System/Colon Cleanse



  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I love the advocare 10 day cleanse. I can give you more information about it if you would like.

    Can you sell me some too?
  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member
    I did the mean green "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" Juice fast for two weeks. I felt great, lost weight, and it did clear me out (If you know what I mean.) That's how I lost the first 12 lbs of my weight loss journey thus far. (Down 62 now! woohoo!)

    It was recommended by my nutritionist and my doctor. Nobody gets rich in the process because you make it yourself with fruits and veggies.

    I also love how nobody else has seemed to answer her question and has still made this thread about arguing over fasts and cleanses in general. If you come across a thread that specifically says it doesn't want the typical fasting argument in it, and the typical fasting argument is all you can think of to say, feel free to just shut up.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    I am curious if anyone has found a good 3-7 day colon/system cleanse to reset and detox.

    Thanks! :)

    reset what exactly?

    detox what exactly?
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    that is not the way to lose weight unless you are full of it....just eat healthy ..
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    well i ate 4 lbs of edamame over a 48hr really backed up but i could feel it move through for the next three days taking everything along my digestive track with it..when everything started leaving i felt incredible...and it was funny to watch my weight go up by like 5 lbs as i held everything in but the best was i stayed so full that i ate so little i dropped by 11lbs in the next few days once i cleaned up...dont know if i would ever recomend this, but it worked GREAT accidentally for me
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    I am curious if anyone has found a good 3-7 day colon/system cleanse to reset and detox.

    Thanks! :)

    reset what exactly?

    detox what exactly?

    I hope you get an answer to these questions. I'm especially interested in what toxins are eliminated. Have yet to ever see an answer to this one.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I recommend you find the detox/cleanse that costs the most money and go with that. It is probably the best.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    this is not meant to draw a discussion on the pro's or con's of fasting and cleansing.

    Good, because there are no "pros"
    There was really no need for the thread to continue after the above post.
  • Sarahcuda
    All the joking aside, since the majority of people and the entire medical profession think that cleanses are unnecessary at best, and dangerous at the worst... have you considered counselling?

    When you speak of the entire medical profession you must be speaking of Western medicine (which I put very little faith in.) Most Eastern philosophies believe and encourage the occasional fast/cleanse. I would much rather treat the problem than deal with the symptoms. : )
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    Have plenty of reading material on hand......
  • Sarahcuda
    Hi Sara, I have tried different fasting and detox options over the years and have educated myself as I went along. I have done colon cleanse, water fast, juice fast, and Daniel Fast. There are pro's and con's as you know.

    Several month ago I discovered this website (see link below) that has a lot of great advice (articles, free podcasts) from reliable source. B. Richards explains and makes point why slow process is better than 3-10 day fast diarrhea approach.
    I got and currently am taking these 3 supplements, one is Fiber Helper which helps with what you are looking for, but nothing as drastic as colon cleanse program.
    -- Daily Balancer protects your liver and provides nutrients that help to clear a wide variety of common metabolic waste products as well as pollution and toxic metals like mercury.*
    -- Immune Plus naturally activates macrophages in your lymph system to enhance your own housecleaning operation.*
    -- Fiber Helper superior forms of soluble fiber that mix easily, have a pleasant taste (not sweetened at all), are not gas forming, and help absorb toxins in your GI tract for easy elimination.*

    Free onlline podcasts on different topics

    Thank you! I will check it out!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    All the joking aside, since the majority of people and the entire medical profession think that cleanses are unnecessary at best, and dangerous at the worst... have you considered counselling?

    When you speak of the entire medical profession you must be speaking of Western medicine (which I put very little faith in.) Most Eastern philosophies believe and encourage the occasional fast/cleanse. I would much rather treat the problem than deal with the symptoms. : )

    You work with special needs kids? What Eastern Philosophies do you recommend to replace their meds?
  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member
    All the joking aside, since the majority of people and the entire medical profession think that cleanses are unnecessary at best, and dangerous at the worst... have you considered counselling?

    When you speak of the entire medical profession you must be speaking of Western medicine (which I put very little faith in.) Most Eastern philosophies believe and encourage the occasional fast/cleanse. I would much rather treat the problem than deal with the symptoms. : )

    You work with special needs kids? What Eastern Philosophies do you recommend to replace their meds?

    I'm glad berating people on the internet is high on your priority list.

    Look dude, I'm a firm believe in western medicine. My entire family works in one form of the medical field or another. They have still shown that gobs of eastern medicine can be extremely helpful. Nobody suggested taking kids meds away.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    All the joking aside, since the majority of people and the entire medical profession think that cleanses are unnecessary at best, and dangerous at the worst... have you considered counselling?

    When you speak of the entire medical profession you must be speaking of Western medicine (which I put very little faith in.) Most Eastern philosophies believe and encourage the occasional fast/cleanse. I would much rather treat the problem than deal with the symptoms. : )

    Yes, as you correctly stated, philosophies. Not medicine, not science, not even a theory. Just an idea, which medicine and science (and occasional deaths) have shown to be a bad one.

    And as my post was saying (it's meaning kind of lost amongst all the jokes) is that you should indeed receive therapy for the problem, not indulge in the symptoms.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    All the joking aside, since the majority of people and the entire medical profession think that cleanses are unnecessary at best, and dangerous at the worst... have you considered counselling?

    When you speak of the entire medical profession you must be speaking of Western medicine (which I put very little faith in.) Most Eastern philosophies believe and encourage the occasional fast/cleanse. I would much rather treat the problem than deal with the symptoms. : )

    You work with special needs kids? What Eastern Philosophies do you recommend to replace their meds?

    I'm glad berating people on the internet is high on your priority list.

    Look dude, I'm a firm believe in western medicine. My entire family works in one form of the medical field or another. They have still shown that gobs of eastern medicine can be extremely helpful. Nobody suggested taking kids meds away.

    Look dudette,

    The OP plainly stated a preference for "Eastern philosophies" over "western medicine."
    I am challenging that by pointing out what should be an obvious disconnect.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    All the joking aside, since the majority of people and the entire medical profession think that cleanses are unnecessary at best, and dangerous at the worst... have you considered counselling?

    When you speak of the entire medical profession you must be speaking of Western medicine (which I put very little faith in.) Most Eastern philosophies believe and encourage the occasional fast/cleanse. I would much rather treat the problem than deal with the symptoms. : )

    You work with special needs kids? What Eastern Philosophies do you recommend to replace their meds?

    I'm glad berating people on the internet is high on your priority list.

    Look dude, I'm a firm believe in western medicine. My entire family works in one form of the medical field or another. They have still shown that gobs of eastern medicine can be extremely helpful. Nobody suggested taking kids meds away.

    agreed. no need to say crap like this
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    All the joking aside, since the majority of people and the entire medical profession think that cleanses are unnecessary at best, and dangerous at the worst... have you considered counselling?

    When you speak of the entire medical profession you must be speaking of Western medicine (which I put very little faith in.) Most Eastern philosophies believe and encourage the occasional fast/cleanse. I would much rather treat the problem than deal with the symptoms. : )

    You work with special needs kids? What Eastern Philosophies do you recommend to replace their meds?

    I'm glad berating people on the internet is high on your priority list.

    Look dude, I'm a firm believe in western medicine. My entire family works in one form of the medical field or another. They have still shown that gobs of eastern medicine can be extremely helpful. Nobody suggested taking kids meds away.

    agreed. no need to say crap like this

    Actually I didn;'t say "crap like this." the "dudette" simply thought that was what I meant and jumped to a bad conclusion. See my response to her above.
  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member
    All the joking aside, since the majority of people and the entire medical profession think that cleanses are unnecessary at best, and dangerous at the worst... have you considered counselling?

    When you speak of the entire medical profession you must be speaking of Western medicine (which I put very little faith in.) Most Eastern philosophies believe and encourage the occasional fast/cleanse. I would much rather treat the problem than deal with the symptoms. : )

    You work with special needs kids? What Eastern Philosophies do you recommend to replace their meds?

    I'm glad berating people on the internet is high on your priority list.

    Look dude, I'm a firm believe in western medicine. My entire family works in one form of the medical field or another. They have still shown that gobs of eastern medicine can be extremely helpful. Nobody suggested taking kids meds away.

    Look dudette,

    The OP plainly stated a preference for "Eastern philosophies" over "western medicine."
    I am challenging that by pointing out what should be an obvious disconnect.
    And this thread was aimed at her own personal health, not the medications of special needs children. Sis she say se was going to put all those kids on a fast? NO. This is about her, and if her medical issues can be dealt with naturally, than so be it. What gives you the right to tell someone else how to live their life?

    There is a difference between disagreeing with someone and having basic human decency to accept the fact that other people will live THEIR lives the way THEY see fit.
  • betoarango
    betoarango Posts: 222 Member
    I believe she clearly explained she wasn't pushing this on anyone, and she was clear on the fact that she wasn't using this to loose weight.
    If you do not fast, or know nothing about it back off.