Ladies: Not pregnant but TOM is MIA...?



  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    Are you dropping weight really fast? That will stop Aunt Flow from visiting. Also, if you are working out vigorously, that will do it too. I would call the doc if it's more than 2 months late though. :wink:

    No, not "fast"... about 12 lbs in 1.5 months. And my only vigorous workouts are twice per week. I will definitely go to the doc if it continues to be late. Thanks!
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    Fat cells contain a LOT of estrogen, which is why chubby girls often start menstruating earlier than their more slender sisters. Probably your hormone levels are re-adjusting to the new diet/exercise regime--weight loss frequently affects menstrual cycles especially for younger women. I'm 41 and have always had wildly irregular cycles, but they did get more predictable when i gained weight (which I did over the course of 4 pregnancies). I wouldn't worry too much, but do check with your doctor just to rule out anything serious. (Which is HIGHLY unlikely but it's good to be proactive.)
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    So.... posting this topic was all it took. Aunt Flow just arrived! Sorry I guess this whole thread was in vain. Thanks for all your help guys! Glad I'm not preggo... love babies and I want them eventually but I'm still in college and now is not the time! Whew, thank you Lord! :)
  • sallysuze
    sallysuze Posts: 65 Member
    :) Glad you got the answer you wanted :)
  • bipsqueen
    bipsqueen Posts: 57 Member
    Many things can affect your cycle, 1500 calories is plenty to eat, exercise should help your cycle not hinder it. Stress is a big factor, if you've been ill will also make a difference. BTW the doctors say a false positive is much more frequent than a false negative.