I'd like some new friends please :)

Hi everyone!

I've just joined MFP for the second time - first time around I did well, lost 100lbs or so (105 I think it might have been) but I fell off the band waggon. My fault, no interesting reasons as to why.

I'd love some friends on here to encourage, and to encourage me. I love a challenge and I never fail when I set my mind to something, but I do take a little longer than I planned sometimes!

So, I have 44lbs to lose. I don't have a deadline but I do need to get a move on. I feel bad that I gained some of my weight back and I never met my goal weight, but I'm confident that I can get this in hand.

My plans: I'm starting the 30DS today (I'm about to take my measurements, eek!), and I also used to love the New York Ballet workout (though I was always terrible at it). I like my cross trainer a lot, too, particularly when the music is LOUD.

I'm also working on NaNoWriMo (writing a 50 000 word novel in November). I've managed it twice before, and the third time around it's going.... well, I'm ahead of my goal, but inspiration is a touch tricky. Hoping a long walk will get some ideas flowing!

So, well, if you want a new friend do add me. I'm looking forward to starting this new phase and finally getting to my goal weight, and it would be grand to share my experiences :)


  • im brad new here, and will add you ! i need friends too!!!!!!
  • i would love to be your friend this is my first time on this so i dont know much about it but it looks great
  • Thank you both, adding you now <3
  • casey882
    casey882 Posts: 291 Member
    as you no ma_oeuvre on here does work hopefully you will lose the weight again my fear is im going to do the same as you lose it be happy with myself then put it all back on hopefully i wont feel free to add me
  • redsteve65
    redsteve65 Posts: 142 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I use the web-site every day to record food and exercise. I've found it a valuable way to monitor my calories and help weight loss.

    Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me.
  • thanks very much your my first and only friend lol
  • Goosie71
    Goosie71 Posts: 24 Member
    Please add me too, I think it's amazing that you have lost 100lbs... You did it once you can do it again
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Good that you are back, the accountability here with friends is probably the biggest asset of this site. I lost 50 pounds, which is all I needed to lose, but I did put about 15 back on I'd like to lose maybe 10 of that again. But I keep coming here for encouragement and also to encourage others, and for the friendships I've made. Even though I'm mostly in maintenance mode coming here still makes it feel like my efforts are being noticed, because in my real life everyone just now expects me to be this way, as opposed to here with the continual encouragement.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Feel free to add me. I could do with some more motivation and also other people to motivate!
  • I am here also. I have done this one other time but this time I have been at it since February 2011. I am slow at losing but so far I have lost 31 lbs. I am drinking ViSalus and love it. It has made a difference for me. I have another 20 lbs to go to my goal weight. Lets all do this together.
  • feel free to add me I love it when we can help motivate each other and share tips:)
  • I am new too and new some friends. I will add you.
  • hi i'm new and would like some friends too
  • Thanks everyone for their encouragement, adds, and invitations to add :D

    About to do my first 30DS, wish me luck haha! :)
  • Treuthiness
    Treuthiness Posts: 22 Member
    I've only been on for 6 days, but this has quickly become an obsession. I would love to have some people to talk to about losing weight (especially someone who has already been so successful), so I will definitely add you.
  • Thank you :)
  • lorettaasmith
    lorettaasmith Posts: 418 Member
    Always up for new friends....feel free to add me!
  • Adding you now :D
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I am on here most days and also started 30 ds yesterday!
  • CharlotteAnneUK
    CharlotteAnneUK Posts: 186 Member
    Feel free to add me. Most of the people I know that are on here are not "regular users" and I find that there are times when I go off the rails, so with other people keeping an eye on me, maybe I will be able to hold fast.