"Your not going to loose any more weight are you?"



  • lovinmomma
    This stament comes out of concern, perhaps not said delicatly, this was said to me when i was annorexic and i didnt even notice i was getting so thin. I am not saying you are but i think some ppl get concerned and feel like they want to say something so you know they care. ON THE OTHER HAND some ppl are just jelous expecailly if you were their fat friend. Just respond with you are getting healthy and fit for yourself and you are happy :)
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Sabotage comes in many forms at many different times during a person's weight loss. Ignore it. Laugh at it. Consider the source. My standard answer to obvious saboteurs is a shrug of the shoulders and, "I guess we'll see." If they persist, I say, "My body, my science experiment and nobody else's business. Do I comment on the size of YOUR hips?" They will immediately apologize and insist they were only concerned for your well-being. You will know if they were sincerely concerned. One cool thing about getting older is you recognize BS when you smell it and you're not afraid to name it, if need be. "Thanks. Rest assured, I will not become anorexic. There is no fear of that." If they are saboteurs, as long as they know you are still 'suffering' and there is a chance you will gain the weight back, they will usually back off at that point, because they got what they wanted...to know you are still suffering. Those people are used to thinking of you as 'fat' and they don't want to have to change their perception of you, lest they be required to look at themselves.

    I have an acquaintance who will undoubtedly try to sabotage me when they notice I've been losing weight. They're so predictable, I'm anticipating it. Notice my Ticker?

    I must admit, if I am unsure of the other person's motives, I will use the "My doctor is happy with my weight," statement. Thanks for that!

    People are weird.

  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    I am in maintenance now, but, while losing I got it and my response was always "my doctor is very happy with my weight", lol. That pretty much shut them up. But, yes, I got tired of defending my weight and feeling like I needed to give them my weight to prove I was not underweight, lol.

    I've also told people the same thing about my doctor being really happy with me. One of them have asked if I'd be willing to speak with people directly about what I did and what it took. It is oing to be a different experience being "in maintenance."

    But then again I do refer to myself as a recovering engineer.