How many times a day do you eat?

I know it all depends on how many calories you consume and not how many times you eat but I was curious how many meals people eat. I tried the 5-6 small meals a day but no that I am back to work I can't eat every few hours because I only get one break. Starting tomorrow I will be trying 3 meals a day at 400-500 cals each.


  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Eating 5 to 6 small meals took up way too much time and effort. I eat 3 now.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    I aim for 4-6 meals a day; and depending on your job your 'meal' can be a snack such as a bit of dried fruit with a protein source of your choosing
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    Three meals, two snacks usually.
  • Thatsdatdiva601
    Thatsdatdiva601 Posts: 209 Member
    3 nice size meals!
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
    I aim for 4-6 meals a day; and depending on your job your 'meal' can be a snack such as a bit of dried fruit with a protein source of your choosing

    I thought of that, but unless I shove food down my throat on a bathroom break, there's not time to eat. I work in a restaurant.
  • angelicasmommy
    angelicasmommy Posts: 303 Member
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    4-6 times
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    2 full meals .. dinner around 1000 cals
    doesnt matter aslong as u in a deficit at the end of the day,week,year
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I eat 5 to 6 times a day. You have to find what works for your calories and schedule. I am glad I am able to eat so often. I rarely get hungry and if I do luckily I have a meal right around the corner. Working in a restaurant must be hard though always smelling yummy food.
  • wick09
    wick09 Posts: 22 Member
    bBreakfast, lunch, snack, and supper. I get real hungry at 2-3 in the afternoon and have my big bowl of fruit. I would prob have a snack in the mornings if I ate breakfast early, but I eatt about 9ish
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    (sometimes) morning snack
    afternoon snack
    pre workout snack
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I take 3 bites every 14 minutes. My metabolism is TURBO MODE because of this.

    Joking aside: I don't keep track, I just eat until I'm out of calories but typically it's two very big meals and I usually have 1.5 scoops of whey in my AM coffee, and ice cream or popcorn or some other treat at night.
  • leslie0422
    leslie0422 Posts: 108 Member
    3 meals and 1 or 2 snacks
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Three meals, two snacks usually.

    This. I have a mid-morning banana and usually a small snack in the afternoon, because I hate exercising when I'm starving and I head straight to the gym after work.....
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    3 meals and a couple of snacks, I do have a very active job so sometimes I am totally starved by mid afternoon and have learned that afternoon snack keeps me from mindless munching while fixing dinner.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I like just having my coffee in the morning and saving my calories for later in the day. It makes me very happy to eat MORE in a sitting.

    I prob start eating anywhere between 11am and 1pm depending when I am hungry. Sometimes I may eat 2 or 3 big meals...and sometimes one big, oh yeahhhhhh, and then whatever snacks i want,

    whatever works for you.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Six times a day....I love eating! 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm, and small snack at 8 pm.
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    Three times a day, with some snacks. I spend most of my day sitting though, I think you would need more energy to keep it up, and burn energy faster, so eating more often would be a good idea. It doesn't have to be much, just bring a few carrots in a plastic bag or a cooked and peeled egg, something to take the edge off if you start feeling tired and hungry. Not because it will make a huge difference to your metabolism - working as a waiter you're running all day anyway - but because it will help you keep your blood sugar even, and not risk grabbing a chocolate or some other snack. Or just getting into a foul mood.

    And if you have to cram it in during a bathroom break, just do that. Remember to drink some water, too.
  • zigeuner62
    Three meals and 2 small snacks and nothing after dinner.
  • topgals
    topgals Posts: 40 Member
    At least 6 times :-)