Too Skinny!



  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I am a 5'10" male and weigh about 150 down from 180ish. I have at least one person tell me a day that I shouldn't lose any more weight and that I shouldn't get "too skinny". What the hell does that mean anyway?! I am at around 15.5% body fat with about 125 pounds of lean body mass. My blood pressure is perfect, and I eat a very healthy 2000 calories maintanance diet of delicious food. I work out 3 times a week with weights and treadmill. I am certainly not a bean pole and I can even pinch an inch here and there.
    I think what has happened in our society is that being mildly obese has become the new norm, and when someone is actually lean and in shape, they are perceived as obsessive. This is a sad commentary in an age where obesity is the number one killer. In many other countries I would be looked at as totally normal, if not chubby. Has anyone else out there gotten to a lean weight and experienced the same kind of reaction?
    By the way, it's almost always overweight people that make the comments.

    I am close to your weight and height and believe I am very healthy. Try to ignore comments such as those you describe. Instead of focusing on your weight, keep focusing on WEIGHT LIFTING like you are doing and you will see your body fat decrease as you add more muscle even if your weight stays the same.

    My focus is currently on adding strength (and hopefully reducing body fat to below 10% by the end of the year). In addition to the health benefits, a more muscular frame is also likely to receive far fewer "too skinny" comments. Keep up the good work!