No loss in two weeks...



  • asarwe
    asarwe Posts: 73 Member
    I have one pece of advice for you: Learn to love yourself!

    Granted, I was never above a 27 BMI, but I could not find the willpower to lose the weight I wanted to.

    Then I decided to do a triathlon just for fun. I used to be a swimmer, and I found that exercise really made me happier and more content with my life. After that I dumped my then-boyfriend because I realised I deserved better. For the first time in a long time I was proud of myself and made ME a priority in my life.

    I try to keep up the exercising, which is hard with an 60-80h work week, a job and living on your own. But it can be done!

    I now have the guy I wanted for three years as my BF. He is my biggest cheerleader in losing weight, and he loves eating healthy foods. But it is my choice, my responsibility to lose weight.

    I (or my BF) cook 95% of the meals we eat. And we cook a couple times a week, and when we do we cook a lot. We put half in the freezer, other half is eaten as lunch or dinner during the week. I keep meat, salmon, white fish, chicken, veg and even some frozen fruit in my freezer. I have a pantry stocked with what I need to slap up a meal in 15 minutes if I have to. It is all about being prepared. Then you don't make bad choices when you are hungry, because there is a solution within reach.

    I am not very social either. I have like 5 friends where I live, and some more in other places. But cooking with them is fun, Taking a walk is fun (or at least pleasant, not a big fan of walking). Going for a swim is fun. We are students, money is extremely tight for most of us.

    If you like video games: Try a Wii, perhaps? Or join a RPG-society? Or even better: LARP. Those are some really fun people to be around. Join an amateur theatre society? You don't have to be on stage, you could sew costumes or build props or whatever. It really is a good excuse for getting to know some new people who appreciate you for your personality.

    Try something new, not related to physical health. Painting? Pottery? Crochet? Something to make you proud of achieving something. If you are proud of achieving in one area it is easier to appreciate yourself and realise you deserve to be helathy. Lead by example to your parents and the rest of your family. My brother is my hero and a big supporter when it comes to health and fitness. He eats "normal" food most of the time, rarely junk but when he does he makes good choices. He taught me to see food as fuel as well as pleasure. And he is a great cook. That was inspiring to me.

    I am a huge geek myself, but i try to get the everyday exercise in. Things like a 30 min walk does make a difference. Try to make "personal free time" into time you put on yourself.

    TLDR: Love yourself, then you will want to take care of yourself.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Assuming for one fleeting moment that this isn't one of the best examples of "Trollism" yet, if she hasn't got the message yet then she isn't going to.

    So far, it seems that we know that:
    1. Life is unfair
    2. It is all SOMEONE ELSE's fault
    3. Principles of freedom of choice of menu overide concepts of weight control.

    Hello? Earth calling ... !
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    All I see are excuses. You can't lose weight without putting in hard work and doing things you don't necessarily like. I don't enjoy exercise, but I make myself do it. You think cooking is boring? Tough, just get on with it. If you lived on your own or had a family you'd have to. It is easy enough to make reasonably healthy meals without slaving over a hot stove for hours.

    You think everyone is picking on you because they aren't telling you what you want to hear.
  • AudreyinNC
    I havent read the rest of the thread and I know things can get ugly, so I mean this in nicest way possible. I looked through your diary, every day for over a week. I see lots of pizza hut, taco bell, mcdonalds, krispy cream, texas roadhouse, fried pickles, and the list goes on for almost every meal. So, you really haven't figured this out? Your sodium levels are off the chart. Even if by chance you do stay under calorie goal, this type of eating does not promote weight loss.
    I have a friend who does the same, complains about losing, but does not exercise (and by that I mean REALLY exercise), and eats fast food junk everyday. She stays mad at me and my progress. I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell her. When you get serious, and you get MAD and I mean really MAD at fat,, because now you are not, come back and we will talk then. There is no point hashing out what needs to be changed until you really want to start losing weight. Then, I'm all in, but not until I see some seriousness. It's tough love baby.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    To those who have been positive, thanks.

    To those who have been hostile... a review maybe:

    In this thread I have said that I plan to do my own grocery shopping so that I don't have to put up with my parents' bad decisions anymore. I also said I plan on working out EVERY day this week. Saturday was my worst day ever and is not typical. I have actually lost two pounds this week, but they were two pounds that I gained the week before and wasn't sure where they came from. Thus, no loss in two weeks.

    Y'know, I haven't even had lunch yet because of reading all these rapid responses...
    I would also urge you to consider the time spent cooking as a great social time. I've had many many discussions while I'm making part of the meal and my wife is making another part. Cleaning up sucks as well but again...I'm washing, she's drying...plenty of social time.
    Doesn't work like that in my house. I get home from work before dad. I hit the gym, or I go upstairs to play video games online with my distant friends. Dad gets home, he watches TV and yells at me if I try to carry on a conversation with him while he's busy watching something. Mom is on Facebook. If I were to cook for myself, they would not help me, nor would it be a social event. On typical days we have dinner together, then I go upstairs and play.

    I would have enjoyed this thread more if someone could point out any one thing I'm doing GOOD on rather than rubbing my nose in what I did wrong and shaming me for it. Perhaps I should've picked another thread title...

    Let me get this straight. Your 24 and you work. You live at home with your parents and complain about them not socializing or helping you with dinner etc. etc. You have a job then buy your own food and cook what you NEED to eat to be HEALTHY!
    I have a disabled 22 year old son who lives on his own. No he doesn't work because he had a massive stroke. He rents a room from a friend. He cooks all of his own meals. Imagine only having the use of one hand. He cooks one handed. He walks with a severe limp but he walks all over town. Every single day he goes for a couple of walks a day. He went from 298 pounds to 180 in one year. If he can cut out the candy and crap and eat healthy and lose the weight AND take care of himself with his disabilities then I'm sure you can too. Your full of excuses. If you were my daughter and yes I'm being hostile now... I would tell you to stop blaming everyone else, grow up and make your own choices. Stop putting the blame on your parents. Take a health and nutrition class if you have to. Your an adult for goodness sakes. You talk, act, eat and play video games like a big baby. KNOCK IT OFF!!

    Ok I"m done here. Have my own kids who are actually still children who act more grown up than you.

    Sounds like your son is a pretty amazing young man. Kudos to him for not letting his disability get the best of him and to you for raising such a great kid. :smile: His story is inspirational to me too.
    He's a fighter thats for sure. We nearly lost him. He can't wait till he gets the ok from the dr's to go to college. As many of you may know a stroke can cause memory problems. He's been doing memory exercises to try and sharpen up. Doing crosswords, puzzles, playing card games, word games etc. With my MS I had to do some of those things after a major relapse so I taught him a few brain games to use and it really helps him as well. He says mom if you can go back to college at your age and with your MS then I can do it. No excuses. It may take him a couple of years but he'll get there. My point in all of this is: This is YOUR life. You can choose to live it or waste away in self pity and blame. I usually don't get like this on the board but I saw a healthy young person making excuses and I just had to speak up. All the best to the OP. I hope you see the light and get your life and health in order.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Hey OP, just here to remind you that today is a new day and a great time to commit to making yourself something nutritious for all of your meals. You'll feel good about it. Have a great day
  • bellydancer124
    I love video games. LOVE THEM. I would much rather spend time on an MMO than cook or go to the gym too. With that said, I find time to do it because my health is a priority to me.

    Your guildies will still be there.
    Your bard/priest/tank/etc. will still be there.
    That loot drop you've been eyeing (+176 AGI? Yes, please!) that will make your toon even more uber will still be there.
    The 99 ^^^ epic with a death wish will still be there.

    Your health may not always be there.

    I got divorced when I was about your age and had a baby to take care of. I couldn't cook at all, since my husband did most of the cooking. You know what? I taught myself. I printed out a bunch of easy recipes and experimented. Now I sometimes cook WHILE I'm playing video games. You're a woman, you should be a pro at multi-tasking. ;)

    Do I like getting up at 5:30 in the morning to go to the gym before work? Heck, no! But I do it because I like the way I look and feel now. Did I like the way I looked when I was 20 lbs heavier? No way. I hated it. So I was determined to not look that way anymore.

    If you're *ready* to embark on the fitness journey, nothing will stop you and you won't be making so many excuses. Seriously.
  • sezi62
    sezi62 Posts: 18 Member
    The problem with pre-prepared food it's hard to get an accurate calorie count cause the more fancy the food the harder it is to get a clear read. Also I noticed you don't document stuff like sauces, or ketchup, or soda with all your fast food, is it cause you are not using any or just don't add them?

    Calories in and calories out determine your gain and loss, so if you aren't documenting everything then it's hard to let you know what is going on.

    If it's fast food, their website often presents the data "as prepared."

    I have not had a regular soda in months. It's diet, or water. Last week was nothing BUT water.

    When I have a turkey burger from the cafeteria at work I add mustard... which I heard was no (or at least low) calories? And lettuce/tomato/pickle. I figured veggies are small enough to not matter. Anywhere/anything else? It's either "as prepared" or I don't add things.
    I checked your history, and none of it is good. Do you really need candy every day for a snack? (A large amount, I might add). :frown:

    I blame Halloween. I tried to be mindful of portions and tried to fit it into my budget. Hey, at least I logged it!
  • sezi62
    sezi62 Posts: 18 Member
    What's upsetting me is that people assume I eat Krispy Kreme, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut EVERY SINGLE DAY. That is absolutely not the case. Pizza is a once a week thing because of family (if I have a piece the following day it's a leftover and I always try to budget it). McDonalds maybe once a month. Krispy Kreme this was my first time in months. So many people are looking at my weekend and assuming it's absolutely typical of me.

    I am definitely trying to budget my calories better. I get really pissed at myself when I go over, but when I do go over I try my damndest not to go any higher than 1500 (the upper limit recommended to me by SparkPeople when i was there.) And yet even within this thread people tell me to eat my BMR of 1800???

    Hi again I have looked over your diary right back to where I can and I have to say if I ate like that I would be massive instead of just overweight..If you want help with recipes pop on my page and ask me and I will be happy to give them to is up to you in the end...changing your life whatever form those changes make is not for the faint-hearted...

    Many people have gone out of their way to help you on this thread and you have accused them of being hostile...I wouldn't bother to come on here to be hostile...what purpose what that have...I really want you to eat right...Do you?
  • Sam3622
    Sam3622 Posts: 172 Member

  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Sounds like you did some damage to your metabolism! You need to go back on maintenance calories for a few weeks and spike that insulin with some good cheat meals and get back on it. You need to cut your calories slowly 150-200 at a time through out a 3 week time frame. Also, boost up that cardio to 2 times a day.. early morning and post workout. I haven't seen your daily log of eating but try to keep it to clean food and 5-7 small meals a day. Use for some quick calcs on calories, sample meal plans and learn more about new exercises.

    Seriously? Check her diary before making these suggestions. Please do not encourage her to have more 'cheat meals'. Suggestions on what you mean by 'clean food' would be more helpful than telling her to eat more. I doubt there is anything wrong with her metabolism.
  • karensueo
    karensueo Posts: 7 Member
    ...Did anyone even BOTHER to look at a typical weekday for me? Try looking at some of my first weeks here? Everyone is so quick to jump down my throat over having Krispy Kreme ONCE, or eating HALF OF WHAT I USED TO EAT when it comes to pizza (I used to eat half a pizza. Not joking), and then attempting to budget a leftover slice for breakfast one morning just because we don't have anything else in the house that I either like or know how to prepare.

    Seriously... this thread went from helpful to hostile REAL fast...

    I wish like heck you lived close. It looks like you've not ever had a proper eating role model.
    There's a reason people are wigging out when they see your food diary. I looked through the entire thing. You have some good choices - fruit plates, hard boiled eggs and turkey burgers are all great. If you make those sorts of things the majority, and the fast food choices rare you'll be far better off. Can you do that?

    I already do, for breakfast and lunch. Those are available in the cafeteria at work. Left to my own devices, I am capable of making great choices.

    It's when my parents get involved that it gets hard. Which is why I want to move out and buy my own groceries.

    Maybe it's time to have a talk with Mom and Dad. I've been on the other side of the equation: The parent of 3 adult children living at home. It's hard for the parent to switch gears and see those children as adults, but it can be done. They need to recognize you're not a child and can make your own food choices. And you need to start seeing yourself as 1 of the 3 adults living in the home. If they are cooking but not fixing healthful foods, then you can tell them why you are making the changes for your health. Surely they want you to be healthy? It may also involve you learning to do at least some simple cooking. Frozen veggies are easy and a great addition to a meal. At a restaurant: substitute a veggie for the high carb option on the plate. Aim for half the plate be vegetable, or ask for a take home box and divide the meal into two and have the remainder the next day.

    You are a smart young lady, you'll figure it out. You are worth investing the time and effort into.
    One last thing my grandma used to always tell me: "Can't never did anything" Know that you can do this.

    I wish you all the best in this journey.
  • TheeGeeMarie
    TheeGeeMarie Posts: 59 Member
    I have one pece of advice for you: Learn to love yourself!

    Granted, I was never above a 27 BMI, but I could not find the willpower to lose the weight I wanted to.

    Then I decided to do a triathlon just for fun. I used to be a swimmer, and I found that exercise really made me happier and more content with my life. After that I dumped my then-boyfriend because I realised I deserved better. For the first time in a long time I was proud of myself and made ME a priority in my life.

    I try to keep up the exercising, which is hard with an 60-80h work week, a job and living on your own. But it can be done!

    I now have the guy I wanted for three years as my BF. He is my biggest cheerleader in losing weight, and he loves eating healthy foods. But it is my choice, my responsibility to lose weight.

    I (or my BF) cook 95% of the meals we eat. And we cook a couple times a week, and when we do we cook a lot. We put half in the freezer, other half is eaten as lunch or dinner during the week. I keep meat, salmon, white fish, chicken, veg and even some frozen fruit in my freezer. I have a pantry stocked with what I need to slap up a meal in 15 minutes if I have to. It is all about being prepared. Then you don't make bad choices when you are hungry, because there is a solution within reach.

    I am not very social either. I have like 5 friends where I live, and some more in other places. But cooking with them is fun, Taking a walk is fun (or at least pleasant, not a big fan of walking). Going for a swim is fun. We are students, money is extremely tight for most of us.

    If you like video games: Try a Wii, perhaps? Or join a RPG-society? Or even better: LARP. Those are some really fun people to be around. Join an amateur theatre society? You don't have to be on stage, you could sew costumes or build props or whatever. It really is a good excuse for getting to know some new people who appreciate you for your personality.

    Try something new, not related to physical health. Painting? Pottery? Crochet? Something to make you proud of achieving something. If you are proud of achieving in one area it is easier to appreciate yourself and realise you deserve to be helathy. Lead by example to your parents and the rest of your family. My brother is my hero and a big supporter when it comes to health and fitness. He eats "normal" food most of the time, rarely junk but when he does he makes good choices. He taught me to see food as fuel as well as pleasure. And he is a great cook. That was inspiring to me.

    I am a huge geek myself, but i try to get the everyday exercise in. Things like a 30 min walk does make a difference. Try to make "personal free time" into time you put on yourself.

    TLDR: Love yourself, then you will want to take care of yourself.

    It took me awhile, but I read this entire thread and struggled with something I could say to reach the OP. I love this post.

    OP, congratulations on starting this journey and making some changes. That's GREAT! Please don't let the next thing I say take away from that: You do have more changes ahead of you if you truly want success. If you need to, make those changes slowly. Start with little goals and let them build: For example -
    Week 1 - This week I will drink 8 glasses of water every day
    Week 2 - This week I will limit myself to 300 calories of "indulgence" every day
    Week 3 - This week I will walk for 30 minutes at least 3 of the 7 days
    Week 4 - This week I will cook 5 healthy meals for myself

    Once you meet these small goals and realize you can do it, and once you take the great advice about making yourself a priority (in ways other than diet/exercise) discussed in the quoted post, IT WILL GET EASIER. I promise you.

    I've never been where you are weight-loss wise, but I know what it feels like to not think it's worth the effort it takes to make good choices. This changes when you realize you ARE worth it. If you need support, feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • hopsonc24
    hopsonc24 Posts: 143 Member
    Being healthy takes hardwork and dedication. I am a huge advocate for clean eating. The "crap" that goes into processed foods is detrimental to our health. Next time you have a few mins do some research on it. I have tried every diet and magic pill under the sun. Clean eating and more specifically the Paleo lifestyle has made a huge difference. Not only am I losing weight but I am healthy!!!!!
    Again, it takes hard work and dedication, I cook almost every meal I eat. Occasionally I go out to dinner, but its about making healthy choices then too. I work full time and I am a full time mom and fiance. If you want it bad enough you will make it happen. NO EXCUSES.
    We all have good and bad days, none of us eat perfect all of the time. Its about moderation. Plan your meals for the week on Sun, winging it never ends good. Trust me!!!!

    Also if you post a topic, you are asking for replies, you cant get offended if they say something you dont like. If you dont want to hear it, then dont ask. We are all here to help, whether it always seems like it or not.

    Lastly...Remember it takes HARDWORK and DEDICATION. When you want it bad enough for yourself, you will do it.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    bump so i can read later
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member