Why Are YOU Doing This??

I been thinking about why i want to lose weight... yeah its to look and feel healthy... but ultimately i want to be hot and sexy for when my man asks me to become his wife. I want to walk down that aisle looking fantabulous. Whats everyone elses dream??


  • BehindBlueEyes988
    I want to feel good with how I look and be confident in myself! Honestly that's my main reason! Doesn't hurt I have a wedding in less than a year, and I'd rather not regret those pictures. But it's mainly so I feel better about myself. Also, the exercise has worked wonders on my thyroid induced anxiety
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    I want to have the self confidence I had in my early 20s. I hate looking in the mirror and hating that I've gotten "soft". I want to be able to keep up with my son as he gets older and more active. I also want to motivate my husband to get in shape. He has a history of heart disease in his family and he already has hypertension. I want to prove to myself that I do have the willpower to eat healthy and workout on a regular basis. Oh, and this might sound shallow, but I want hubby to be able to show off his wife at his work's "Christmas Hot Tub Party". I don't want to sit inside with the wives who won't put on a swim suit and get in the hot tub.
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm not overweight and I'm not THAT bothered about the way I look at the moment but I know gaining 10kg over a few years is not good for my health. Also, If I did gain anymore weight I would start to hate my body.
  • workingonme2013
    I am doing this because I finly got feed up saying I am going to try to get to my freshmen weight and not doing a thing. So I thought this would be a good time to start. Mostly to get legs in shape but this is all harder than I thought. I wish everyone luck in there journey.
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I want to have the self confidence I had in my early 20s. I hate looking in the mirror and hating that I've gotten "soft". I want to be able to keep up with my son as he gets older and more active. I also want to motivate my husband to get in shape. He has a history of heart disease in his family and he already has hypertension. I want to prove to myself that I do have the willpower to eat healthy and workout on a regular basis. Oh, and this might sound shallow, but I want hubby to be able to show off his wife at his work's "Christmas Hot Tub Party". I don't want to sit inside with the wives who won't put on a swim suit and get in the hot tub.

    I love that you are doing this to motivate your husband. That is great!
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Because of Dana Linn Bailey. :P

    Plus I was tired of either being overweight and comparing myself to other people....


    When I was anorexic/bulemic.....and I gained weight again...bc i decided to eat normal....my goal of being a limp thin noodle wasn't sexy to me anymore....

    I wanna be strong....mentally AND physically.
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    I want to have the self confidence I had in my early 20s. I hate looking in the mirror and hating that I've gotten "soft". I want to be able to keep up with my son as he gets older and more active. I also want to motivate my husband to get in shape. He has a history of heart disease in his family and he already has hypertension. I want to prove to myself that I do have the willpower to eat healthy and workout on a regular basis. Oh, and this might sound shallow, but I want hubby to be able to show off his wife at his work's "Christmas Hot Tub Party". I don't want to sit inside with the wives who won't put on a swim suit and get in the hot tub.

    I love that you are doing this to motivate your husband. That is great!

    Thanks. I hope it works. It has got me cooking better meals at home so that's a good start for my whole family.
  • mrs_jatkins
    mrs_jatkins Posts: 13 Member
    I want to have the self confidence I had in my early 20s. I hate looking in the mirror and hating that I've gotten "soft". I want to be able to keep up with my son as he gets older and more active. I also want to motivate my husband to get in shape. He has a history of heart disease in his family and he already has hypertension. I want to prove to myself that I do have the willpower to eat healthy and workout on a regular basis. Oh, and this might sound shallow, but I want hubby to be able to show off his wife at his work's "Christmas Hot Tub Party". I don't want to sit inside with the wives who won't put on a swim suit and get in the hot tub.

    Christmas Hot Tub Party sounds AWESOME!!! lets get those sexy bodies out there and show everyone we can do it!!!
  • candirose69
    I'm a complete dork and wanna look better in costumes at my nerdy conventions XD

    also my family have a history of high cholesterol and blood pressure. I want to get into good habits NOW so i don't have to go on meds later :)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I never want to experience the pain and yucky feelings I had when I was 43 pounds heavier. I have not ever had to be on meds for any weight related medical symptons, and I don't want to be on any medications.

    I feel too good now to go back to feeling that way. I am enjoying exploring how to maintain and up my fitness level and every day I stick to it I feel stronger.
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    To prove to myself that you can get your body back after 2 pregnancies and 3 kids (twins) plus 2 c-sections. I just have 30lbs left.
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    I was told that at 49 I am too old to donate a kidney to my son. Later, I found out it was really because of my weight. If that wasn't a wake up call! I have been tested and am a great match. Im grateful that I still have time to get my act together for when the time comes.
  • rumbelly86
    To get back in shape. So I can feel healthy and look good.

    To get to a point where I can have a few drinks and a plate of pork chops and not feel bad about it because, 'hey look at me' ;)
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member

    Well I am 23...i should be the hottest I will ever be at this age..and I'm not.
    If i don't do anything now - i will only get bigger and bigger.
    Ill end up with diabetes.
    I want to be confident in bed
    I want to be comfortable going on in public and dress up without worrying about my tummy
    I want to want to be in pictures instead of trying to avoid them and hide
    I deserve it
    I want to have a strong body to help me for the zombie apocalypse...increase survival.
    I want to prove soooo many people wrong.
    When my bullies are all saggy and over-weight, i want to be hot! :D
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I'm a complete dork and wanna look better in costumes at my nerdy conventions XD

    also my family have a history of high cholesterol and blood pressure. I want to get into good habits NOW so i don't have to go on meds later :)
    Lmso! This made me smile :] I want to feel healthy and have energy like I did the last time I pushed myself to lose weight and get into shape. I want to feel sexy like I did for only a short period of my life when I got into shape by accident, twice. lol. Depression seems to put me into shape because I walk off my irritation. I also want to motivate my husband because he wants to lose weight, but he seems to depressed. I want to feel like I deserve everything I have because I love myself the way I expect others to love me too.
  • asarwe
    asarwe Posts: 73 Member
    I do it because I want to be strong and feel healthy. I want to run 10k (I did it on pure stubornness, now i want to RUN it). I want to set good habits for myself. I want to realise what a normal portion is. I want to be hot for my Boyfriend. I want to motivate him to eat healthy and exercise. I want to be "my best me". I want to be proud of myself. I want to increase my ability to think (exercise is nice for this).

    There are a million small reasons. I had to love myself the way I was, that way I realised I deserve the best. I deserve my wonderful BF. I deserve to be healthy. I deserve to be loved for me, not anything else!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I was around 11 stones when I was younger..never want to look or feel as crap as I did then.
  • NocturnalGirl
    To feel good about myself and like what I see in the mirror
  • BeckyJayneGJ
    BeckyJayneGJ Posts: 41 Member
    To not always be the token "fat funny girl". Obviously health issues come into it too, but when I'm really honest it's so I don't get to my next (23rd) Birthday still never been kissed. Sad but true!
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    I want to be as hard core on the outside as I am inside.