Holidays are coming ...



  • Chrissieneave
    Chrissieneave Posts: 99 Member
    I managed to maintain my weight, last Xmas. I certainly let myself enjoy the food and alcohol, but, I still put in my exercise. I also was really good and keen on the week up to Xmas, plenty of exercise and eating right. This seemed to work for me :)

    I did log EVERTHING I ate on Xmas day, too - that way I could keep on top of how far I was going etc. I think I was about 1000cals over my total that day, which wasn't too bad, considering ;)
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    My plan is to stick to no alcohol, I'm still of the opinion that this has been a big part of my loss and it being noticable to others. I don't plan on chocolates and sweets, just christmas dinner and not over indulge in that. I also plan to get up and run 1st thing before anything else and if I put weight on over the festive period I will be disappointed but that would also give added motivation to up the effort.

    I've worked too hard to let it all go for a few days of the year.
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    I dont think going into maintenance to prepare would be doing yourself any good. Just splurge on the actual holiday and thats that.

    I plan on shopping all day black friday to work off my thanksgiving meal ;)

    This!! I completely agree. My jogging for the best deals and combatting other crazy people will likely burn a good chunk of whatever I eat ;] Lol.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Not gonna lie, I put on the best part of a stone (14lb) last Christmas. And I must admit, whilst my workouts weren't quite a regular (I attended the gym three - four times a week, rather than six - seven) and I was much more intimate with the Quality Street than I normally would be, I suspect a lot of it was my body going "ER, WHAT IS THIS" and clinging to everything, plus a bit of water/sodium bloat - cue back to normal workouts and boom, it was gone.

    I wouldn't sweat it. Don't go bonkers, don't be a slave to the scale, enjoy yourself - everything in moderation at Christmas. Including moderation.
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    I managed to maintain my weight, last Xmas. I certainly let myself enjoy the food and alcohol, but, I still put in my exercise. I also was really good and keen on the week up to Xmas, plenty of exercise and eating right. This seemed to work for me :)

    I did log EVERTHING I ate on Xmas day, too - that way I could keep on top of how far I was going etc. I think I was about 1000cals over my total that day, which wasn't too bad, considering ;)

    Thanks, I was contemplating about that as well ... do I log or "cheat" .... but I guess you are right, if I still continue to log, it might help me make better choices in what/how much I eat, I just have to make peace with the fact that the figure will be a big bold red with a big bold minus ;-)
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Hi my plan is to enjoy Christmas and then get back on to my routine, I will be drinking a bit more maybe have a treat or two but I will log it. I will also be doing my normal exercise routine, so I am hoping to maintain my weight, if I put on, I will just make twice as hard in the New Year
  • MissySho
    MissySho Posts: 126 Member
    I plan to enjoy my holidays. After all they are only 2 days in 2 months. I'm not going to go out and splurge for a week. So what can 1 day hurt. Just workout a little harder and don't stress. I have noticed personally when I'm stressed I tend to gain a little weight.....and feel bloated so this year I'm going stress free.
  • tdbad1
    tdbad1 Posts: 87 Member
    For me, it will all be about forgiveness. whatever happens, forgive yourself.

    Im luckier than most in that my sister, and her hubby are following the same program i we will encourage eachother. However, lots of her hubby's family will be there, and my b/f will need to eat, so there will be temptations galore. plus we have a second christmas with my dad and aunt in Jan. That will be harder as they both love food as much as i do. Plus they don't cook in the most healthy way.

    All i can say is try to have supportive ppl around you. and if you are hosting, or can bring your own stuff without offending anyone...then pick things you want to help you. Veggie platters go over just as well as any other appetizers. One year i made my own pumpkin dessert for a xmas party...pumpkin pie filling, vanilla non fat yogurt, and pumpkin pie spice, all whipped together. LOL i didn't make enough, and there was pie left over. the next year, the host phoned and asked me for the recipe.
    I am not trying to be rude, but when did enjoying food with family, become something you need to "forgive" yourself for doing?

    I have always stated (created a blog or two) about the holidays being ONLY two days out of the year. In the grand scheme of things, those two days won't do anything.

    the forgiveness comes in when you feel guilty cause youve "slipped" or whatever you want to call it. I know there is added pressure we put on ourselves to behave over the holidays...hence this thread. My point is simply be good to yourself, don't set yourself up to think "i screwed up, therefore im a failure" as some ppl might...apparently i didn't express myself properly. thank you for pointing that out i will do better next time.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Holidays are always tough for's not just a day or two, it's 2 months of constant food celebrations and for my family and coworkers constant birthday celebrations too which always involve a restaurant or a food day or a big family meal...this is my first year mostly-vegan, so I'm not as worried because there just isn't as much I can eat - baked goods are pretty much out, as well as homemade candy, and everyone's favorite dishes for the's so much less pressure this way...but in the past I have been successful maintaining by logging everything...logging with the generic versions of foods is better than not logging them at all...every bite as accurate as possible...and after seeing a few way over days it starts to work on my brain and I no longer want to eat a bunch of food knowing that it's going to rack up a ton of calories...and drink plenty of water or hot tea or coffee...that has helped me too...good luck!!!