About to start running...



  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member


    I love to run. I know I"m slow, that my pace really more of a plod that a run, and sometimes I worry that people are judging me. But at the end of the day, I'd rather be the fat girl out running than the fat girl on the couch.
  • RunningDirty
    Do you have a running play list made yet? I started running with no music when I rocked a mile and enjoyed the peace and quiet, but now I run with music. I have songs that make me either feel like I'm going to get shot at OR like I'm about to have dirty sweaty sex so I truly believe I'm running faster. I've shaved about ten seconds off my mile. Happy running! :drinker:
  • ezzziii_candoit
    When i started running I always went late at night because i thought people would scare at me and think like "wow look at that fat girl trying to run", so at late i could be just by myself. But now i even go during the days and honestly, no one cares haha! It's just in your head. The only thing people think if they even pay attention to you is that wow, that person is really active she/he goes for a run.

    And i just wanted to say one more thing, i don't know if you've ran before or if this is your first time, but don't start of too hard and fast! Take it slowly. At first you will not be able to run a lot, but if you do it regularly you will progress, basically like in anything you do :)
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    I'll add my voice to the chorus of people who drive or walk past fellow runners - of any size, speed, and grace - and think to themselves "man, I wish I was doing that right now, that person is awesome."

    Very glad your first run went so well, and I hope your second, third, and n-th runs go just as well :D
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Good for you!
    I can't tell you that you'll not look fat. Or stupid. Or ugly and horrid.
    I can't tell you that you won't be laughed at by people going to work.
    I can tell you that you'll feel healthier. And better.
    And that you will enjoy it!
    If I were driving by you, on my way to work, I wouldn't see you as fat, ugly, stupid, or horrid.
    I wouldn't laugh at you.
    I'd be admiring you for being out there, I might even yell out "Hey! You! Yeah, you! You go, girl!!" and give some hearty fist-pumps to ya!
    If you get some jerks who toss some negativity your way...bah! Ignore them. Or smile & wave. Don't let anybody/thing stop you!
    Have fun!!!!

    this is exactly what I was thinking! As an added bonus you said you plan to have some fun music to run with so if some jerk does shout a slur you won't hear it anyway. You do what's good for you and you enjoy the rewards don't let the haters keep you from your goals.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I run a route every day at work during my lunch hour and for a while there was this overweight woman on the trail everyday with a HRM on and just fast walking and I thought every time i saw her good for her at least shes lapping everyone on the couch just get out and enjoy yourself. Running is my primary form of excersise and I enjoy it even more so in the cooler weather (Less People quiter). Get fitted for a proper pair of shoes if you have not allready at a running store not a department nor a big box store. When I transistioned from the treadmill to outside I was also afraid of what people would think ect ect ect. Now I just run.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    You don't look fat, stupid, ugly and horrid.

    Ignore the people going to work.

    It will definitely make you feel healthier and better

    Stick with it and you will enjoy it! Good luck and happy trails!
  • pikanchi
    pikanchi Posts: 72 Member
    Before I started running, I'd look at the people who were out running with envy regardless of their size or fitness; they were out there doing something, and I was not. Now, I look at the people who are out running when I'm not (because my run is scheduled for later, because I've already done my run, because it's a rest day etc.), and I'm envious because I want to be right out there with them.

    It's a really great, fantastic activity and the more you stick with it, the more you'll love it and you'll be amazed at how much you can achieve. The only people who look stupid and ugly are those who refuse to attempt to better themselves; you're clearly not one of those people.

    (I'm also going to reiterate the support for the Zombies, Run! app for iOS and Android; it's a marvellous little game/story.)
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I really want this run app! Might have to source myself a phone which will allow it :)
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Well I didnt do a zombie run, but i did a Chemical Brothers run :) And it was AWESOME! When i got knackered i just let the music take me and i kept going for ages. Did about a half hour run covered about a mile and a half.

    Really looking forward to getting out there again! Won't be til Monday now though :(
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I just measured, I did a 2.5k run in 30mins. Hoping to get up to a 5k run in 30mins now. Thats my aim. I give myself a month.