Why do I feel unsafe?



  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    when I lose weight to the point where I begin to be noticed by men I feel very insecure.

    Yes I have often felt this way. And I still don't always know how to handle it. But it's nice to know you aren't the only one. :smile:
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    I understand the unsafe part in relation to potential serial killers, thieves, and pickpocketers. I've been feeling less safe lately because I'm tinier than i have ever been since high school. But the positive part is that i am confident that nothing bad will happen to me if i act sensibly and avoid unsafe situations.

    As for getting stares from men and having them think you're available it shouldn't make you feel bad, maybe a bit awkward since uou're used to being invisible. You'll come up with ideas to get rid of guys who don't get a 'no' for an answer.

    I'm married as well and i only have eyes for my husband. Still, if i ever have someone approaching me for my phone number or for complimenting me i will just feel flattered and eill answer with a polite 'thanks, but NO'. I have never ever had any male person say anything positive about my looks apart from my husband so, I don't really knows what it feels like. But I don't know... Knowing you're desirable isn't necessarily a bad thing and isn't necessarily something you will have caused. Take it as a compliment and go on with your life.

    As someone else said, if uou don't want to look attractive, there are ways to achieve that.

    Focus on enjoying your new 'you'!