked for DOJ and spent 4 months doing work that involved hanging from a cable under a helicopter in flight (yeah, after previously have fear of heights). I wanted get over claustrophobia but that didn't work as well. I have to say my 50th decade is starting out to be the best ever in my entire life. I have a few health issues but they are better with the loss of 60 lbs and I'm living my dream in fitness. I still a volunteer deputy, I'm a volunteer fitness writer for the Venus Index website, and I will be giving volunteer fitness chats at sports events throughout next year, my next one will be the Marin County half marathon which I will run and speak. My life is just starting at age 52! It's never too late. Don't let age scare you. It's like a fine wine. LOL
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Its better than the alternative.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It's just a another year that you survived. Personally, I'd call that a win.
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    I felt thatway too, and when i turned 40 in June I cried.My younger years are behind me :'-( Been on MFP ever since and haven't been ,ore fit in my life!!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    40 meant I had arrived... and I am healthy at 54 now than have been in the last 18 years. and Thinner. and Happier no matter what.
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm just about 43 and here is my take:

    I have made an amazing life for myself and my family and it wasn't until my 40's that we were really able to enjoy it. It also afforded me the opportunity to take care of "me" finally, and I am super thankful for all that I have...

    Being 40 or 40's only means what you want it too, and for the record nothing is hotter then a 40 something women who works hard at being healthy and is confident in herself independent of her age...


  • kepirus
    Thank you OP! I'm turning 40 just a few weeks after you . . . I had absolutely NO issue with turning 30, but for some reason, 35 was created a mental issue for me . . . I've been more ambivalent about 40, wasn't sure if it was good or bad, just knew it was coming.
    I love the suggested 'celebrate' mentality!! There are so many people with life-threatening illnesses, etc., that would love to celebrate another birthday, let's just embrace it!! :-)