Tell me again why I should NOT have gastric bypass surgery

Its been something that I keep coming back to when I fail to do well with changing my behaviors in relation to food and losing weight.
But I am healthy - no co-morbidities Yet. My only problem... BMI of 56... yikes.


  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    having wls is a decision that you need to make for yourself. Do the research, see if it is right for you. Talk with your PCP. Maybe even go and listion to a few informational sessions about wls (these are usually free and don't cost you a dime to listion just your time) You can really learn a lot of information about wls and weather or not it is for you

    If you chose to go with this option, please seek a place that is a center of excellence.

    Of course there are many reasons that individuals will give you on here to not have surgery including....

    wls is an easy way out
    people gain the wt back
    it is about life changes not dieting and if you don't make life changes then surgery won't help either.

    however they may not understand the process of wls....
    there are many steps both clinic may require (ie: psy eval; dietian; exercise specialist etc) and insurance generally has requirements too, (unless you have promedica they don't have as many requirements or if you are paying cash pay then just clinics requirements)
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Its been something that I keep coming back to when I fail to do well with changing my behaviors in relation to food and losing weight.
    But I am healthy - no co-morbidities Yet. My only problem... BMI of 56... yikes.

    why? cause it's up to you and no one should be making that decision for you...

    that's why.
  • SaraJanePOWER
    SaraJanePOWER Posts: 88 Member
    oh you guys, Im sorry. I went about this the wrong way. The reason that I am even here is because I am seeing a Surgeon and as recommended following thru with my 6 mo. dietician visits befor surgery and I get so super motivated and think maybe just maybe I really can do this thing on my own with out the help of a surgical tool then all of a sudden my motivation wanes. Cake happens and I am lost in a downward spiral --- feeling a failure. That indeed I can not do this on my own. I think maybe I am better asking for help in staying motivated. ... I did not intend on offending anyone... I have already done the psyc. eval and the Dr. are all in approval of surgery for me - they say I am in a good place in my life to proceed..... really??? I think I am mess and rather week when it comes to my resolve.
  • threeohtwo
    threeohtwo Posts: 153 Member
    oh you guys, Im sorry. I went about this the wrong way. The reason that I am even here is because I am seeing a Surgeon and as recommended following thru with my 6 mo. dietician visits befor surgery and I get so super motivated and think maybe just maybe I really can do this thing on my own with out the help of a surgical tool then all of a sudden my motivation wanes. Cake happens and I am lost in a downward spiral --- feeling a failure. That indeed I can not do this on my own. I think maybe I am better asking for help in staying motivated. ... I did not intend on offending anyone... I have already done the psyc. eval and the Dr. are all in approval of surgery for me - they say I am in a good place in my life to proceed..... really??? I think I am mess and rather week when it comes to my resolve.

    Ok Dear so here's the deal. I'm 27. I have tried to lose weight on and off since I was 12. I never did it. I'd do it for a week, two weeks and fall of the band wagon because I wasn't ready. Not ready to commit, not ready to face the reasons why I was eating like crazy just NOT ready. You have to be ready. Weight loss surgery won't change your readiness.

    I do NOT believe that weight loss surgery is an easy way out. I believe it's a way to attempt to take charge of your health. It will not solve your weight problems but its a very good aide. One of my good friends got LapBand and she has to monitor everything she eats. She can still gain weight if she eats poorly. My ex mother and father in law got gastric bipass, have lost an incredible amount of weight and if they have a bad week they gain. There IS NO easy way out.

    If you don't want the surgery than don't get it. If you want to try diet and exercise then do it but really DO IT. Don't not get the surgery and die from a heart attack in 10 years because you did nothing. Whatever decision you choose will be good for you and your health in the long run. You've got this but unfortunately motivation has to come from within. Support? We've got that. Motivation? That's all you.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I wrote what I did because of the way I have seen people treat others who are thinking of wls....statements like wls is not a solution but an easy way out....most people don't succeed with it ect.

    I do not believe this way. In fact the research that I have read shows that 95% of people fail with just diet and exercise alone in the long term where as those who have had wls depending on the type only 30% fail...........hmm stats seem better for the wls people than non..............
    Of course there are some one here who will state and have seen them state that because of will power people have failed that is why the rate is so high, however if you are a person who is morbidly obese or even larger with medical conditions like PCOS thyroid genetics hormone imbalances these can all be obstacles. I listioned to more than one place on wls and learned how individuals who have gastric bypass or vsg actually have their hormones change which aid in the help of losing weight.

    just some things to ponder
  • SaraJanePOWER
    SaraJanePOWER Posts: 88 Member
    Threeohtwo. thanks for being sensible for me... I appreciate the encouragement and the reality check.
  • threeohtwo
    threeohtwo Posts: 153 Member
    I wrote what I did because of the way I have seen people treat others who are thinking of wls....statements like wls is not a solution but an easy way out....most people don't succeed with it ect.

    I do not believe this way. In fact the research that I have read shows that 95% of people fail with just diet and exercise alone in the long term where as those who have had wls depending on the type only 30% fail...........hmm stats seem better for the wls people than non..............
    Of course there are some one here who will state and have seen them state that because of will power people have failed that is why the rate is so high, however if you are a person who is morbidly obese or even larger with medical conditions like PCOS thyroid genetics hormone imbalances these can all be obstacles. I listioned to more than one place on wls and learned how individuals who have gastric bypass or vsg actually have their hormones change which aid in the help of losing weight.

    just some things to ponder

    I didn't think you were anything but kind! I was just speaking from experience with WLS from my friends and family. It isn't as easy or "effortless" as many people think!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Only you can make that decision.

    There are those who go ahead with the surgery who gain the weight back and there are those who are able to make the adjustment at that time to a healthy lifestyle. There are also those - like my friend MissDimpley here on MFP ( ) who has lost 170 lbs through diet and exercise - who have been able to make the change and just go with it.

    Regardless, though, to be successful you do have to make the changes... surgery or no surgery.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    oh you guys, Im sorry. I went about this the wrong way. The reason that I am even here is because I am seeing a Surgeon and as recommended following thru with my 6 mo. dietician visits befor surgery and I get so super motivated and think maybe just maybe I really can do this thing on my own with out the help of a surgical tool then all of a sudden my motivation wanes. Cake happens and I am lost in a downward spiral --- feeling a failure. That indeed I can not do this on my own. I think maybe I am better asking for help in staying motivated. ... I did not intend on offending anyone... I have already done the psyc. eval and the Dr. are all in approval of surgery for me - they say I am in a good place in my life to proceed..... really??? I think I am mess and rather week when it comes to my resolve.

    You CAN do this without surgery. If its not life or death (you mentioned you are in good health) then why risk your life by getting surgery? Its SURgery, you can DIE. With the money you would use for the surgery get yourself a personal trainer, or frequent visits to the dietician, or one of the other countless tools you can use.
  • SaraJanePOWER
    SaraJanePOWER Posts: 88 Member
    truddy, thanks it seem syou understand this more than most. thanks for your input and ponderable thoughts. I am feeling better understood. Thanks for your clarifications.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I wrote what I did because of the way I have seen people treat others who are thinking of wls....statements like wls is not a solution but an easy way out....most people don't succeed with it ect.

    I do not believe this way. In fact the research that I have read shows that 95% of people fail with just diet and exercise alone in the long term where as those who have had wls depending on the type only 30% fail...........hmm stats seem better for the wls people than non..............
    Of course there are some one here who will state and have seen them state that because of will power people have failed that is why the rate is so high, however if you are a person who is morbidly obese or even larger with medical conditions like PCOS thyroid genetics hormone imbalances these can all be obstacles. I listioned to more than one place on wls and learned how individuals who have gastric bypass or vsg actually have their hormones change which aid in the help of losing weight.

    just some things to ponder

    I didn't think you were anything but kind! I was just speaking from experience with WLS from my friends and family. It isn't as easy or "effortless" as many people think!

    Thanks, I think we were typing at the same time I just took a little longer to post trying to figure out what i was going to say... as far as experience...I am currently seeking wls and have all my preop done just waiting on insurance etc.
  • threeohtwo
    threeohtwo Posts: 153 Member
    I wrote what I did because of the way I have seen people treat others who are thinking of wls....statements like wls is not a solution but an easy way out....most people don't succeed with it ect.

    I do not believe this way. In fact the research that I have read shows that 95% of people fail with just diet and exercise alone in the long term where as those who have had wls depending on the type only 30% fail...........hmm stats seem better for the wls people than non..............
    Of course there are some one here who will state and have seen them state that because of will power people have failed that is why the rate is so high, however if you are a person who is morbidly obese or even larger with medical conditions like PCOS thyroid genetics hormone imbalances these can all be obstacles. I listioned to more than one place on wls and learned how individuals who have gastric bypass or vsg actually have their hormones change which aid in the help of losing weight.

    just some things to ponder

    I didn't think you were anything but kind! I was just speaking from experience with WLS from my friends and family. It isn't as easy or "effortless" as many people think!

    Thanks, I think we were typing at the same time I just took a little longer to post trying to figure out what i was going to say... as far as experience...I am currently seeking wls and have all my preop done just waiting on insurance etc.

    Good luck~ everyone I know has had GREAT success!
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    oh you guys, Im sorry. I went about this the wrong way. The reason that I am even here is because I am seeing a Surgeon and as recommended following thru with my 6 mo. dietician visits befor surgery and I get so super motivated and think maybe just maybe I really can do this thing on my own with out the help of a surgical tool then all of a sudden my motivation wanes. Cake happens and I am lost in a downward spiral --- feeling a failure. That indeed I can not do this on my own. I think maybe I am better asking for help in staying motivated. ... I did not intend on offending anyone... I have already done the psyc. eval and the Dr. are all in approval of surgery for me - they say I am in a good place in my life to proceed..... really??? I think I am mess and rather week when it comes to my resolve.

    You CAN do this without surgery. If its not life or death (you mentioned you are in good health) then why risk your life by getting surgery? Its SURgery, you can DIE. With the money you would use for the surgery get yourself a personal trainer, or frequent visits to the dietician, or one of the other countless tools you can use.

    most who have surgery do not have the funds for the items that you are talking about or have tried those ave. and did not work. However, wls is usually covered by insurance including medicare, and medicaid. But what they don't cover is dietitian visits when for the purpose of weight loss without surgery or personal trainers......I wish they did I have learned so much from them, that I would not have known other wise.
  • Bennett056
    Bennett056 Posts: 70 Member
    You really do need to do your research and decide for yourself. I had bypass surgery about seven years ago. It was not the tool I thought it would be. I did lose about seventy pounds but had to work at it very hard. I gained some back, but not all thankfully. I am now eating healthy and feeling better than ever. There are some side effects to surgery that are not fun. I am not sure if I could go back if I would make the same decision. I strongly suggest whatever you decide you work hard to lose weight. I did not and have lots of health related issues because of it. If you are interested in more info send me a friend request and I would be glad to share more. Good luck with whatever you decide.
    You have got to make the decision for yourself, but as a person that had a gastric bypass 11 years ago at 315 pounds, lost down to 198 pounds, then gained back to 250 pounds, now back to 199 pounds ... with fluctuations in weight over several years ... I would definitely do it again. The problem was not the surgery, it was in my HEAD ... you have got to have your mindset right going into the surgery for it to be successful, or later on (as I am at the point now) to be able to use it correctly. I will ALWAYS have this little tool in my tummy that assists me, when I choose to use it properly ... but that decision is in my hands. WLS is not the easy way out ... no matter which surgery you choose, there are issues ... but it's a tool in an arsenal to get this weight off. 11 years later I am using it again to reach my goal ... this time my mindset is right and my tool is here to help me get there. Don't let ANYONE make you feel bad for choosing to do something to help you get healthier ... it's just a tool, YOU are responsible for working it. It's not 'cheating', but who cares if it were anyway?!?! Whatever it takes to get to a healthy, normal weight and life is worth it!
  • JuliesZenpuppy7400
    JuliesZenpuppy7400 Posts: 127 Member
    The way I see it is weight loss with or without surgery is 90% mental. If your head is not in the right place with or without surgery the weight loss battle, as I like to call it, will be a problem. For me if my head is not in the right frame of mind I will eat out of boredom, depression, loneliness, etc. I was 420 pounds when I started this "battle" and it has been over 4 years and have lost 150+pounds and I still have almost 100 pounds to lose. But I will get there!!! Whatever YOU choose to do make sure it's the right decision for you!!! I wish you the very best!!! : )
  • SaraJanePOWER
    SaraJanePOWER Posts: 88 Member
    Wow. I am humbled and thankfull for all of your input. Congratulations to those of you who have found success in the process. You are an inspiration to me and I hope like everything that one day I will be able to be in your shoes helping some sappy girl with her lack motivation crap. I love the idea of Weight loss as a skill. something you practice and learn along the way.. Thanks for sharing that insight with me. This place is awesome and I am glad I checked in with you all tonight.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Sometimes people ask me "What did you do to lose your weight?" My reply is, "I didn't quit." There is no secret, just patience, and learning from your mistakes, take your time. Weight loss is a skill, the more you practice it the better you get. So put your time in and practice a lot so you get good.

    ^ THIS!!!

    WLS is a tool, not a cure. In the end, you are still going to have to reteach yourself how to live and eat to maintain this for life. Start setting some small weekly goals of making better choices. These goals should not be "lose 10 lbs this week" but rather "go for a walk at least 3 times this week" or "eat 1-2 servings of fruit every day and cut back the cake portion by 50% this week." These goals should be 100% achievable with a little discipline and hard work. Start tracking everything you're eating here and use the free tools MFP gives you.

    The keys to making this work are never giving up on yourself despite having setbacks and realizing that it's about changing how you live, not demonizing food or making yourself miserable.

    Don't give up just yet!

    Here's a little motivation for you:

    Ed lost 311 lbs by eating well and working hard!

    Here's his blog page writeup of his story:

    Read through some of the Success Stories here too. There are some absolutely incredible people here who have been right where you are and found incredible success.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    haha and ED eat's pizza,drinks soda and doesn't get emo.

    He's amazing in every way. Great role model here.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    My only problem... BMI of 56... yikes.

    I'm surprised you are not more motivated to change, BMI of 56 puts you in the super obese category. thats above morbidly obese, there is not a higher category than super obese.

    if you don't make a change soon this is what you have to look forward to:

    Type 2 diabetes, Heart disease, Gallbladder disease, Hypertension, Reproductive abnormalities, Insulin resistance, Osteoarthritis, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Breathlessness, Gout, Impaired fertility, Sleep apnoea, Several of the common cancers, Low back pain, High cholesterol, lymphadima, Anaesthetic complications.

    your weight is going to kill you unless you change. you are fighting for a longer life. I'm not trying to be rude or attack you, this is just the facts, but I don't quite get why that doesn't motivate you to change.

    in terms of the surgery, if you dont change your habits it will all be for nothing anyway. it would be better to go without it but in the end the main thing is DO SOMETHING NOW.

    you don't have any of the above conditions yet.

    you're healthy now and can still turn things around, but once you cross the line into serious health problems, its too late.

    see the link below for what could be you're future.

    sorry if you or anyone is offended by this, I'm just trying to tell it straight.