

  • HeatherBurke
    I logged the best that I could because it was just from some little hole in the wall place and came to right around 1000 calories... holy crap!!!! Eaw... never again.. NEVER!!!!

    It's okay! Just have something nice and healthy for supper: a big salad, maybe some grilled chicken and veggies. And drink lots of water! It seems to make my tummy feel better after eating something nasty. Maybe get a quick workout in too to lessen the damage?

    Sometimes a cheat day is a good thing, it shocks the system.

    Maybe because this sure shocked the hell out of mine and my stomach!
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    Last night I ate a huge icecream sundae. It was simply delicious WHILE I was eating it. Later, guilt set in. Bad food choices happen. Don't let it rule you. AND you MUST eat later today! Just eat healthy. Tomorrow is a new day. Today I am on track again and even exercised. I don't know any skinny people who DON'T eat crap - they just don't eat it every day. Hang in there and just try to eat healthier.
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I'm not advocating starvation- but I just wanted to throw out the reminder that I don't know where everyone lives, but the time stamps on these things are 3 hours behind where I am now- some people would consider a meal at this time an early dinner.

    But what everyone else has said is right, don't beat yourself up. Eat if you get hungry and just get back on track tomorrow.