Is it possible to lose 12 pounds in a month ?



  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    If you can low carb for the month, you will lose that much, but a lot of it will be water weight. Cut out the processed carbs you eat and you should lose most of that. No guarantee it will stay off if you add them back in, tho. If you want something more permanent, not a great idea to lose that fast.
    That's how I initially started my weight loss plan in March. Eat lots of green vegs too, and up your water intake as it will fill you up and move things along if you get my drift - it seemed to jump start my loss, and the results were enough to keep me motivated to stick with it. Portion control is of the essence. 8 months later and I can eat pretty much what I want (within reason), HEALTHY carbs instead of LOW carb will help you keep it off!
    Best of luck to you!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    You might consider eating low carb or a paleo diet for the next month or so. I noticed that your protein intake is very low. Try bumping your protein up to 30%. This will allow you to eat fewer calories while not feeling hungry. It isn't noted in your food diary, but try adding in fiber as a macro, and bump that up to 35grams or higher. These two moves combined is why some people on here are able to eat a 1200 calorie diet and not feel hungry.
  • blondieee202
    blondieee202 Posts: 5 Member
    You should start with a lower weight loss goal! Give it more time! You can loose the 12 pounds in a month but it'd be VERY difficult and probably very unhealthy!!! Don't try to rush weight loss give it time! The more time you give, the harder you work, the better the results! (:
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    You can eat 1200 cals and not feel hungry, but guess what your body is still hungry. Focus on properly fueling your body, working out, and making healthier food choices.

    You know what TDEE is? BMR? How those things affect weight loss?
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    Well here is what I suggest.....first exercise every day, but don't over do it, you don't want to hurt yourself. Second do meal planing for the next month. Doing so will allow you to not only have a varriaty but also insure who don't go over in cals.....sodium or carbs. Thrid increase water. fourth if you drink soda cut it out fifth make sure you eat protien each time you eat 5gm or more this will help you feel full longer and help keep you blood sugar stable sixth eat fresh fruits and vegs. With meats eat lean meats
  • chinakat72
    chinakat72 Posts: 21 Member
    Sounds like your "problem" is in your head. You didn't make your goal last month, so you want to make up for it this month. I TOTALLY get where you're coming from; I've been there so many times before. But you need to take a step back. Goals are great, but they aren't absolute. You have said yourself that you know what stopped you from hitting your goal, you know what you did wrong. Now is the time to be kind to yourself and make a new goal. This month, focus on changing the things that stopped you last month. Figure out ways to improve. Then set a new, realistic weight goal for this month. Last month is over!! You can't go back in time, and your unrealistic goal for this month is going to set you up for failure. You might make this 12 lb goal, but how are you going to feel if you don't? Will you be so much more disappointed that you give up and throw in the towel? It comes down to, would you rather go crazy with an unreasonable diet and/or exercise routine in the hopes of losing a few extra pounds this one month? Or would you rather make real lifestyle choices that you can stick with in the long run and have a better chance of keeping the weight off? Give yourself a break and focus on how far you've come so far and the commitment you've made to stick with it!!
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Sounds like your "problem" is in your head. You didn't make your goal last month, so you want to make up for it this month. I TOTALLY get where you're coming from; I've been there so many times before. But you need to take a step back. Goals are great, but they aren't absolute. You have said yourself that you know what stopped you from hitting your goal, you know what you did wrong. Now is the time to be kind to yourself and make a new goal. This month, focus on changing the things that stopped you last month. Figure out ways to improve. Then set a new, realistic weight goal for this month. Last month is over!! You can't go back in time, and your unrealistic goal for this month is going to set you up for failure. You might make this 12 lb goal, but how are you going to feel if you don't? Will you be so much more disappointed that you give up and throw in the towel? It comes down to, would you rather go crazy with an unreasonable diet and/or exercise routine in the hopes of losing a few extra pounds this one month? Or would you rather make real lifestyle choices that you can stick with in the long run and have a better chance of keeping the weight off? Give yourself a break and focus on how far you've come so far and the commitment you've made to stick with it!!

    Yes, this, unrealistic goals = guaranteed failure.
  • Trudyr777
    Trudyr777 Posts: 573 Member
    Last january when I kicked this back in full force, I lost 18 pounds in one month. After that it slowed considerably. It was like I shocked my body all at once. I go to the gym religiously, and am getting so much better with my food. Slow and steady...
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    12 pounds of fat = approximately 3500 calories per each pound = 42000 calorie deficit... spread that over a month... 1400 calorie deficit a day. Can you have a 1400 calorie deficit from your TDEE a day. If you TDEE is insanely high, probably yes.

    Mine is 1700-1800 and I would have to eat 300 calories a day to make it happen. That's called starvation lol.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Je pense c'est possible.

    That would be approximately 3 lbs per week BUT if you are significantly overweight, advanced weight loss is possible and probably not too dangerous. When I first started, I would lose in the neighborhood of 15 lbs per month and it was not bad. 8 lbs would be a better goal though... That is a 2 lb per week loss. Also, as some have said, set a realistice diet and exercise goal and meet that daily. If you do that, positive results will occur. Don't forget the weight lifting. The real goal here is to be healthy and get your size where you want it... and have the agility and strength to do the things you want to do. I currently weigh 232.4 and wear the same size clothes I did when I was younger and was 170 lbs. and am down 2 pant sizes from when I was last 199. They don't fit quite the same but they are the same size none-the-less. Weight is far less important than the fat percentage you are at present. Ultimately, that should be the goal.

    Pouvez vous avoir le grand succès sur votre voyage.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Reading all of the well-meaning advice given to help this young lady to lose 12 pounds makes me wonder if they've read the original post all the way thru--she states she doesn't want to feel like she's "starving or deprived." Hour & hours of cardio; whacky food choices/combos & silver sweat suits might do the trick, but they don't fit the criteria she's mentioned...the short & honest answer is 'No.'

    Honey, you needed to consider the very sound advice offered by a few posters who've mentioned forgetting the 'numbers' and concentrate on getting healthy....change your mindset first, and your body will follow.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Reading all of the well-meaning advice given to help this young lady to lose 12 pounds makes me wonder if they've read the original post all the way thru--she states she doesn't want to feel like she's "starving or deprived." Hour & hours of cardio; whacky food choices/combos & silver sweat suits might do the trick, but they don't fit the criteria she's mentioned...the short & honest answer is 'No.'

    Honey, you needed to consider the very sound advice offered by a few posters who've mentioned forgetting the 'numbers' and concentrate on getting healthy....change your mindset first, and your body will follow.

    Well, my point was that it is pretty much impossible if not unsustainable to lose that much in fat in a month. So what she's asking is for the impossible. Don't set an impossible numerical goal.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Yes it is possible.
  • ashumeow
    ashumeow Posts: 151 Member
    Don't get me wrong: I know that this is possible, but I would like to know the best way to achieve it without feeling deprived or starving.

    October was a lazy month for me, and I sucked hard at losing weight. If I want to reach my goal of being under 245 pounds for November 31st, I really need to kick butt (mine, at first) in November.

    I am not ready to eat less then 1700 cals a day (for me, it's a minimum to be able to eat a variety of food, and if I'm eating less then 1500-1600, I feel seriously dizzy), but I am ready to work out hard, and harder if needed.

    Any tips or advice to help me in this journey ?

    (You can check my diary, but I was sick since friday so I hadn't log anything in the last two days. Previously, it's almost accurate, I tried to log everyday.).

    go to India for 2 weeks, and eat where the locals eat. * guaranteed * to make you drop at LEAST 12lbs in a week

    I am an Indian... And Indian foods don't taste bad.. Have some respect for other countries!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    At your weight and age- YES, it is possible, and YES it is possible to do it safely. The question is, whether or not you are willing to commit 100% every day for the next month to do what you need to do. You WILL have to make some diet changes and you WILL have to make exercise changes.
    If you decide that you are willing to do it, then find people your size who have done it, and see how they did it.

    I started 2 months ago at 228 pounds and have lost 21 pounds without feeling deprived or starved. If I can lose 10 pounds per month, for 2 months in a row, at 49, then you can certainly do it at your age.

    If this is what you need to get your motivation back to get back on track, then that's ok. Of course it would be better if you can simply erase October, and move your goal back a month, then do what has been working before. But if you can't seem to get yourself back on that track and need to have a month of serious dedication to re-ignite, then there is nothing wrong with that either.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I know people who have more to lose, lose it quicker. When I started off at 245lbs, I easily lost 10 lbs a month, now I am lucky to lose 2 lbs a month :) It is a steep goal given the calories you eat - unsure of your exercise?

    If it was me, I would probably choose a bit smaller of a goal that is definately achievable, and also set other goals ie - better food choices and exercise type goals.

    Good luck!!!!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Possible - yes. Probable - no.

    Just move back your timing for that goal weight. You need to look at the bigger picture.
  • TheMommyWifeLife
    TheMommyWifeLife Posts: 194 Member
    It is possible, but I would aim to lose 8 lbs this month and the other four next month. My doctor told me it is pretty unhealthy to lose 3+ lbs every week, unless like me, you recently had a baby

    or if you weigh 280 or more

    or just had a weight loss surgery, stomach surgery, etc
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member

    Ok... So i'll be honest, I'll never give up processed carbs if it mean not eating bread or pasta, even the healthier versions. Those food were eaten by healthy persons for centuries and they will be part of my diet until the end of my life, so I prefer to learn how to eat them in moderation.

    So you want to lose a significant amount of weight in 1 month, but you're not willing to give up processed food to do it?
    I guess you either don't really want to lose the weight as much as you say you do, or you plan on stepping up your exercize by an incredible amount?
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I lost 12lbs in June. I wasn't even tracking calories then, but I just was eating less than usual. But, the main thing I did was working out twice a day. I worked out for 30-45 mins in the morning and then again at night. Not every day, but 5 days a week. Rest is important. Try eating as clean as possible (no cheat days) and work out twice a day and see what kind of progress you can make. Let us know you how do. Good luck!!!