Why do people do it????



  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    One of my clients came in for a workout today and told me that she was so pleased with herself...she'd managed to get hold of some banned ( in the UK) weightloss pills.

    I told her in no uncertain terms that they will just make her poorly, she's already got a racing heart symptom.
    She's normally quite sensible.

    Why do people do it? So dangerous and there's nothing wrong with losing weight the old fashioned way.

    They work just like steroids are are on the whole safe when used correctly. Why worry if someone wants to use a drug poorly and die then nature is doing her job.

    No, I'm in pharma and can tell you that current weight loss pills a) Do NOT work just like steroids (whatever that means) - some work, some are snake oil b) None, NONE are safe to a high degree - every single weight loss medication has some associated and important risk even when used correctly. Some of them, even when apparently safe have led to disaster -

    There are three basic classes of drugs: appetite suppression. metabolism "modifiers" and absorption blockers. Each work differently and have different risks. Some are actually reasonable treatments if you do not mind the side effects.

    But in general I would not recommend any of them. Ever.

    Begin reading here:


    Thanks for putting that up, it will help, just think nothing like that is safe. :flowerforyou:
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    One of my clients came in for a workout today and told me that she was so pleased with herself...she'd managed to get hold of some banned ( in the UK) weightloss pills.

    I told her in no uncertain terms that they will just make her poorly, she's already got a racing heart symptom.
    She's normally quite sensible.

    Why do people do it? So dangerous and there's nothing wrong with losing weight the old fashioned way.

    on the whole safe when used correctly.

    Red flag right here!
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    They are looking for a quick fix. They don't want to put in the time & effort it takes to lose weight. Losing weight takes a lot of dedication and hardwork. It's not about losing weight, it's about makng a lifetime change. They will only end up with weight loss that will slowly turn back to weight gain once they quit taking their "magic pills". :(
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    Generally diet pills affect your heart rate or blood pressure, so mixing that with a pre-existing heart condition isn't smart.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I can't remember what she said it was called..but the fact she said it was banned ( not sure how she got it ) set alarm bells ringing.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Women in particular want instant gratification. When we want something, we want it NOW! Unfortunately, we can't just do that with healthy weight loss, hence the popularity of bariatric surgery (which is very dangerous). I could go on about why bariatric surgery is not a good choice, but we're talking about pills. Same concept. She doesn't want to wait 6 months to be at her goal weight. Exercise is hard work. Eating right is hard work. But surely these little pills are safe, or they wouldn't make them and sell them. Oh, the government banned them here? Well, they're just being too controlling because other countries allow them. She has a friend who lost 3lbs a week on them. She feels fine, just a little jittery, and she isn't hungry while eating only 400 calories a day. Nothing could possibly happen in the short term.

    Unfortunately, when we set our minds to something, we'll grasp onto whatever we can to justify our decision, no matter how flawed our reasoning. But keep trying to change her mind.
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    i would most definitely stop training her if she carries on with the pills..

    some people want quick fixes with everything in life and sometimes that means taking illegal substances to either get bigger or get smaller..although we'd all like to shed the weight over night, i do believe the (slow) process teaches us the things we need in order to maintain the weight....
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    Hi its unlikley your customer will take these for long, I have had many friends take weight loss pills and six weeks later none of them continued expense side effects and poor concentration put the kibosh on that particular fad... and guess what not one of them lost weight real term...
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    More disturbing is finding them in your 14 year olds purse! And she is thin and fit!! I made her flush them (painful for her considering she had saved up her baby-sitting money for them) and then we googled deaths related to taking them. She got a real eye opener. She's 19 now and never went down that path again.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    Its a shame those people will never get a true feeling of accomplishment. In everything I do i try and do it without assistance so i know my strength of mind is good.

    Quit smoking without any help or patches
    Lose weight the old fashioned way
    Gain strength the old fashioned way

    Dont they realise they just cheat themselves and when the next big life challenge comes along they wont have ever proven to themselves they have the strength and determination to do it without help?
  • Maggie821
    Maggie821 Posts: 55 Member
    I don't think you would be wrong to drop her; I would be very straight forward with her and tell her how you feel about diet pills and the effects on her body. You have the right to expect honesty,
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I think you'd actually be doing the right thing in stopping training her if she carries on..
    I lived with a girl who would do anything, she was 21 had had her stomach stapled, did a different diet she found on the internet every week, would try any tablets she could get her hands on... She wasnt that big, but she never lost anything, and anything she did she put back on, they always made her so ill that she was so down in the dumps as soon as she was feeling better she'd eat anything and everything... hate to think what all thats done to her body... shes probably still doing it all now *shakes head*
    When i hear someone is taking those kinds of things i always find myself hoping that the side effects arent serious but are really embarrassing just so it scares them off them... and because im a little bit evil..... :devil:
  • One of my clients came in for a workout today and told me that she was so pleased with herself...she'd managed to get hold of some banned ( in the UK) weightloss pills.

    I told her in no uncertain terms that they will just make her poorly, she's already got a racing heart symptom.
    She's normally quite sensible.

    Why do people do it? So dangerous and there's nothing wrong with losing weight the old fashioned way.

    Desperation. Impatience. Not believing enough in their body's own abilities.

    You can tell a client you won't train her for taking "x, y, or z" drug. She may walk, she may throw away the pills, or she may lie to you and say she won't take them, but continues in secret. You can't control her actions, but at least you can lay it down straight what your expectations are.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    People take diet pills for the same reasons people do many (many) other harmful things to their bodies. I think reducing the reasons to "lack of self will" or "impatience" (or some synonym therein) is failing to see just how sick and twisted body image is in our global society today.

    People do not binge and purge or become anorexic for "simple" reasons. I think taking diet pills is categorically the same.

    I am no expert; just my opinion.
  • i would most definitely stop training her if she carries on with the pills..

    some people want quick fixes with everything in life and sometimes that means taking illegal substances to either get bigger or get smaller..although we'd all like to shed the weight over night, i do believe the (slow) process teaches us the things we need in order to maintain the weight....

    I agree - your concerns are very sensible and you do not want to be associated with such a practice. Your concerns are for your client as well as your reputation. If she already has heart racing issues then she may have done the damage already. Talk to her next session and if she won't listen then sadly you will have to tell her you cannot be seen to endorse such behaviour.

    Good Luck
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I can't remember what she said it was called..but the fact she said it was banned ( not sure how she got it ) set alarm bells ringing.
    Most are actually pretty easy to get your hands on, given the right people in the gym setting. It's sad.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    One of my clients came in for a workout today and told me that she was so pleased with herself...she'd managed to get hold of some banned ( in the UK) weightloss pills.

    I told her in no uncertain terms that they will just make her poorly, she's already got a racing heart symptom.
    She's normally quite sensible.

    Why do people do it? So dangerous and there's nothing wrong with losing weight the old fashioned way.

    They work just like steroids are are on the whole safe when used correctly. Why worry if someone wants to use a drug poorly and die then nature is doing her job.
    Can you name the steroid that causes weight LOSS, please?

    I hasten to add that I don't want any - in my experience patients who take steroids for medical reasons put ON weight.
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    People do it because vanity is a higher priority than health. I don't even begin to understand it either. "Pretty" on the outside, rotton on the inside.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    So, there's no such thing as a "free lunch", especially where weight control is concerned.

    Apparently, however, if I swallow certain berries, extracts of berries and/or certain milkshakes I will look 50 years younger, run faster than a tall building and leap moving trains ('00' or 'HO' gauge preferably) at a single bound.

    - and still have change from a ten-bob-note. - apparently
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I've told my boss about it..and she says I have to respect my clients wishes!

    She's as bad as the silly woman taking the drugs!!